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Everything posted by clutch

  1. OK, the MAC address "issue" is a simple one. The DNS "server" is just going to be another service that you will install onto your existing server. Since it's on the same box, and you have one NIC in it, you would not be adding anymore MAC addresses to your network. However, does the IP of the server ever change (is it using DHCP)? If so, it wont let you install the DNS service anyway. Now, as far as a "simple" way to describe the setup of DNS, well there isn't one. Sorry, but you will have to read a bit on this topic. There is a ton of useful information on Technet, so is the URL with the search string that I used: http://search.microsoft.com/us/itresourc...;p=1&nq=NEW Good Luck.
  2. clutch

    DOS->3.11>95a>95b>98fe>98se>ME>2000 Hom

    Too Late...
  3. Came a bit late to the conversation, but let's see if we can clear this up. First, AD requires DNS, period. Now, since your ISP has no idea whatsoever what your AD info is, then AD resources will not work. The reason that you can browse each machine at all is that you are probably using NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and both machines have valid IPs from your cable modem. In order to install AD, you *can* do it without setting up a DNS server at that moment, but the installation program would be under the assumption that you already have DNS boxes on the network. Since you have DNS IPs for the NICs, your AD system is trying to get resource info from that server, which is more than likely giving it very, VERY simple information in response. AD isn't something that you can jump into very easily at all. I went through 4 server installs before I got AD to do what I wanted, and I had been working with manuals at the same time. I use AD at home, and I have a cable modem as well. What I do is use a Linksys router and I have both AD controllers and both workstations connected to it. Therefore, they can all get online and share resources as well. In addition, both servers are also my DNS servers, and I have them configured to pass requests to my ISP DNS servers when the get requests that they don't have info (as in web addresses). Do yourself a favor, and pick up a book (or two) on AD before you really try getting much further in it. I have 2 of them from Sybex, plus my MCP handbook for "Up[censored] Support Skills from NT 4.0 to Windows 2000". All three of these books cover DNS quite well as it's a requirement of AD.
  4. clutch

    DOS 6.22->Win 3.11->95a->95b->98fe->98se->

    I tried to, but my floppy drive died on disk 12 of the 95b install...
  5. clutch

    DynaDNS... Other DNS progs? Work???

    The trial/demo will ONLY allow for a tzo.com subdomain (as in your case, "megabytemike"). When you get the premium service, you can then have the domain name of your choosing be forwarded to your PC, rather than the subdomain.
  6. I would just manually edit it if I change installation directories.
  7. clutch

    DynaDNS... Other DNS progs? Work???

    You are correct, and np.
  8. clutch

    A Word about the SB Live!

    I must be fortunate, as I have not had any issues with my SBLive! in my system.
  9. OK, I see the topic has wandered a bit. No problem. As far as nVidia buying out 3DFX and not wanting to release source code (or what not). Since they don't plan on selling Voodoo5 cards (or any other Voodoo card for that matter) it would be stupid to release source code that they would have to be responsible for and support. That would not make them any money, and therefore not a good business decision. As far as owning/not owning 3DFX cards and how that makes you an expert on the topic. I had a pair of 12MB V2s that I ran in SLI (diff manufacturers, mind you, and I had to get tweaked drivers so they would run together because 3DFX wouldn't allow for it in their releases) and I still feel that they were morons when it came to business sense. They bought STB, the company that arguably made the WORST cards in the business no matter what chip it ran on. Not to mention they could never seem to get their act together and release drivers for their own cards in a timely manner. They sold their souls to try and please their shareholders. You want to blame someone for not having support for your old card? Blame 3DFX. As for Linux being a great gaming/server/network platform. It's a very efficient OS, one that I wish I knew more about. But I do know some things about it. It's a great server OS, but is not ready (at all) for the enterprise as a server OS or as a desktop OS. It's quite nice as an appliance server (firewall, DNS, etc) and for simple file sharing, but I wouldn't hinge much in the way of database usage on it. Now, part of that is due to my lack of knowledge in tweaking it, but I feel that many IT personnel are in the same boat as I am in that regard. As a desktop OS, it's poor. And that's not the fault of Linux, but rather application development for the OS. There isn't much out there, and of what is out there is just isn't as good as what's available for Windows. Period. Gaming is kind of a problem too, since almost everything released goes to Windows first, then gets considered for Apple/Linux as a port. If you like waiting, then Linux may be for you. In addition, Linux gets this great reputation for being SO fast and stable, because the people that use it KNOW a great deal about the OS and how to set it up optimally. If people knew as much about Windows as these same people did about Linux, you would not be hearing so many complaints about crashing/performance issues with Windows. Just wait until Linux becomes more and more mainstream, and you will see more "problems" with the OS, just like Windows. At that same time, hacking Linux will become more prevalent. Have a nice day.
  10. clutch

    VPN Networking. Dont understand...

    Check this out. http://mspress.microsoft.com/it/feature/020101.htm
  11. It does sound like it could be a bad cable. In addition, check your NICs and see if the pins look like they are making good contact. I had that happen with a couple of D-Links once, where they were showing a "good" connection, but were actually making poor contact with the pins on the cable.
  12. Okey dokey, what part of it is not working? Can you ping from the workstation to the LAN-side NIC of the gateway? Can you ping to the Internet-side NIC? Is it a problem where you simply cannot resolve names to IP addresses (it can't find any address you put in the address bar and comes up with DNS errors).
  13. clutch

    DynaDNS... Other DNS progs? Work???

    It could be, if you like. When I first got my account I had http://clutchco.tzo.com, but later I bought driventechnologies.com. I got my domain name through them, but you can have them host yours. All you have to do is tell them you have your own domain name (www.hellbringer.com or what have you) and that you want them to point it to your client you have installed already. They will ask for: 1. Your email address (so they can find your client ID number) 2. Your money ( ) It works out pretty well, and quite fast. You *might* have to contact register.com and tell them TZO.com will be hosting your domain name on their servers. But, you can coordinate that with TZO.
  14. I might be missing what your question is, but you can edit the file using notepad to reflect whatever value change you require.
  15. I have seen it, and it was like a 2.5 hour root canal using only instruments from a plumber's toolbox (only without the ability to pass out from the pain). While I am not sure what the story would be like, I know I didn't think it was going to be like that. The only redeeming qualities were "Teddy" and "Gigolo Joe". I almost got the impression that Spielberg is trying to reach a more sophisticated audience (note the "Stanley Kubrick" production note in the intro credits) but I feel that he fell short. He's no Kubrick, Lynch, or Stone, and should stick with what has worked best for him in the past. Other than that, it still sucked. What a way to make a thousand posts, eh?
  16. clutch

    DynaDNS... Other DNS progs? Work???

    Yes, you can have them forward your real domain name if you like. I have Driventechnologies.com forwarded to my server (I covered this before, I believe) and it works fine. If you payed for that domain name, you can have TZO forward all traffic for you.
  17. clutch

    DynaDNS... Other DNS progs? Work???

    TZO works fine for me, and I use it on my Win2K AS AD Domain Controller. www.tzo.com
  18. clutch

    IE5.5 SP-1 Network

    You rock dude. I was JUST about to post a request for the same info. I have the IE5 CD and the IEAK for 5.5, but they just *assume* that you have all the files. Thanks a ton. Oh, and as far as service packs go, I have SMS so I just use the same command line and create newer packages as I go. This way, I have several options if need be to keep the machines running.
  19. I have seen a great deal of poor responses to "Tomb Raider", so I thought I would start this thread to see what you guys thought. I thought Swordfish was awesome, and Tomb Raider was pretty good. Anybody see either of these?
  20. Didn't like seeing "never" under the "last post" column.
  21. Don't feel stupid, bud. You would be surprised how often that has come up here.
  22. clutch

    NT4.0 license verses W2K license...

    $15US more per license here. And that changed over the course of a month.
  23. clutch


    Have you ever tried formatting the drive? Maybe just delete the partition(s), and start all over. I always format between installs, so that may be the next logical step. Also, some viruses do work their way into the boot sector. Just keep that in mind.
  24. clutch

    NT4.0 license verses W2K license...

    Thanks a ton BladeRunner. My sales rep told me the same thing (several times), but I always felt odd about it. I am buying Office XP licenses as well so I can continue my Office 2K rollout.