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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Secure Login

    Why not use NTFS permissions? It would be a much stronger solution. I am not familiar with any method that would allow access to the SAM in that manner.
  2. clutch

    Using MSI Files

    Or, could you have an exe that would use the "runas" function? That way the user could click that, and the msi would run as local administrator (or whatever account you choose).
  3. clutch

    Using MSI Files

    I don't suppose you have SMS 2.0 do you? The SMS installer will allow you to use domainname\username and password in the install function, then you can run whatever you like. If I see anything more just using the MSI installer, I'll post it.
  4. I will not be upgrading when it comes out. I will just wait and see what happens when SP1 (or however the service packs workout) comes out before I start using it myself. The only thing that would make me want to use it sooner would be if it supported my Spacetec Space Orb game controller. If I find out it does, then I will install it.
  5. I saw a thread at www.voodooextreme.com about AIM and its "Open Messaging" initiative targeted at combining Instant Messaging protocols. Well, some of the posters to the forum on that article mentioned Trillian www.trillian.cc and a couple of others. Well, I just wanted to say that Trillian rocks. I have my AIM and ICQ accounts in it right now, and I am going to dig up my MSN and Yahoo IM info to put those in there as well. It's worth checking out.
  6. clutch

    Trillian and Instant Messaging

    They haven't listed any specifics yet, but I am hoping fairly soon. Even then, I don't know if it will include that feature (or any other new ones) so much as fix a few oddball bugs. You can also check out their forums at: http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi I am on there as well. Guess who I am...
  7. clutch

    Nice new look...

    It's very nice. I guess I just don't go to the front page very often.
  8. clutch

    NT 4 VPN over Cable

    Cool, let us know how it goes.
  9. clutch

    One More Try

    What exactly is the problem that triggered all this? Could you not use the Internet Connection Wizard? Is this Norton program one of those awful "system-medic" type programs? A couple of things you could check would be: a. Make sure that you have the file in the proper path that it's being sought after b. Make sure that it's the right version c. Make sure that the proper permissions are applied to it (generally, SYSTEM:Full Control should do it, plus it should inherit the permissions of the parent directory).
  10. clutch

    NT 4 VPN over Cable

    Well, on the KISS principle, I would check my name resolution first. Can you ping by name? Can you browse the PDC from your BDC by NetBIOS name and vice-versa? Whenever you have remote BDCs like that, it's typical to replicate the WINS database and/or use LMHOST files in order to point to resources across a WAN link.
  11. clutch

    Internet TIME server synchronisation?

    Basically, it works out to net time /setsntp:<sntp server IP> That's about it.
  12. clutch

    Free email server

    A while ago someone asked about a free email server, so I thought I would post this link I found today: http://argosoft.com/applications/mailserver/ They have 3 versions of their email server software, along with FTP server software.
  13. clutch

    Internet TIME server synchronisation?

    This works great for my networks, so I would think it will work fine for you. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q216/7/34.ASP And here are some USNO addresses that you can sync to if you don't have a server in mind already http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/ntp.html
  14. clutch

    Windows XP c$ admin share and SAMBA

    You can connect via script to another share correct? Then try making another hidden share using the "$" (like reidyn$) and see if you scripting contiues to have errors. It could perceive the "$" as either an illegal character for sharing, or as another command and/or variable.
  15. clutch

    NT service packs !!

    As an aside, to get active desktop for my workstations at work (quick launch bar, integrated user/all user menus, etc) I have a modified IE 5.5 installer from the IEAK that I push out to the workstations. I would imagine that a simple registry tweak would do the same thing, thereby avoiding the need to install IE4 first, then IE 5+.
  16. clutch

    A+ Certification...

    Quote: The thing with the Microsoft certification is that everybody has one.... so it depends how much money do you intent to make in your future job.... Bear in mind that most places you will work at use Microsoft Operating Systems, where there are much fewer that use either Solaris or Cisco. In addition, most companies that are hiring personnel for either of those disciplines want a fair amount (3+ yrs) of experience for hiring consideration.
  17. clutch

    Windows XP c$ admin share and SAMBA

    Is it using the proper domain designation? Just something I thought I would throw out there. Since the manual selections worked, I didn't know if you script might be missing something.
  18. clutch

    !!!Check this computer!!!

    Please post this to the "Buy, Sell, or Trade" forum.
  19. clutch

    Action figure addictions....

    "I'm the terror, that flaps through the night..." He kicks a$$. Cartoons rule.
  20. clutch

    Action figure addictions....

    I collect(ed) Darkwing Duck stuff. I kick a$$...
  21. clutch

    All right people: READ THIS

    A travesty indeed...
  22. clutch

    Up grade to 2000

    Pretty much what Brian said. I have done both the upgrade and clean install routes, and the clean install is the better way to go.
  23. clutch


    Nah, you have to download and run the "patch", that is the virus itself.
  24. clutch

    Madonion.com - Everyone over there about 14?

    Well, so much for this one I was testing out... Victoria's got a BIG secret... *Image blatantly ripped off from www.somethingawful.com
  25. clutch

    IIS 5.0 probs

    I open up both TCP and UDP for FTP. This link: http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers shows both TCP and UDP as being used in FTP, but other places do not.