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Everything posted by tcrosson

  1. tcrosson

    Xitel Storm Platinum in Win2k

    I have a Storm Platinum that install fine with the Windows WDM driver. No matter what I do, however, the sound will only work for about a minute (presuming I am not running any other program - in that case it just stops working instantly). I can try any drivers I want (from Aureal.com) and the problem is still there. Is anyone else having this problem? The sound on the motherboard works fine (even though it sounds terrible) if I install it. Also, is anyone having this problem with a SB Live? If not, I'll probably just get one of those now that its drivers are out.
  2. tcrosson

    Xitel Storm Platinum in Win2k

    I have an Athlon 750 with a Epox 7KXA mother board (KX133). TNT2 Ultra, 2940UW, Hollywood Plus, and LinkSys 10/100 take up my PCI slots. Also, what driver are you using Merkmen?