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Four and Twenty

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Everything posted by Four and Twenty

  1. Four and Twenty

    1000th Post

    Quote: Suddenly, we see tons of posts consisting of nothing but smileys...everyone rushing to beat clutch to that elusive 4000 mark! AndyF i try to at least make a comment or something i am not a big fan of smileys in fact i don't think i have a single post that is just a smiley
  2. Four and Twenty

    AMD Athlon XP 2700+ & 2800+ with 333FSB

    i want an nforce 2
  3. Four and Twenty

    AMD Athlon XP 2700+ & 2800+ with 333FSB

    i want an nforce 2
  4. Four and Twenty

    Conflict using 2 audio cards w/Winamp 3

    Quote: Quote: C:\>prompt What do you want now?$_$P$G What do you want now? C:\> Could you explain that??????? I have V2.73. V 2.81 is the later version. I will download it and try and let u know. I also noticed V3 is TWICE the size of V2.73! the first line is how to change the prompt to appear like the second line
  5. Four and Twenty

    windows 2000 10 connection limit

    Quote: It also destroys WinXP installations.. but I guess I should have listened to the warning it popped up... yea it is generally a bad idea to use it was designed to prove a point that nt variants are all pretty much the same. at least for nt and 2k the kernal for ws is the same as it is for server the main diff is in the reg and the services.
  6. Four and Twenty

    windows 2000 10 connection limit

    Quote: What is NT switch? makes 2k pro or nt workstation into server
  7. Four and Twenty

    3000th Post!

    Quote: I think Phillip needs to clean up the user list! ya 13000 looks great untill you see how many simply signed up and left
  8. Four and Twenty

    Probably a very dum question.

    works on .net aswell i used it to get nfs5 working.
  9. Four and Twenty

    Win 2000 Pro And Half Life

    Quote: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Half-Life\Settings Look at CPUMHZ it should be set to 0 if not change it back to 0 or the other way a round to 1 see that helps any. what exactly does this key do if it was literaly what it sounds like it is then wouldn't you want to set it to your cpu speed
  10. Four and Twenty

    WMP 9 BETA - Problems.. anyone else?

    Quote: Anyone heard a final release/build date? october i think
  11. Four and Twenty

    Best Email client?

    Quote: I used to use Outlook Express, but over the last few years I've been a fan of Outlook (mostly since Outlook 98 came out and was stable). not only is it stable but it has a zillion more features
  12. Four and Twenty

    Now this is interesting...

    Quote: Yeah, I had a genuine laugh, after the legnths Microsoft went to further restrict piracy with SP1, then they released that KB article. I guess it's intent was for companies of legitimate volume licencing who had their key 'leaked'. yes that is the irony here pirates cause a problem microsoft fights back but inadvertantly disables some licenses of some very high paying clients then they release a fix which helps the pirates anti piracy hurts consumers and pirates
  13. Four and Twenty

    Mediaplayer 9

    Quote: Mine runs flawlessly so far, well the build 2800 i have build 2799
  14. Four and Twenty

    windows 2000 10 connection limit

    what about ntswitch i have a copy of this so let me know if you need it
  15. Four and Twenty

    batch file [executing EXEs]

    Quote: Do it this way: start "c:\winnt\...\program1.exe" start "c:\winnt\...\program2.exe" cool ya learn something new everyday
  16. Four and Twenty

    NAV Copr 8.0

    Just started rollling out NAV 8.0 on client machines on my network everything is going great it installs as an upgrade on clients that have nav corp 7.x and seems to interact fine with my servers running 7.6. nothing major has changed in this release ui is the same except for one new pic i image that the changes are in scan engine speed and in compatablitly with newer os's although 7.6 has been working great with .NET, RC2 is just around the corner and they may have changed something.
  17. Four and Twenty

    NAV Copr 8.0

    Quote: i've yet to see this version. I gotta find a way to check it out. I really likes 7.6 though if you like 7.6 you will like 8 they are pretty much the same
  18. Four and Twenty


    Quote: Here you go... just save the following text as setwin95.cmd: @echo off REM REM This batch script will mark an image file so that it thinks it is running REM on Windows 95. REM if "%1" == "" goto usage echo Marking %1 executable so it thinks it is running on Windows 95 imagecfg -w 0xC0000004 %1 >nul goto done :usage echo Usage: SETWIN95 executableFileName :done imagecfg is a great little tool it can be used to mod exes for proccessor affinity aswell
  19. Four and Twenty

    batch file [executing EXEs]

    Quote: Hi all! i'm trying to make a .BAT file that works like that: ------------------ "c:\winnt\...\program1.exe" "c:\winnt\...\program2.exe" ------------------ but when i run the bat file it doesn't run the program2.exe while program1.exe is running. I'd like it ran both program at the same time. how to do that? thanks a lot! hmmm that is an interesting question i am not sure that you can do that it is kind of the nature of a script one thing completes and then next thing runs until it is done you should try learning some visual basic that would surely be able to do it
  20. Four and Twenty

    Now this is interesting...

    Quote: Hopefully everyone will not get the impression that I posted that to aid in pirating XP/XPSP1... Not my intention at all. i know you are no pirate so i can back ya up on that obviously this is a problem that is caused by pirates it is just funny that the solution may help some of the pirates
  21. Four and Twenty

    Best Email client?

    Quote: Webmail, anyone?? yea like outlook running in a browser off of exchange server
  22. Four and Twenty

    Now this is interesting...

    Quote: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q328874 Anyone want to comment on that? that is good for the pirates out there
  23. Four and Twenty

    Mediaplayer 9

    does anyone notice how media player 9 slows down the mouse sometimes the cursor just skips around the screen
  24. Four and Twenty


    i can burn devils own for ya for $49.99 (j/k)
  25. Four and Twenty

    Upgrading Win2K from different language OS

    like mr.g said you are much better off to just format and reinstall.