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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Another IIS Update

    That I don't know. I usually just check Technet every couple of days and see and see what's new. If I see something that I could use, then I'll get it.
  2. clutch

    Just for grins, where is everyone "calling" from?

    Quote: Paris, France ... ... but I work for a company whose European HQ is in Brussels (Belgium) ... ... my boss is in Switzerland ... ... my team is scattered among a dozen countries ... ... my main customers are in the US ... Who am I ?????? The "Euro"?
  3. clutch

    DSL Router.....Which to pick?

    The Linksys unit works really well on my home network.
  4. clutch

    DNS Questions

    FTP uses port 21 and _another_ port for data delivery once the client and server have negotiated for the other port. If the server is behind a NAT/PAT device, you may have to go to "passive" mode so the client can dictate the other port rather than the server.
  5. clutch

    The Twelve Days of Beta-Testing

    Ahh, and what a lovely PARODY it is...
  6. clutch

    DNS Questions

    Ping and VNC (along with all of the other apps out there) use ports to get around on TCP/IP. What you need are the port numbers to open up on your proxy server. Find those ports, make sure they are open, and you should be fine. If you are connecting outward from your LAN, then you *shouldn't* need to forward the ports from the proxy to your workstation. In addition, how is your PC at home connected to the Internet? Is it behind a NAT/PAT scheme as well? If so, make sure that not only the ports in question are open, but that they are forwarded to the PC in question.
  7. clutch

    lmhost.sam help!

    See if these help you... http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q101/9/27.asp http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q102/7/25.asp http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q105/9/97.asp If I ever had to use the file, I just put the names of the PCs on my network in there with their corresponding IPs. You can also tag them to be preloaded and indicate where your domain controller is. However, if I had a DC, I would install WINS and DHCP on it thus removing the need for LMHOSTS to begin with. Also, are you removing the .SAM extension on that file? It will not work if you don't do that.
  8. clutch

    Like WinXP?

    While I don't really care for it, I am sure I'll be forced to use it at some point. I really like Win2K at beta 2, but I found WinXP 2462 to be feature heavy at the expense of stability.
  9. clutch

    New buttons, etc.

    Wasn't that the Icon Gremlin?
  10. clutch

    Windows 9x & NT networking.

    What kind of error is it giving you?
  11. clutch

    Is this forum dead?

    Personally, I have found the board to be more "welcoming". But I guess that's just me.
  12. I am looking for a utility that I can use to view and kill (including force if necessary) processes on remote NT/2K boxes. I have the process browser from the NT Server Resource Kit, but it doesn't allow for the killing of remote processes. Anybody know where I can get something like this?
  13. Interesting. Thanks, I'll check it out when I get back to work.
  14. For those who haven't heard, MS is offering "prizes" to system builders that rat-out clients who order systems without an OS. Check it: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2714441,00.html Ahhh...Gotta love MS...
  15. clutch

    Windows 9x & NT networking.

    This was a few threads down... http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=13730 It shows a reg hack to speed up browsing when you are not using WINS. WINS or DDNS, however, would be the proper way to browse to and from NT class machines on a network.
  16. clutch

    Nowell & WIn2000

    If you are connecting to a Novell forest, then you should be using Client32 from Novell as it passes your credentials through to the nearest authenticating server.
  17. clutch

    IE 5.0 Right Click Delay

    Ditto what Toby wrote. I am hoping that when McAfee 5.x makes it to commercial licensing this will all be fixed.
  18. clutch

    Website hacked

    Generally, when you look at the process tab in Task Manager you can pick these out as hackers tend to have a sense of humor about these. Also, you could do a search on any exe files that don't look familiar, and see where they are located and what their "created" dates are.
  19. clutch

    adsl tweaks and trick?

  20. clutch

    This is MEGA serious ! (Explorer errors)

    If you can click on other files in that directory, then I wouldn't say 3DS corrupted your directory structure. But it does sound like it pooch-screwed your file. If you have rebooted and the file still wont work, then I would just continue with a previous backup and delelte it later.
  21. clutch

    Website hacked

    If you are using "includes" on those pages, then you might want to check all of them. Also, make sure there aren't any EXEs running that will switch the page back if it's removed. There may even be some DLLs registered that are doing this as well. If all else fails, you could just delete and restore portions of the site or the whole thing from backup. You should also try and put on some of the IIS updates that may pertain to you ( www.microsoft.com/technet ).
  22. clutch

    Article on logon scripts

    Just thought some of you would like to see this. It covers simple scripting with vairables, and is pretty cool. http://www.microsoft.com/TechNet/winnt/Winntas/Tips/techrep/logscrpt.asp
  23. Sounds cool enough. We tried this; I was going to put together what was sent to me and make a page out of it, but I only got one thing from Four and Twenty. I hope this one does better.
  24. clutch

    'AT' Command

    No, I don't know if that can be done, let alone how to do that. Sorry bud.
  25. clutch

    Really getting sick of waiting for SP2

    There are some DDNS issues that will be resolved with the SP, and unless you are willing to pay for them via MS Support Calls they are unavailable for download. I too, am tired of waiting for a SP from MS on this. I am getting the impression that they are going for a be-all-end-all approach on it so they can focus soley on WinXP/Windows 2002. What a shame.