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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    So, what upgrades do you plan down the road?

    A USB-enabled microwave would be cool. Other than that, I'm cool.
  2. clutch

    How to rip off ...

    I could have sworn that you can get it with IE as an option. Have you tried that?
  3. clutch

    Asus P3V4X temps reading ???!!

    Oh, I thought he was already using a Slot 1 processor, and therefore would not be using a Slocket. Is that the case?
  4. clutch

    Changing the MAC address on NT Server 4.0

    The MAC address is a hard-coded function of the NIC. That's probably not working because NT will pick up the MAC from each NIC interface, and then recreate the reg key. The easiest way to change that would be to replace the network card. Are you trying to change the SID?
  5. clutch

    ASPI Layer for W2k, does it exist?

    Those work fine for me as well, but you need an Adaptec product to be "allowed" to install them.
  6. clutch

    And now for Toby...

    Happy B-Day Toby
  7. clutch

    Asus P3V4X temps reading ???!!

    Well, I am definately not an expert on this, but maybe I can give you something to work on. A. What kind of paste are you using? B. Are you sure you got a nice smooth layer of paste (no empty areas to form hotspots)? C. Was this range you show for speeds all tested on a single voltage setting? You will get the vast majority of your heat from the voltage rating, rather than the clockspeed alone. Power (Wattage, shown as heat) equals Current multiplied by Voltage (P=IE). D. Have you checked for any BIOS updates that might address an incorrect temp reading? I have a Socket 370 P3 933 running at 1.085GHz (1.75V) that idles at 29*C and runs under full load at 42*C, while my Slot 1 P3 550@605 idles at 43*C and under full load runs up to 56*C. The first board is an ASUS CUSL2 and the second is an ASUS P3B-F. I hope these help.
  8. clutch

    APK or whoever can help me

    No problem bud. Just when I thought I "figured it out", it turns out my man Philipp actually flipped the switch so I could lock/move/delete the threads. So, I am not as big of an idiot as I once thought (no comments please ).
  9. clutch

    Shared Resources, where is security?

    Are you using NTFS bud? I know, prolly a stupid question but I thought I would ask.
  10. clutch

    outlook xp contacts backup

    What I would do (and continue to do) is use the "Export" function of Outlook 97/98/2K/XP to keep all of my stuff. Just go to "File>Import and Export" and then select "Export to a file". You will be presented with several options to choose from. If you use PST, that's a proprietary file format for Outlook, it will preserve all subdirectories and can be imported later (this was the file that you were "backing up" using your other method) back into Outlook. If you use CSV format, that can be read in Notepad, Excel, and can be imported into various contact manager programs/databases. Take a look at it and give it a whirl.
  11. Umm, naahhhh. Just settle it, or drop it. I like the debate and all, but seems that both of you have illustrated your separate points. Is this pretty much correct? Do you guys have anymore GOOD info on this topic? If you just want to vent at each other, take it to the "other" forum. I have placed this one over there for your viewing pleasure.
  12. clutch

    APK or whoever can help me

    I can't, I don't have the juice to do it. I think Philipp thought moderators could (and indeed CAN, duh), but I can't. Sorry. edit Sweet! I figured it out. MUUWWWWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! /edit
  13. Welp, I guess this thread is going the same way as another one here. I will have to say that DrPizza does have some valid points about the contention-based system(s) that apps can and do employ in the Win32 environment, hence my lack of desire to shut down services that aren't directly bothering me. Now, some apps affect RAM in the method that APK mentions. However, the only major app that I can really remember not doing this properly has been MS Exchange (both 5.5 and 2K) where they like to swallow all the remaining memory over a short course of time, and then "manage" (read: greedily hoardes and won't give up) the release of it to other apps that may need it. Exchange 5.5 provides a much easier method to cap this via the performance wizard, whereas Exchange 2000 takes a little more "finese". So, how 'bout we just drop this and call it a day? When I get to the point where I can't do anymore with a topic, I simply state that I wont respond to it anymore, and then ignore it. You would be surprised by how well that works...
  14. clutch

    APK or whoever can help me

    Wow, I didn't know what I was missing here. I simply thought APK was helping somebody out after the first reply on here. Maybe SHS could just lock the thread and be done with it. Any thoughts on this?
  15. Sorry to interrupt, but I had to say that "bleat" is a kicka$$ nick. So, nothing to see here, please move on...
  16. clutch

    Secdns server

    Ahh, what you are doing is hosting multiple primary zones, is that correct? I have not done that before, so I really can't help you there. Honestly, I haven't had a need to host more than one zone before so I wouldn't know where to start (other than Technet ). If I find something, I will let you know.
  17. OK bud, let's get something straight here. First, I wasn't the only person to ask you to stop double posting. Second, I suggested that you put a LINK to the first post you make in another forum to any other forum that you think is applicable. In this case, it would make it much easier to people to track a topic that they might be interested in rather than bouncing between the several copies of a post to see where the threads go. However, you first thought that it was the job of the moderators to clean up after your mess when you stated that moderators should be able to delete or move whatever isn't necessary: Quote: "I was thinking that the moderators could take care of it, delete whatever one they have to etc. & move it to the one they felt it fit the best!" That was here. On this same post, I asked you to simply post a link to it so anybody else who wants to respond to it, could do so in a single thread. When you stated "Fair enough" and saw my recommendations, I thought you understood. But, you either didn't or wouldn't, and continued with your cross posting. As for anybody else cross-posting, they are probably getting the idea that it's acceptable from seeing Senior Members doing it repeatedly (such as yourself). Also, that kind of response ("Everybody else is doing it, so why can't I?") is something I would expect from a child, and not from someone of your abilities. As for your reference to my being on other boards, no I am not on the Anandtech forum. But, that brings up an interesting point; why are you posting here so much again? I really didn't have much of an issue with you're being here, but I was just wondering if you were run off of one of the other boards. I remember defending you in the past from members of ANOTHER messageboard that came here to badger you and tell everybody here all about your behavior on other boards. Next point, you speak of "snide comments". If you think my remarks were "snide" and forwarded them to Philipp (which, btw, I corresponded with him BEFORE the first time I mentioned anything about the cross posting and asked about deleting the excessive posts) because they hurt your feelings, then you need to grow a thicker skin. When jaywallen (whom I hold in high regard) made a statement regarding a about clearing a pagefile (click here) and merely continued on the line of thought DosFreak had, you jumped in with fragmentation issues and carried the thread off to some wild tangent that nobody could follow and wound up in a pi$$ing contest and proclaimed that "that even replying to you again would be a waste, I sent this to Phillip the owner here to show him your behaviour..." in one reply, and then HAD to repeat that AGAIN in this reply "Phillip has this post sent to him now, he will decide what to do!" Which I guess he did, since jaywallen is STILL an active member here. That was pretty "grown up" of you though, to whine about it to the owner of the board and then write that in TWO responses (one wasn't enough?). Finally, ghayes (da man ) shows up to clarify some issues of fragmentation (bear in mind that thread WAS about a reg setting on clearing the pagefile, but is now spiralling off into defrag-land) and pretty much fixed the confusion. Then, seeing as you were clearly wrong on your assumptions, you made a desperate bid to look like you knew what you were talking about and started babbling endlessly about what Greg posted. Seems to me it would have better to just let it be, and move on. So there you have it. That's why I made an example of you, because you are the worst offender. You've got issues? Fine. If I am asked not be a moderator, then I can accept that. But I will not sit here and watch you continue to ignore me and babble endlessly about God-knows-what and then copy-and-paste it to multiple forums. Sorry to have wasted anybody's bandwidth and time on this, but APK wanted to make this a public matter and this will be the last I discuss about it here.
  18. clutch

    Good, simple and cheap Web editing software

    Are you guys thinking of going to Exchange? While I have used Exchange 5.5/2000, I am more centered around the mail and OWA (Outlook Web Access) functionality of it than its collaborative portions. I have worked with a little bit of CDO coding to make apps that access calendars and such, but I haven't really gotten into the posting and sharing of documents into "Team Folders" and the like.
  19. clutch


    Happy B-Day.
  20. clutch

    Secdns server

    APK is right, as this would normally fall under networking, but no problem as we "networking fiends" tend to scour this board rather well. Now, when you bring your secondary DNS box online into your primary DNS zone, it should replicate all of the records of the primary DNS box. You seem to have a pretty good grasp of NT DNS, so this shouldn't be an issue for you at all. In other words, no worries mate...
  21. Obviously, you cannot seem to remember when I asked you not to double post, so I felt that this would "stick" a little better. It seems to be working.
  22. clutch

    WinXP and Me network peace anyone?

    Post how your "streaming" is going along. I keep all my MP3s (3000+) on a single server at home, and I play them on my workstations from that. I am interested in hearing what your performance is like.
  23. clutch

    WinXP and Me network peace anyone?

    Why would you have someone disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP? That doesn't make any sense, as I thought he was looking for NetBIOS name resolutions, and he doesn't have an NT server hosting DHCP or WINS.
  24. clutch

    Good, simple and cheap Web editing software

    That I don't know. I haven't messed with Lotus Notes, so I really couldn't tell you. What data are you trying to get? Email info, or other collaborative data?
  25. clutch

    Screen Positions????

    Ahh, I thought you were still buried under Win98 Rev A. Then all's well afterall.