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Everything posted by peejay

  1. peejay

    NHL 2002 Issues...

    Bought NHL 2002 today and brought it home wanting to start playing as soon as possible, and there are problems (at least for me) with this version very much like there were with NHL 2001... The issue is that it installs okay, but moments after the screen goes black for it to load it dumps me back to the desktop. System: P4 1.7ghz GeForce2 GTS (latest driver) DirectX 8 256MB RAM Soundblaster Live Wondering if anyone else has managed to get this one going.
  2. peejay

    NHL 2002 Issues...

    Out of fustration I restarted my computer, double checked the CD in the drive was clean and started it, and it worked! This time the "Safedisk" screen did not come up. I quit a game, not realizing it would dumpt he whole game and tried to restart it... Again it is now dumping me back to the desktop again with the "Safedisk" bit coming up first.
  3. peejay

    Myst III on Win2k anyone?

    If you cannot start the game in Direct3D you likely have a Voodoo2 or 3 card like myself. The documentation for the game says that if you do have those cards there is nothing you can do but run the game in software mode, which is no good. I have been putting off getting a good card for a long time but I dont think I can anymore.
  4. peejay

    I'm beginning to hate Windows XP...

    Well, I will try not to complain like a child and more than likely I am not going to install WindowsXP if these security measures are put into place. At first I had heard it was only manditory registration that was in the software which I can accept just fine. The rest of it however is going to I think end up causing them ALOT of problems. If not by the outcry but perhaps by the extra staff they are going to have to hire to hand out these new keys when people change their systems around.
  5. peejay

    Perl on an IIS box?

    I will just chime in here as well in saying that Active Perl works wonders on an NT system (as I use it to run a copy of UBB). Of course the scripts that will not work are those that need to use sendmail in order to run. However many scripts lately give you the option to use other programs for mail such as Blat and Aspemail.
  6. peejay

    Photoshop 6.0 Freezing

    I've asked this before but it was awhile ago so perhaps more people have (or at least any) have had this problem. The program loads find and will run for awhile fine but it will always eventually lock up when choosing something from one of the menus. I have a lot of free memory and it is usually the only program open when I am using it. Has anyone else run into any problems with Photohop 6? Windows 2K Server Pentium III 650MHZ 256MB RAM
  7. peejay

    New patch for NHL2001

    I posted about this when it first came out and am very, very happy they finally did something about the 2K issue! The version # for anyone curious is 1.03. I had my doubts they were going to do something about it but it is good to see they did.
  8. peejay

    Blood 2 in Windows 2000

    I have heard this one does work, not well but it will work if you kick it enough. I will try to find out exactly how. In the mean time it is best to go for the easy things in case you have not done them. Make sure you have Blood II patched up to version 2.10 which you can find at http://www.the-chosen.com/patch/ ------------------
  9. peejay

    Tiger Woods 2001

    I have tried it on my system here as well and it fails every time. I do not know why EA seems to put no effort into Windows2K at all. Take "Alice" for example they even put on the box that Windows2K is not supported when the game works 100% just fine.
  10. peejay

    NHL 2001

    All I did to get to v1.03 which works with Windows2000 now is I ran the update program from my Start Menu, it did the little update thingy and then I started the program and say the version had been updated. Running the update utility is not giving you 1.03?
  11. peejay

    isn't Rollercoaster Tycoon supposed to work?

    I found the answer to the above question by doing a little digging. So if anyone else is having the problem of not being able to load a saved game in the game (without the loopy addon and what not) all you have to do is find the savegame in Explorer, double click on it and have it open with the program file. Not the best of ways to get something going but it does work when you do that. I was a little afraid I wasnt going to be able to play the game... it's to addictive. :-)
  12. peejay

    isn't Rollercoaster Tycoon supposed to work?

    The game installs just fine and so long as you play a new game it seems to work find as well. However when I try to load a saved game it just kicks me right back to the desktop. Anyone else managed to load a game after they have started one?
  13. peejay

    Monkey Island 4

    The game works for me okay as well with the only glitches being sometimes the first few seconds of the movies stutter but they seem to even out before I've missed anything. The game otherwise seems like a solid 2K release. Pentium III 600mhz 256MB RAM, Voodoo3 3500TV Soundblaster Live!
  14. peejay

    NHL 2001

    "C:\Program Files\EACOM\Update\update.exe" -id NHL2001 -url "http://nhl2001.downloads.ea.com/games/EACom/NHL2001/NA" -dir "g:\NEWNHL~1" -cdpath "H:" -checkandupdate -indexrequired That is the full path at least to the update program that I have installed on my computer. The paths and such to where you have it installed of course are going to be different. The version (it will say when loading) that works with Win2K fine is v1.03
  15. peejay

    NHL 2001

    Woohoo! Finally! Run the update program for NHL 2001 to make the program goto v1.03. This new version seems to have FINALLY fixed the problem with NHL 2001 and Windows2K. Please let me know if this works for everyone else.
  16. peejay


    In case anyone is wondering the hit game "Alice" works just fine under Windows 2000 (at least on my machine). I bought a copy from someone I knew at a store so that I would have no trouble returning it if I found a repeat performance of NHL 2001. I make that comment as the game is put out by EA Games who are anything but W2K friendly. The box itself even says Windows NT and Windows 2000 not supported. The demo worked fine on my machine so I didnt understand why the full version wouldn't. They know it works, they have to but I would bet that they do not want to support W2K so it is easier to just put that it will not work on the OS right on the box. Strange. I had it working on W2K Server with a PIII 600 and a Voodoo3 3500TV.
  17. peejay

    NHL 2001

    Believe me I would love to know why it is not working for me either. I have tried the patch, the compatibility program. When/if Microsoft releases a December compatability update it may or may not contain something that may be of some help to us 2K users. I have no faith in EA doing anything to solve the problem.
  18. peejay

    NHL 2001

    I have heard now that there may, hense, may be another offical update to NHL 2001 but they are already in full mode of getting NHL 2002 done in time. The problem with this getting a game over every year is there is next to no time to test and fix the major bugs ahead of time.
  19. peejay

    NHL 2001

    Thanks for the effort but alas I tried that one a long time ago. I have been reading on a few other sites regarding the game (www.nhl2001.com for example) that that patch only works with a few people. It gives me an error and then dies away not doing anything. Just about the only hope now is to wait and see if EA will do anything about it but seeing as how they have ignored any emails sent regarding the topic I doubt it.
  20. peejay

    NHL 2001

    Same results when running that program. The game itself as far as every single aspect except running a season works without a hitch. Even with that program, creating the reg entry and such it still comes back with the "Hard Drive Is Full" error message. It was a good hope.
  21. peejay

    NHL 2001

    I found the program acompat in the support folder on the Windows 2000 disk which I think is what you were refeering to. However when I attempt to run the program it tells me that a debugger has been found and to unload it and try again. I do not know of any on my system and have been looking to find any. Do you know what could be causing that and what to look for?
  22. peejay

    NHL 2001

    Where do I find Compatibility Toolkit? The file that was mentioned that is supposed to fix it only gives me an error and goes no further as it does for a lot of other people. I would love to try anything that would get the game to start working.
  23. peejay

    NHL 2001

    The game itself runs like a dream aside from the ole "hard drive is full" message which prevents it from being what it should be. I did notice an improvement in the game since I installed Direct X 8.0 However I am starting to get the feeling that our hopes of having the season error fixed are in vain. They are already likely at work on NHL 2002 in in order to get it out in the right amount of time.
  24. peejay

    Terrible Photoshop 6 performance....

    I have a post just below this one asking the same sort of question regarding PS6. It can be fine for a period of time and then it will crash all the time. I have reinstall it and it is crashing a lot less but the lock ups do happen. On another machine running Win2K with PS5.5 there have been no crashes of any kind.
  25. peejay

    Photoshop 6.0

    Has anyone else had problems with Photoshop 6 locked up on them frequently? I had 5.5 on my system and purchased the 6.0 update and since that point it is locked up all the time. Generally when going up into the menus only. I am using Windows 2000 Server with a Voodoo3 3500TV card.