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Everything posted by BladeRunner

  1. BladeRunner

    Office 97 .pst mail file in Office XP [MS outlook]

    Open Outlook XP. Click File>Import and Export Follow the wizard, browsing to your Outlook 97 .pst file when requested.
  2. BladeRunner

    The phasing out of Windows 98 has begun...NT4 too.

    Where do you think we would be in the world of computers if both hardware manufacturers and software houses's had always thought "Oh we must think of the old systems" when they developed their new products? We saw this with Windows, it took an age to evolve, from Win3x to WinME we were stuck with old true 16bit support. We were forced over many years to have a sub-standard OS because we ahd to keep "thinking of the old systems". Do you know what happens when Microsoft stop supporting Win98 & WinNT? What doesn't happen is that all current installations of the OS self uninstall. All installation CD's explode, this doesn't happen. What does happen is that Microsoft take all the people who are currently working on the old OS's and reassign them to the new supported ones. I cannot believe that MS have continued to support Win98 for so long, the OS is coming up to five years old, nowehere else in the computer industry could you expect to still get full manufacturer support on five year old equipment. 16bit is dead, long live 16bit.
  3. BladeRunner

    NAV autoupdate and XP Service pack 1078

    Now I must admit I haven't currently got the latest XP SP. I think I'm currently on build 1072? Anyway, the SP I'm currently using has no problem at all with the automatic updates from Symantec - I wouldn't be online without it Thc I know you are beta testing the WinXP SP, so if this is the case you've got to get this reported to MS as a bug ASAP. 1078 is supposed to be the last pre-RC release, ie what you've got now is more or less what we are going to get in the RC and then in gold. They say themselves that this latest release was going to be RC but they just wanted to make sure no major new bugs have been introduced - sounds like they may well have introduced one.
  4. BladeRunner

    NV30 performance level hints ;)

    I'll believe it when I see it I'm afraid. "Leaked specs" always fly around prior to the release of a card and last I heard NVidia were having issues that could possibly delay the card to Q1 2003. I find it a little hard to believe that a card released would be almost three times as fast as anything currently available - sure it would be impressive and I'm sure NVidia will apply a nice price tag to go with it, but I'm a little dubious of those claims.
  5. BladeRunner

    Windows XP home oem(bought it) vs window 2000 sp2 or sp3

    The reason nobody is answering is mainly because there is no answer to this question. If you search this very forum you'll find numerous attempts at a similar thread and each one of them ends the same way, an argument. You know when you go out and buy a load of new components for your PC? You take a look at the various motherboards, CPU's, memory, video cards etc. Well you take a look at them all, usually you are working to a budget and you choose all those components that are going to serve your needs. Your choise of OS should be no different, you have to simply consider it another component of your PC. "Which is best" is an impossible question to answer and I mean that, anybody who attempts to give you a generalisation and say "OS x is better than OS y" is simply voicing their own opinions and nothing more. For me the very best OS currently available is WinXP Professional. It's fast, it's easy to use and very stable. I have seen but one blue screen of death (NVidia driver issue) in the near year my current installation has been in use. It plays every game I throw at it, it runs every application I throw at it. All the "features" that everybody else moans about are moot, you cannot have a PC that connects to the Internet and expect infinite privacy. PA is not an issue for me, as I said above in nearly 12 months I've installed and activated my copy of WinXP once, by that it will be 5 years before I have to phone up to activate - think maybe I'll have moved on before then. However that is my own opinion and that is all I can give you, others I'm sure will do the same, that is until one person says something out of line, usually slagging off an OS another feels passionate about and then the arguments start.
  6. BladeRunner

    Windows 2000 - SP3 Feedback -Post here

    You agreed to the license when you installed SP3. If you don't like it, uninstall it.
  7. BladeRunner

    Downloading Direct x9

    If you are a DirectX 9 beta tester then you'll know where to get the files from. If not then I can only suggest you do a search on some of the more popular search engines for a download location as any such location would be illegal - DirectX 9 has not yet been released, it has been released to beta testers who agreed to certain terms and conditions, so any public download for such a program would directly go against these agreements. DirectX integrates itself very deeply into your OS. Once there you will not be removing it. It is time limited, all of these factors added together should make you want to stay as far away as possible from DirectX 9 until it has been officially released.
  8. BladeRunner

    Formating / Reinstalling Frequency

    Still on my original installation of WinXP which was installed about a week after it went retail once MS had sent me my copy.
  9. Well, lets be honest, they can't really make a Highpoint controller work any worse can they?
  10. BladeRunner

    The phasing out of Windows 98 has begun...NT4 too.

    Oh don't get me wrong, the death of Win9x is like the death of an old friend. I was on the beta test team for Win95, my first every copy of the said OS was an Alpha copy that shipped to me on some 30+ floppy disks. I watched this OS take shape, sure we were all aware that it's feet were still firmly in DOS. We were still looking at essence at a 16bit OS, but it was nice. I remember installing the final version once MS had sent me my free copy and loving it, I felt computing had evolved on the day Win95 was released. Win98 was a great set of bug-fixes for Win95, Win98 was an excellent Service Pack - please don't get me started on WinME, thankfully my PC never saw that OS. With Win2k it was a similar feeling as to when I first started with Win95. Again I was beta testing Win2k from the days when my latest betas still booted up under a Windows NT5 logo. Once I'd moved totally over to Win2k (again on release day, I never stayed dual-boot with Win98 like so many others) I again saw it as a step forward. If a game didn't run under Win2k I chucked it. If an application didn't run under Win2k I chucked it and looked for a replacement. From a personal point of view I really wont miss Win9x that much. When you look back at it and compare it to the WinXP Professional installation I'm currently running it was dismal to say the least, but Win95 made computing fun again, especially as I managed to pick up my MCP in it about two months after it was released and everybody wanted me to answer their techy questions on it
  11. BladeRunner

    DX8.1b for Windows XP?

    Quote: ya but in a month i'm going to college! so i will be to busy then :x Well that would be a first, a college student actually being busy! I'm assuming this would be in between beer and pron?
  12. BladeRunner

    what do you recommend?

    As a rule you cannot go wring with ASUS, I own a board from them at the moment, but the P4T533 may not be the best board to go for at the moment. Numerous reasons: 1. Most vendors are selling the board without any RAM and then selling the RAM seperately, costs a small fortune. 2. RAM is in extremely short supply, if you think 256MB will be enough for now until about September when this stuff will be available en mass then maybe, otherwise you'll be hard pushed to find anywhere selling the RAM. 3. A lot of the RAM being sold seperately is PC3200 and not PC4200. This is basically PC800 rather than PC1066 memory. 4. The PC4200 floating around at the moment is non-ECC, great you may say. Well think again, reports surfacing about this being a very unreliable combination, ASUS only varified EEC RAM for this board and that isn't currently available. The idea and plan was sound, 32bit RDRAM modules, in essence two sticks of RAM in one module, no need to purchase two sticks any more. However the board has been released too early, the RAM isn't widely available and what is about is expensive. If you are considering this board I would recommend waiting about a month until RAM is available from anywhere.
  13. BladeRunner

    DX8.1b for Windows XP?

    Just hold back on your re-installation. In a matter of weeks, a month at most I would have thought, WinXP SP1 will be officially released. The beta's have been getting better and better, each of the issues I've reported to MS that I found in the beta's have been fixed in subsequent releases. I'd say it's really close to going gold, MS always said they wanted it out in August.
  14. BladeRunner

    Win2k SP3

    It is nothing new that SP3 is available for download before the web pages have been updated. This was the case with all the WinNT SP's as well as SP1 & SP2 for Win2k. It would be crazy to have the links available before the files were situated on the FTP server. The webmasters need to make sure they are linking to the correct places and to make sure all is working before they publish the new pages. It has nothing to with uncontrolled distribution, it's both sensible and the correct way of doing things.
  15. BladeRunner

    Windows 2000 SP3 is here

    Well my test domain will recieve SP3 tomorrow, considering it's 1:30am here right now I've got no intention of doing anything with it now My test domain DC, Exchange Server, SQL Server and at least one workstation will have had to have been running this for 30 days without a single issue before it gets rolled out to my live domain. Oh the fun starts here, the workstation upgrades always come first, then the dreaded servers - please don't let this be like the infamour NT4 SP which killed servers left, right and centre.
  16. BladeRunner

    Win2k SP3 Indefinitely Postponed

    For all you eagerly awaiting SP3 for Win2k, I've just received my regular e-mail from Sunbelt Win2k News. Here is what they have to say: "The WinInformant site reported that MS has indefinitely delayed the third service pack for W2K according to internal documents they saw recently. SP3 was actually scheduled for release July 17, but they recently discovered several major bugs in the Microsoft Installer (MSI) 2.0 code, which MS had planned to bundle with the update. This will significantly delay the SP3 release. So it is back to manual patching, and the hotfixes are rolling off the assembly line at a regular clip. Personally I would suggest having another look at UpdateEXPERT which is a critical element in automating the security of your networks." If anybody is interested, WinInformant article is here: http://www.w2knews.com/rd/rd.cfm?id=020715ED-WinInformant Information on UpdateEXPERT is here: http://www.w2knews.com/rd/rd.cfm?id=020715ED-UpdateEXPERT
  17. BladeRunner

    Driver under Windows2000

    Feel free to ask questions about games as much as you like - that is why the two games forum's are there after all. Make the questions general, but I don't think I'm the only one who's back gets put out once the conversation turns to illegal software - I for one wont attempt to help an obviously illegal or pirate software issue, however others will - it's their choice. When you go for the illegal option you've got plenty of risks involved, virus's, trojan's and quite often the fact the thing will just not run when the original, legal version does just fine. There are probably other area's on the net that will help you with such software, but the majority of the mainstream onces tend to keep an "anti piracy" policy, and certainly one I and a lot of other people agree with.
  18. BladeRunner

    Windows .NET 3663 Server

    For the same reason that we still keep on seeing: Pls, why wont Half Life run on my PC running Win2k AS? The user has found a download for this OS and rather than sticking to an illegal download of a workstation OS, they have gone one step further. Bascially this is why I refuse point blank to answer any Win2k AS questions with relation to games/entertainment titles as these are obviously illegal downloads. Going to really be the same for .net server, if you've got it legally you wont be using it as a general everyday OS.
  19. BladeRunner

    Driver under Windows2000

    Hummm, with all due respect this is not a board to discuss how to get your illegal and ***** copies of games working. These board are of a professional nature, I feel even the admin's will agree on that one. As you know that when purchased this game works fine under the OS in question, maybe you should do your part at supporting the flagging PC gaming industry, put your hand in your pocket and don't thieve software. Currently the PC gaming market makes software houses the least amount of money, houses will eventually start dropping the PC as a valid gaming platform should they not make a profit, eventually this will leave us with no decent games for the PC. Please don't be a thief, support the software houses that spend a fair amount of money on developing these games for you to enjoy. With the age of the game in question you should be able to pick it up under a budget label without much problem.
  20. BladeRunner

    Wheeee! Novell class, Fall semester

    I'm a CNA and I gained that qualification after a week long course. Before that I'd had very limited experience using Novell. It can get confusing with how security and rights work as they are totally different from Microsoft. NDS is nice, it's more powerfull than AD which really attempts to emulate it. The problem is, I went on the course for a place where I was working at the time because obviously they used Novell servers. Since my contract at that place finished and I've moved on I've never had any need what so ever to use my Novell knowledge again. A lot of hystorically Novell sites moved to MS once AD was released, not because AD is better, it isn't, but because AD was powerfull enough so that they could move platforms. It's great to have some Novell knowledge, the qualification will obviously look great on the CV, but don't bank on that many sites using it - although once you know it you may be able to convince sites to change over to it
  21. BladeRunner

    An Interesting Question to debate on...

    It was meant in jest my friend. Sorry if offence was given, certainly wasn't intended.
  22. BladeRunner

    DX8.1b for Windows XP?

    No there isn't. So in answer to your second question, you don't
  23. BladeRunner

    An Interesting Question to debate on...

    Sorry, couldn't resist I am not obsessed with the new technology. I just buy it when it comes on sale AMD Athlon 1400+ 256mb SDRAM (BOO!!!) S3 ProSavage Graphics Card So which new technology bits are you buying? :-P A great majority of people just like to see a new score in all their benchmarks. All these 3DMark2001 people will go out and buy the latest and greatest, score an amazing benchmark and then post to the world. Unfortunately loads of people then swoon and talk to the person as if they were some god - Oh man, you benchmarks rock! Personally there are some things I try to stay on the ball with and others that I don't. Also the old "Can your current system do everything you need it to do" question, and that works quite well. I'm still using a GF3 Ti200. I've only actually got one of these because my GF2 Ultra died about a month after the warranty ran out, forcing me into an upgrade situation. I usually play games in 1024x768, sometimes 1280x1024. These are sweet resolutions as things are not too small so as you cannot see what is going on. FOr this reason my current setup is more than capable of running everything I throw at it. If I felt benchmark scores were important, kind of life or death. If I felt that the only way to play games was in 1600x1280 then I too would be upgrading every six months when these hardware manufacturers release something new and know full well lots of people will spend release-date prices on the things. However as everything in my system is more than enough, I personally shall miss out the GF4 and go straight to the next gen, I will never buy a graphics card and only get six months of use from it. Graphics cards are arguably one of the most expensive devices in your machine, if I'm going to be forced into spending a lot of money for one then 12-18 months of use minimum is what I expect.
  24. BladeRunner

    Driver W2K Canon LBP 660

    Another possible link here at Canon Asia: http://www.canon-asia.com/downloads/list_laserBeamP.html Looks like it's only the obvious Canon sites that don't seem to have any reference to this printer
  25. BladeRunner

    Driver W2K Canon LBP 660

    It took some searching, but I believe I've managed to find what you need on the Canon Germany site: http://support.canon.de/produkte/drucker/lbp660/lbp660_sw.htm