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Everything posted by SRS

  1. Does anyone know what software there is to resize a ntfs partition that works with win2k? I had partition magic 4 but that doesn't work and they don't support it. grr, i need help. tia
  2. SRS

    Need to resize NTFS partition in Win2k.

    Ok, made the boot disks but they don't work. While trying to start with the disks It says "Can not load dos". Is there anything else I should know?
  3. SRS

    Partitioning in Windows 2000

    I have 2 hd's all ntfs and only win2k.. I run makedisk and get the 2 disks made but when i reboot and use the disk it says dos not found.. argg!
  4. SRS

    Need to resize NTFS partition in Win2k.

    thanks for the help!
  5. SRS

    Partitioning in Windows 2000

    OK.. Why is my partition magic 5 telling me it doesn't work with win2k.. I thought this is what everyone has been using? Any other partitioning apps that will resize a ntfs partition?
  6. SRS

    Need to resize NTFS partition in Win2k.

    Ok.. I cant get partion magic 5 to instal on mt win2k box at all.. Any ideas?
  7. SRS

    Need to resize NTFS partition in Win2k.

    Thanks, I didn't even know it existed