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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Make a bat into an exe

    Seems to be a bad link, but here's another... http://www.comptrends.com/include/details.asp?n=1&fileid=27
  2. clutch

    Make a bat into an exe

    I used to have a program that would do that, yet I can't find anything on it at tucows or download.com. If you search around, you should still find them.
  3. I was wondering if you tried those links yet. Let us know how it goes.
  4. clutch

    Active Directory does not recognize my DNS

    Calm down bud, and check out my post over here: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=15291 Now, I would normally think this would be in the "Networking" forum, but don't worry about it now.
  5. clutch

    battle of the computers

    Quote: And Brian, have you ever tryed RDRam (AKA RamBus) It is more unstable then athlon! I must have misread that, then. RAMBUS does suck tho, and I wouldn't suggest users run out and buy that memory on its own merit. But it can be one SWEET database serving system when running in a 4-way system, using a Gig or two of it.
  6. It "sounds" like your insert notification features have been disabled. There are a few CD recording packages out there that will do that "auto-magically" for you. Since you mentioned something about this happening AFTER using WinXP's built-in CD burning functionality, *maybe* that program did that. I only used Beta 2, and I didn't care for it that much. Hopefully, one of the more seasoned users of WinXP (Eddie314, THC, or Four and Twenty) can clue you in on this.
  7. clutch

    Networking/Internet Connection Sharing

    Quote: I had been reading those menus for two days. Too bad they didn't address the problem I was having. I'd tell you about it but you're obviously not interested. I naively thought I would get some help here but I must have misunderstood this forum's intent...but gee, the next time I want to debate who has the best/worst hardware, I'll be sure to come back. I take offense to this sort of behavior: "why wont anybody help me? why are all of you ignoring me?" Would stating "I don't know the answer to your problem help you? No. If I was being impolite, you would know it. Also, as far as my "wanting" you to be the bad guy, it would seem you are quite able to do this on your own. Congrats.
  8. clutch

    ADS Win2k does not recognize my DNS

    Here's the lowdown on how you should have it setup. First, you should have had DNS boxes setup before your attempt at AD so you don't have two confusing problems at once. Now, how it would normally work is you setup a primary and a secondary DNS server for YOUR LAN. Understand that these are NOT meant to actually replicate and/or cache information from other DNS servers outside your network. In addition, they should NOT be setup to replicate any LAN info to outside DNS servers either. OK, with that out of the way, this is my network layout works for my home LAN: 1. Two servers, both are domain controllers. They replicate domain database info back and forth to each other. 2. Both servers also host my DNS, and my "primary" (no such thing, but it's easier for me to work with in AD) AD controller is also my primary zone DNS server. My second server is also a DNS box, and is secondary for the same zone. They replicate LAN info to each other. 3. My "primary" server also hosts WINS for WINS-to-DNS lookup info since Win2K DDNS (Dynamic) didn't function all that well originally, and I then disabled dynamic up[censored]. 4. My "primary" server is also a DHCP server, and issues all IP config settings to my PCs, which includes both my primary and secondary DNS servers, and the WINS location. 5. My primary DNS server is configured to forward all requests of unknown info (such as ntcompatible.com, microsoft.com, etc) to the DNS servers of my ISP (RoadRunner) and will then relay that info back to the workstation requesting it. Remember, since my servers (and yours too if you take my advice) are NOT configured to cache any domain info so they will ALWAYS request current information from the ISP DNS servers. This avoids the possibility of my DNS boxes holding out of date information. So, I hope my relaying to you this information will better assist your layout mentality, so you can configure your servers to work more effectively.
  9. clutch

    RAM Problem, please read (to at least be intrigued)

    I have the same problem with this one DIMM of Kingston 128MB 133MHz CAS 3 RAM. It has Infineon chips, and has the same reaction in my ASUS P3B-F motherboard. I have it out right now, but if I put it in I get the same error. I don't know why it does it, but my motherboard doesn't care for it at all.
  10. clutch

    What is good about this OS?

    I would think that the ATI has better 2D and DVD (actually, just about any "movie" type playback) as well. But ATI's main weakness is OpenGL support. It always has been, and I hope that it's corrected some point soon. They offer too many great features in their cards just to have them hampered by poor OpenGL implementation.
  11. clutch

    Networking/Internet Connection Sharing

    Bear in mind that many people here (like myself) don't use ICS, and therefore would have no information to offer. But if you like, in any of your future posts I would be glad to ignore them so you can feel justified in your comment.
  12. clutch

    battle of the computers

    I have RDRAM in my 733 at work (384MB) and I have yet to have any issues with it. I have had this machine for over a year now. I don't think that it's unstable, it's just really expensive for what you get.
  13. clutch

    What is good about this OS?

    Oh, and just so you know, here's a nifty utility for showing your local uptime and that of remote machines: http://www.mundegren.com/
  14. clutch

    What is good about this OS?

    What he said, plus I haven't rebooted this workstation in 25days, 15hours, and change. And I run SMS Console, Visual Interdev, Adobe GoLive! 5, Flash 5, McAfee 4.5, SQL 2000 console and query manager, Quake 3, diskeeper 6, and a bunch of other stuff. Even with optimum tweaking in Win98SE, I could only get about a week of reliable uptime from it (for gaming though, it was a daily reboot).
  15. clutch

    Security breach in Windows 2000 ?

    You know what sucks though, is that I hear the jokes about the paper-MCSEs (Must Consult Someone Experienced), yet they give the competent ones a bad name. Just kinda burns me out when someone doesn't understand something, then proclaims that it's a "problem" with Windows. test_client, do yourself a favor and pick up a Sybex book (or any of the MCSE grade books will do) on Windows 2000 Server. This will go a LONG way to teaching you the nuances of object-based permissions management (plus you'll pick up some other cool stuff on the way...).
  16. What about this? http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q282/5/99.asp and this... http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q194/3/96.ASP
  17. clutch

    Web Gifs

    Photoshop 6 works great for me. I have even used MS Photodraw with some success.
  18. clutch

    Security breach in Windows 2000 ?

    It's not a problem with the security, but rather a lack of understanding how NT security works. When Novell was crying about how admins can get into files even when they were locked out (by reclaiming ownership), they were acting as if it was a flaw. It isn't, it's by design. That account is still going to be a member of "authenticated users" since it is a valid account, and any version of "Guest" should never be enabled. This is something that you would learn either in class, or practice. Too many people obtain copies of major vendor server operating systems, fiddle with it for a while until they are convinced they "know" it, then pass themselves off as being "trained" to work with it so they can get a job. Then, when the company network is comprised (security breach, performance issues, whatever) it's a big shock when "the computer guy" can't fix it.
  19. clutch

    Win2k and Novell together

    What version of Novell are you running?
  20. clutch

    Win2k and Novell together

    What about this? http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/2957057.htm As before, if I see anything I will post it.
  21. clutch

    Win2k and Novell together

    The following is what I was referring to. I remember how instable the Client32 was from Novell for version 5, that's why I was thinking of this method. Here's a clip: "Gateway Services for NetWare With Gateway Services for NetWare, you can create a gateway through which Microsoft client computers without Novell NetWare client software can access NetWare file and print resources. In the Litware network, GSNW permits users who have Windows 2000 Professional running on their desktop computers to access information on the NetWare server-based accounting system. Gateway Services for NetWare allows you to provide gateways for resources located on Novell Directory Services (NDS) trees, as well as for resources on servers with bindery security. These resources include volumes, directories, directory map objects, printers, and print queues. GSNW is included with Windows 2000 Server." This comes from here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...eat/netware.asp And I am still looking for more info.
  22. clutch

    How do I make .exe files?

    Could you just use a self extractor from WinZip, WinRAR, or WinACE? I think that will do what you are asking.
  23. clutch

    Win2k and Novell together

    It's been a while since I have messed with this, but can't you use "Gateway Services for Netware" on a Win2K server? That way you can have a Win2K server handle all that nonsense for you.
  24. clutch

    Secure Login

    I must be missing something in your statement then, since OWA in Exchange 5.5 still requires "anonymous" access (to get to logon.asp) and "clear text authentication" (to bounce off the SAM). Even though you have a GUI logon, its only purpose is to provide what mailbox you are using. Exchange 2K requires NTLM authentication and has no GUI logon page at all. So, it would seem that if you are wanting to follow the OWA example, you will still see some sort of NT prompt anyway via the web browser.