Yes it would appear that I was 'suckered' :-)
I've been using Easy CD since version 3.0
I've never had any problems with it at all.
Version 3.5c worked fine under Win2k, but I thought it was about time I upgraded to the latest version.
I have tried everything!
I tried what one poster said.
Installed the pre-installation patch, re-booted, installed the 4.6 ASPI drivers, ran the check, re-booted.
Installed ECDC 4.02, re-ran the 4.6 ASPI installer, ran the checker again - showed 4.6
Then re-booted and hit exactly the same problem again, Win2k wont start!
Still awaiting a response from Adaptec.
I give them 2 more days, then it goes back.
I hear that Neo is quite good?