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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Another tool for IIS from MS

    This is a security lockdown tool from MS for IIS. I don't know if this was posted out here, so I am posting it now as I saw it listed on Technet today. http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/Release.asp?ReleaseID=32362
  2. I haven't a clue, but Philipp should be the man on this one.
  3. clutch

    CPU or Nvidia choke up with all games.

    Do you get any harddrive activity during this time? It could be swap file activity. Normally, when I see this behavior on a machine with 256MB or less, it's because I forgot to lock the page file. On a machine with 256MB or more, I tend to set the swap file to 200MB depending on the apps I use.
  4. clutch

    Linksys router and FTP server

    The reason why I ask, is that a friend of mine was having the same issue, and for some reason I couldn't connect to his server when using a non-standard port. Once he switched back to 21, it was fine. I have hosted FTP servers in IIS on non-standard ports, and not had any problems. And he told me others could get to his server even though it was on port 17. So, can you connect on the LAN to that server on 2121?
  5. clutch

    Linksys router and FTP server

    Have you tried the same on the standard (21) port?
  6. clutch

    IE 6.0 Sucks???

    I have never had any issues with it. It's faster than 4.x and 5.x, and more stable. I haven't had any problems with the IE line since since IE4 SP1 actually, but the performance has been getting much faster over the last few years.
  7. clutch

    Force Nero to Overburn

    I myself, have not seen it happen. And honestly, I don't know how it would. I mean if there was a possiblity of damage with the laser being active when the laser assembly is that far at the end of its travel, then maybe. But, maybe somebody else here would have a better answer.
  8. clutch

    New tool from MS for IIS

    I get these email newsletters from www.iisanswers.com, and I thought I would just post this to you for those that are interested: ------------------------------------------------------- IIS Answers Bulletin URLScan Tool Released by Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseID=32571 -------------------------------------------------------- In response to security concerns about IIS, Microsoft released today a tool called URLScan that could be a valuable security asset. It is an ISAPI filter (consequently, it will always run in process), that will analyze an incoming request and screen them according to a ruleset created by the administrator. This is the same kind of technology used by IISSecure created by Eeye which has proven to be an effective security tool. It would be ideal if a malformed or suspect URL never reached IIS for processing in the first place. Nevertheless, in the interests of layered protection, should a firewall or Intrusion Detection Software be defeated, IIS itself would be inspecting packets according to provided and customized rules. URLScan is an ISAPI filter and as such, must be crafted carefully. There are scalability and concurrency issues associated with ISAPI filters that Microsoft may have missed so I would not rush to deploy this tool on a production server until it has been proven in the field. As a free tool that is developed by Microsoft, this seems to rise to the level of worthy of your consideration. --------------------------------------------------------- On another matter, the reviews of the first IIS Security and Administration (IIS FastTrack) class held in Boulder, CO last week are now online at http://www.iistraining.com/Reviews.htm ---------------------------------------------------------- Brett Hill IIS Administration and Security Training http://www.iistraining.com
  9. clutch

    port for Terminal Server

    3389. This can also be changed if the need arises: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q187/6/23.ASP
  10. clutch

    Force Nero to Overburn

    As opposed to using File>Preferences>Expert Features and selecting "Enable Overburn..."?
  11. clutch

    World Trade Center is gone

    Yeah, I am trying to get myself prepped to do it as well. I was really ill for a while when I was young (brocho-spasm, constant coughing and you can't breathe) and they stuck me will all kinds of needles. Unfortunately, I got to be the test bed for new nurses at times and I have not had a strong desire to endure it again. But I think this may be necessary.
  12. clutch

    win2k/win9x/me networking slowdown

    Normally I just setup whatever NT-based box that I am using to act as a WINS server. Then, no problems with browsing whatsoever. Now, as to your problem, Anything, I believe this is what you are looking for. Here's the link: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...rt4/proch23.asp And here's the part that you may find of interest: When a Windows 2000 Professional–based computer starts up, it first checks the registry entry MaintainServerList to determine whether a computer can become a browser. This entry is found in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \Browser \Parameters Table 23.4 describes the values that you can assign to the MaintainServerList entry to specify how a computer participates in browser services. Table 23.4 Allowable Values for the MaintainServerList Registry Entry Value Description No Prevents the computer from participating as a browser. Yes Makes the computer a browser. Upon startup, the computer attempts to contact the master browser to get a current browse list. If the master browser cannot be found, the computer forces a browser election. The computer becomes either an elected master browser or a backup browser. Auto Makes the computer a potential browser. It might become a browser, depending on the number of currently active browsers. The master browser notifies the computer whether it is to become a backup browser. This value is the default for computers running Windows 2000 Professional and Windows NT Workstation 4.0. Tip It is a good idea to set the MaintainServerList entry to No on computers that are frequently powered off or removed from the network, such as portable computers. This ensures that a browse server is always available and helps to reduce browser elections. Disabling browsing on client computers also reduces the network overhead that results from browser announcements.
  13. clutch

    World Trade Center is gone

    One thing I would like to say is that I appreciate the level of professionalism that this board has demonstrated. Many boards are currently besieged with inappropriate posts blaming an entire nation, race, or religion for what happened. I am concerned that there will be retaliation against people that may be of the same race/religious belief as whomever caused all this destruction. I would ask that this level of professionalism continues, as I know many here like myself appreciate it. Thank you. James a.k.a. "clutch"
  14. clutch

    3Dfx Windows XP Petition

    Big difference, Compaq still makes a viable product that makes money, not to mention that it would be a "merger", and not an "accquisition". Now, the SpaceORB that I spoke of was from a company called SpaceTEC and they were "accquired" by LabTec. SpaceTEC had a meeting at a hotel with its employees one morning, and the few manager types that were there pointed to a list on the wall and stated "if you see your name on the wall, you can come back to work". Now, when something happens that fast, you can expect to not see any sort of support. Labtec expressly stated that they would support the product for the interim, until they decided what they would do with it. Three months or so later, they bailed on the line entirely. Hmmm, that sounds familiar here. In this case, I expected to see no support, and I have 3 SpaceORB controllers that will not work in Windows NT/2K/XP because they never got a chance to make drivers for them, and they refused to release the source code. Now, here you have nVidia that bought out the assets, and NEVER EVER EVER stated that they would support the 3DFX product, while 3DFX stated that they themselves WOULD support the product as long as they were viable. So, there is a big difference in the comparison, and I just wanted to make sure it was clear.
  15. clutch

    Detonators 2081 and Geforce2 ultra prob

    You might want to download those drivers again, as some of the sites had corrupted copies of the exe file that behaved differently on different systems.
  16. clutch

    World Trade Center is gone

    I just posted this link: http://www.voodooextreme.com/articles/airlineinformation.html in another thread here for those of you that may (unfortunately) need more information on these flights. Also, VE has done a pretty good job of summarizing what is going on, for those of you that can't get to any of the "traditional" news sources.
  17. You do not need to respond to this, but www.voodooextreme.com has been keeping up with what's going on as best as possible, and has this link: http://www.voodooextreme.com/articles/airlineinformation.html that shows the current flights that were used by these .... to attack others. If you need info, I hope this will help.
  18. clutch

    World Trade Center is gone

    CONFIRMED: It appears that both of the World Trade Center towers have been struck by aircraft, and have collapsed to some degree (on CNN, it was stated that one of the towers may have lost up to 50 levels, which seems rather high considering they are both 110-story buildings), and the Pentagon was attacked by another aircraft that struck the ground first, then hit the building. NOT ENTIRELY CONFIRMED: Also, another aircraft that left Boston for San Fransico *might* have been on its way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but in fact came down prematurely. However, this is just assembled from scattered reports. I have friends that live in Boston, but went to NY over the weekend and *might* have stayed during this week as well. I haven't heard from them. I am just hoping that people will get the hell out of the way in the respective districts, and let the professionals do their jobs.
  19. clutch

    3Dfx Windows XP Petition

    Quote: I Just went from a Voodoo 3 3500 to a Geforce 2 Pro due to the lack of drivers, and I have a question if 3DFX have been disolved then how come in my local stores (I tried PC World, Dixons, plus local retaillers) 90% of the stores i looked in had a Voodoo card either a 4 or 5. So who is providing the support for these cards since they are still being sold? When I asked in PC World (and there is no way i believe anything from them ;() they said NVIDIA has said they will support the cards. So does anyone have an exact answer? That would have more to do with the distribution chain in your location than anything else. Here in the US, some stores pulled their 3DFX stock immediately and began seeking their return credit while there was a company to get that from. Now, in retail (and some other market segments) there are *generally* 2 main price points that a distributor can fall under: 1. Buy products for price X, and get return/RMA support from the manufacturer (you will see this a lot in most things) 2. Buy products for price *Y* (10% or more in price reduction, in general) and get *NO* return/RMA support from the manufacturer (you will see this in items that have a low fatality rate, or the cost of processing returned items is more than the item is worth to either of the parties concerned). I remember an auto parts retailer in the US did that for automotive/light truck batteries, as they simply cost too much to keep shipping back and forth and generally made it to their life expectancy with little fuss. In your case, a distributor could have chosen to get the cards for as cheap as possible and forgo the possibility of return, since the hardware segment sees price drops so often they were probably looking for a cusion to pad their profit margins in the future. Another scenario could have the distributor knowingly buy all the stock they could get their hands on for an incredibly reduced cost ("fire sale" liquidation) and hope they could move the inventory to people that wouldn't know any different (similar to what GM is doing with Oldsmobile right now). So, does this answer your question?
  20. clutch

    Dets 21.81

    You might want to try to get them from nVidia again. Some of the mirrors had corrupted setup files. Mine wouldn't do anything either, until I tried to launch it from the command line, and I got the error "application is too large to fit in memory space". I got them again (from nVidia directly this time, not a mirror) and they worked fine.
  21. clutch

    3Dfx Windows XP Petition

    Basically, it comes down to the desire to put resources into something with little or no return. In addition, part of the agreement was that 3DFX *would* in fact support their own hardware until the company was dissolved. 3DFX fell, so what. I had 2 of their Voodoo2s (the first was $300, and the second was $50) and I really liked them. However, they couldn't hang with the big boys anymore so they fell by the wayside. NVidia grabbed what they wanted, and left the rest behind. Now, I think SHS had posted something about the WickedGL peeps claiming that nVidia had the rights to their D3D APIs for the drivers, and that they chose not to release them. Welp, seems like a good call to me, as that would put support squarely on nVidia (do you think MS will take those calls? Think again) when there are any issues. The only thing that I could see them doing, is simply releasing anything they have (which I don't really know WHAT they have) to the open source community so they can fiddle with it if they like.
  22. clutch

    WinXP Networking..

    For the most part, file systems do not make any difference when read across a network as the local OS (the serving machine) handles all traffic with its disks directly, and then "hands" the data off to the networking subsystem and out to the client PC. Now, there *was* (and may still be) a time when Macs would only connect to NT4 servers when they had NTFS partitions, otherwise you couldn't get any data off of the shares. This was needed in conjunction with "Services for Macintosh" being installed on the server. I have never run into this, but I remember it from my MCSE classes.
  23. clutch

    Detonators 21.81!

    About a 12% increase in framerate for Q3 for me. It seems even smoother using my tweaked config (removes a good deal of detail, increases FOV, etc).
  24. clutch

    3Dfx Windows XP Petition

    LOL! It's funny, yet sad at the same time. Why should nVidia even bother to support anything from 3DFX? All those people that bought 3DFX products MADE their respective choices a while back NOT to get an nVidia product. Yet, nVidia is supposed to "support" their now-defunct competitor's product line because they bought them out? HAHAHAHAHA! I mean come on, think about it. Hell, it was hard enough to get 3DFX to support older product lines when they were in business, and most companies don't bother with them once they exceed 12-18 months in "age". NVidia has supported all their older stuff beyond the industry average for quite a while with the unified driver distribution, and there are tons of drivers to choose from for your particular use. Personally, I am just hoping that the new line from ATI is going to work half as well as advertised and will do some serious damage to nVidia. 3DFX is dead, and so is their product line. Try to revive something useful like the "SpaceORB". Now THAT was a kicka$$ controller...
  25. clutch

    CDONTS.NewMail and SMTP

    Are you sure the SMTP service is functioning? Have you used that same code on other servers before? You can try to telnet to port 25 on the server and see if it responds. Here is what I use for my processing (ASP) code: Code: <%@ LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT %><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Sending Your Email Message</TITLE><link rel="stylesheet" href="../common/default.css"></HEAD><BODY class="navbar"><p>Sending Your Email Message</P><%strTo = Request.Form("msgto") 'get message strings from Request strSubject = Request.Form("msgsubj")strFrom = Request.Form("msgfrom")strBody = Request.Form("msgbody")Response.Write "Sending email to: <B>" & strTo & "</B> .. "Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")objMail.To = strTo 'set 'To' addressobjMail.From = "techsupport@blahblah.com"objMail.Subject = strSubject 'set the subject lineobjMail.Body = strFrom & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strBody & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Now () 'set the message contentobjMail.Send 'and send the messageSet objMail = Nothing 'then destroy the componentResponse.Write "done"%></BODY></HTML>