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Four and Twenty

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Everything posted by Four and Twenty

  1. Four and Twenty

    Dual boot setup, is there a better way to do this?

    send a copy of you batch file to friendofkindbuds@hotmail.com thanks
  2. Four and Twenty

    Windows ME versus Win2k?

    If you like games get windows ME you can sit around bashing it all day but it woln't make you games run better. Who cares if you r using old Win95 codeif it works just because it is not NT doesn't immediatly make it a bad choice and if you can't decide dual boot and have the best of both worlds. I am actually quite impressed with win ME and i think that it has far surpassed win98 in many aspects ------------------ ---------------------- My System Dell Demension XPS T500 Dual Boot Windows 2000 / Windows ME Beta 3 PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan) 128 Megs PC133 Ram TNT2 Ultra Grafix Card (with the core and memory overclocked by 20 Mhz and dual voodoo coolers) 3Com 10/100 Ethernet Card 3Com 56k Modem 12.6 IBM HD 40X CD Rom Drive 100 Mb Zip Drive
  3. Four and Twenty

    Will games (after SP1 and Direct X 8.0 are released) work we

    Yes and no DX8 will probably imporve the performance a bit but honestly all you guy should stop wasting time messing with games on NT I understand somewhat because you are all probably fed up with winblows 98 but if you want the least hasstle for the best gamming experience get windows ME and run dual boot. I love win2k it is great but not for games and even though all my games work on 2k they work a consistent 10 - 15 fps better on windows ME which even in beta form seems to be as stable as win2k. So don't get your hopes up for a dramatic performance increase because it is not goiong to happen unless you get windows ME. ------------------ ---------------------- My System Dell Demension XPS T500 Dual Boot Windows 2000 / Windows ME Beta 3 PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan) 128 Megs PC133 Ram TNT2 Ultra Grafix Card (with the core and memory overclocked by 20 Mhz and dual voodoo coolers) 3Com 10/100 Ethernet Card 3Com 56k Modem 12.6 IBM HD 40X CD Rom Drive 100 Mb Zip Drive
  4. Four and Twenty

    Trying to install DUALBOOT HELP!

    win 98 can be installed if you use the 2000 cd afterwards to repair the "damage" to the win2k boot sector
  5. Four and Twenty


    any idea what kind of card this is
  6. Four and Twenty

    Windows ME

    win me is really quite an improvement in the win 9.x line it is quite stable fast and reliable i have had no lock ups except when experimenting with overclocking my tnt2u but that is to be expected. I have to give props to MS for actually making software that works and is easy to use. [This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 02 July 2000).]
  7. Four and Twenty

    Win2k versus Win98 (not SE), which is better and why?

    Id say wait until september and get windows me in my experience with the beta stages it is as stable and reliable as win 2k but with better gaming performance than win98se. Windows 98 sucks!
  8. Four and Twenty

    Win ME Language Support!

    I have windows me beta 3 and to my knowledge it is not a multilingual OS however the beta 3 i have is like an inbetween win 98 and 2k some stuff is obviously leftover from win 98 yet they are adding the win2k look and wizards along with that they may add the multilingual part but i doubt it because the home user has less use reason to have that functionality than the bussiness user in the world market. Solution if it doesn't have it run win2k and win me dual boot they run beautifully side by side infact the win me setup doesn't trash the win2k boot loader and it acutally will integrate itself into a previous win2k install plus it is as far as i know its 100% backwardly compatable all the way back to win95 (drivers included) and it is just as stable / reliable as win2k as well as faster. [This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 01 July 2000).]
  9. Four and Twenty

    networking with win 2000

    the windows help files perhaps! (just a thought)
  10. Four and Twenty

    Poor GeForce performance

    I am not impressed with geforce cards personnally i have a p3 500 with 128 megs of ram tnt2u with 32 megs of ram and with the core and memory of the tnt card overclocked 20 mhz in windows me and it povides a high framrate on all 32 bit color high res situations. Placed next to my friends p3 550 with 128 megs of ram and geforce ddr with 32 megs of ram my sys actually looks and feels smoother in q3 sof q2 nfs5 you name it. Althought he has winblows98 that could be the problem. My next gfx card will be the v5 6000 i can't wait.
  11. Four and Twenty

    ----------------)))))))) GeForce2 vs Voodoo 5 ((((((((------

    I think that the v5 6000 will provide best performace with 4 proccessors and 128 megs of ram it will clock in at 1.2 gigapixels per second with full screen hardware anti-aliasing and a bunch of t-buffer effects that is if you have $600 for a gfx card the other downside is no t&l support (but it really doesn't need it) [This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 01 July 2000).]
  12. Four and Twenty


    WinNT drivers are not Win2k Drivers simple as that althought win2k is a version of NT you shouldn't expect any NT4 drivers to work at all.
  13. Four and Twenty

    ASPI for Windows not available!

  14. Four and Twenty

    Mmtask run error on Win98

    i think the error has something to do with the fact that you are using winblows98
  15. This took some time for me to find as it was deeply embedded in the windows help files anyway i have an answer for you but you must follow the directions very carefully to get this to work. To create a custom monitoring console Open Microsoft Management Console (MMC). On the Console menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in. On the Standalone tab, click Add. In the snap-in list, click ActiveX Control, and then click Add. In the Insert ActiveX Control wizard, click Next. There is a short delay before the next dialog box appears; this is normal. In Control category, click All Categories. In Control Type, click System Monitor Control. Click Next. The System Monitor control provides the functionality of System Monitor. In Select a name for the ActiveX control, type a name for the control, and then click Finish. Note To open MMC, click Start, click Run, and then type mmc. Creating a custom console is useful if you want to have System Monitor hosted in the same console with Event Viewer or another tool.
  16. Four and Twenty

    Corrupted C: drive

    reformat c: and then use the winNT cd to repair the install (replace the boot loader)
  17. Four and Twenty

    How to reinstall/restore my OS loader.

    try booting off of the win2k cd (or make boot disks) and repairing the win2k installation otherwise you must reinstall win2k
  18. Four and Twenty

    FS: Athlon 600@750 System

    is the motherboard 4x agp? (I am a gammer i need 4x agp)
  19. Four and Twenty

    Norton Anti-Virus & Windows 2000

    i have alwayshated norton products cause every one i have tryed has screwed up my computer on way or another i use mcaffe virus scan nt version 4.0.3a and it "settles down quickly and intercepts viruses flawlessly"
  20. Four and Twenty

    V770 ultra and win2k = display too dark

    i had the same prob with my tnt2u running Quake 3 under win2k. My solution was to stop playing games on win2k. I got me a beta copy of Windows Millennium and set my sys up dual boot. Although all the games that i wanted to play worked under win2k the performace and annoyances sucked and Windows ME is fast and at least for me it is everybit as stable as win2k. So hold out for a month and you can get a copy and forget about win2k gaming it is really more trouble than it is worth. But do what you will personally i think that power strip program sux and the last thing i need is another program running all the time win2k already manages to eat 60 to 80 megs of my 128 megs of ram just to idle.
  21. Four and Twenty

    Win2k Startup takes about a year...

    when winblows reinstall problems solved!!! when i was running winblows 98se i had to reinstall about once a month to provide almost mildy sort of reliable performance. since the upgrade to win2k back in september i have reinstalled like 3 or 4 times. However not due to any porbs with the os i just had reasons to repartition my drive (like messing with other OSes on the side) and since partition magic is one of the only peices of software i haven't been able to pirate the only way to do it was repartition and reinstall. Even if windows doesn't give you problems it is a good idea to reformat and reinstall on a regular basis it makes for a nice fast clean system, very little fragmentation, nice clean reg and you lose that whole mess of progies that you tried once and forgot about. I guess most of you porbably aren't quite as anal about your pc's performance as me but just my 2 cents anyway
  22. Four and Twenty

    How to setup a dual boot?

    I have a dual boot situation where win2k and windows Millennium beta 3 are installed on my single ide hd. I have my 12.6 gighd partitioned as follows: 11.7 gigs dirve c: with win2k installed, dirve d: 978 megs with win me installed. Now to acomplish this i first partitioned my hd shooting for a gig for windows 98se (which was the first os that i had installed on logical drive d: ) fdisk is kinda wierd so instead of a gig i came out with 978 megs which is fine cause it is close enough. Anyway you need not partition anything because you have multiple hard disks. So with my drive split in two i first installed win98se on drive d: (note win98 must be installed first!!!) so you are all set because you allready have win98 installed so you are halfway there. I then installed win2k on logical drive c: and blamo done dual boot setup finished. When i got windows Millennium i simply installed it over win98se and thats it. one final note when installing win2k on whichever drive you decide to put it on make sure that the you leave the drives fat32 and DO NOT CHANGE TO NTFS or you will not be able to boot win 98. WIN98 simply doesn't know how to read ntfs so if you change any of your drives to ntfs, well you get the idea! Good luck Hope this helps! [This message has been edited by Four and Twenty (edited 27 June 2000).]
  23. Four and Twenty

    Lockups -

    i have found that lockups on my system can all be traced back to my video card. I had a problem with lockups with the 5.17 Detonator drivers but the 3.78 drivers work great no lockups whatsoever also expect some randome lockups if you overclock your gfx card. I have my card overclocked in windows me and i experience lock ups every so often (about 4 in the past 3 months) When my gfx card is not overclocked it never crashes at all. On my system Windows Millennium beta 3 is just as stable as win2k when not overclocked also far better for games (about 10 fps better) anyway i will stop babbling my point is try different drivers and your troubles may go away
  24. Four and Twenty

    Power doesn't shut off at shutdown

    the answer is get the most recent bios for you system and make sure that avanced power management is enabled before instaling win2k
  25. Four and Twenty

    Excellent site for overclockers

    thanks for the laugh felix!