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Everything posted by clutch

  1. If you have a subscription, and it runs out, you are normally charged for either the update or to renew your subscription in order to get the update. That's how it works for most of our software (Solidworks, MP2, QAD MFG/Pro, Progress, and a few others) and I would imagine that format will carry over to MS as well. I don't quite see MS as being ready to sell subsciptions to average users, so it may vary as to how they plan on issuing patches and service packs. With these vendors, you (usually) get a year of "maintenance" which includes patches and service packs, but that's it. If you don't renew the subscription, you are SOL for SPs. We probably sink about $40K/yr (US) into renewing maintenance agreements alone, nevermind any new software we may buy or add licenses to. I hope this clears up how subscriptions work, but only MS knows how they will deal with consumers on this matter.
  2. If you delete the profiles and the corresponding directories that begin with "terry" (username), then the next time terry logs on the new folder should be named "terry".
  3. clutch

    'AT' Command

    You can schedule a batch file, or you can schedule a list of functions that happen after each other. I have a "deltree.bat" file that deletes and recreates a folder every Friday at 6:30PM. It's a directory that people can copy files over to for sharing. But, since most people can't be responsible enough for deleting their own files I have this job setup to run so the folder doesn't get too huge.
  4. clutch

    'AT' Command

    Doesn't seem to cover the "Is there a way it could read input from a text file containing a table of date and time for a file to run" portion though, does it?
  5. clutch

    'AT' Command

    Ouch. Sorry bud, I don't know that.
  6. clutch

    'AT' Command

    I have always used the command scheduler with the NT Server Resource Kit. It works pretty well, and has a simple interface. Plus, you can connect to any machine on your network.
  7. clutch

    Don't buy from Monarch Computers

    Shipping is always passed to the consumer in one way or another. However, this joker sounds like an a$$hole. I hope it works out for you.
  8. clutch

    Memory Performance

    I use (and have always used) small page files as well. It's been a big boost in performance for all of my systems.
  9. clutch

    Getting a mail server to work

    Which one did you install?
  10. clutch

    No problems with 2 NICs in NT4 on a P75?

    Bear in mind NT Workstation is limited to 10 connections max. Just thought you should know, as this could affect your applications.
  11. clutch

    Getting a mail server to work

    Yeah, you have to get the email application in order to have email support. The built-in smtp support provides smtp message forwarding more than anything else. I use Exchange 2000 at home, and Exchange 5.5 at the office. We have also used MDaemon (www.deerfield.com) which is a great little POP3-based system. Pretty cheap too.
  12. The only time I have the delay is when I have McAfee installed on that machine. If I don't have McAfee ViruScan installed, I can right click on any browser page (web or otherwise) and get the menu immediately.
  13. clutch

    NT4 Backup Domain Controller...

    What are its specs? What else will be running on it (SQL, Exchange, etc)?
  14. clutch

    NT4 Backup Domain Controller...

    Sorry bud, but a NT Server can't join an AD domain as a DC. Now, a Win2K server can join a NT Domain as a DC, but I don't think that will help you now. Your best bet with AD anyway is to have at LEAST 2 servers running as DCs (which I guess you are trying to do) due to the annoying need of the architecture to replicate among partners. This rings true for DNS in Win2K as well. Oh, and as far as the error goes, the best thing that I have found is to delete the account and then "create" the account when you are trying to join the domain from the client. In other words, on the system that you are joining to a domain, just enter the target domain, and then it will prompt for the proper credentials (Domain level admin group member). At this point, it will validate the credentials and then create the account with the proper SID from the joining machine.
  15. clutch

    w2k good or bad? whats your opion

    Why close it when you could just let it die? If a thread is not being posted to anymore, it will just die since nobody cares about it. So, in future, if you believe a thread is dead and "needs" to be closed, just leave it be and don't mess with it. Hell, I forgot about this thread until you brought it back up again.
  16. clutch

    Here's a good way to screw up your system.

    Rant Symantec $hit is WAY too dialed for specific versions of Windows. Throw on a service pack, and watch the OS circle the drain. I have had to "un-f*ck" (nice term, BTW) several systems thanks to System Works and WinFax Pro. When Win98 first came out, I put WinFax 8 Pro on it and Win98 couldn't shutdown at all. With SystemWorks on 98, I had to go into DOS and restore the old registry because of bizarre behavior. Now, throw PC Anywhere 9.0-9.2 (yes, some releases packaged as 9.2 had this issue as well) on a Win2K box and watch it never boot again. Damn, Symantec just kicks a$$. /Rant
  17. clutch

    Simple quick Question about NERO

    Cool, you are almost there. What I do is just enter the name of that I want the image to be, such as "w2k_srvr_upgde.iso". It will then make that file based off of whatever your source is. Let me know if you need more help.
  18. clutch

    Simple quick Question about NERO

    I have used Winimage in Win2K only, but I would imagine that it works fine in NT4. And yes, loading the virtual driver is fine for creating images, but I only recall the images being done in .NRG format (a proprietary format from Nero). I like Winimage because I don't have it "installed", I just have a shortcut pointing to the directory. It also runs really fast, and I can build images very quickly from floppy, HDD, and CD without loading up EZ CD 5 or some other beast of a program. Plus, I can browse images and extract from them as needed to get what I want from them, or just to make sure that it has everything I intended to be there.
  19. clutch

    ICS under Windows NT 4.0

    ICS acts as a proxy, whereas RIP acts like a router. A bit of a difference as far as security goes. You are better off just getting some sort of proxy software. You can try www.download.com and lookup "proxy". You can even find some free ones there that work well.
  20. clutch

    Congradulations to me

    Congrats, dude.
  21. clutch

    IIS 5 Vulnerability

    I will be sending this to Philipp for the front page, but I think that others may be like me and just go straight to the forums without going to the front page that often. This is an email that I got from www.iisanswers.com about a new hole found in IIS 5. Check it: ------------------------------------------------ Urgent Action required for IIS 5 Administrators ------------------------------------------------ I do not normally send out security bulletins so pardon the interruption. However, a new and serious IIS 5 vulnerability has been announced by Microsoft that requires your attention. First of all, let me say, that this problem is just another in a continuing series of attacks on anything and everything that IIS can do. If you will do the following, you will eliminate the need for emergency response to this and other issues as they continue to be exploited. Rule: Disable all application mapping that you aren't using! This new exploit involves a buffer overflow for the .printer isapi extension. Most of you probably weren't even aware that IIS 5 can print to a printer over HTTP so you can send a document to a printer using IIS 5. IIS 5, by default, recognizes .printer as an extension just like .asp or .htm. Not exactly a mind blowing capability, but certainly an exploitable one. Here's what I do on a lot of servers to keep me from worrying about this and other as of yet undiscovered problems of this nature. Goto your Master website properties. Click Home Directory Click Configuration - the application mappings will be displayed. You will see here the subject of many a security problem, .htr files, .idc, and now .printer. Ideally, remove all mapping except for those you use. Since I don't know what my clients will want in the future, I preserve the entry, but disable the functionality by adding to all extensions an "x_1" (or something equally odd) except for .asp. So ".idq" becomes ".idqx_1", ".printer" becomes ".printerx_1". This will invalidate script kiddie tool efforts to exploit these extensions. Now you could exploit the problem if you could somehow figure out the correct extensions, but no one is going to try that hard most likely and script kiddies won't have a clue how to proceed. This is not a "solution" but will buy you time when exploits are discovered. The solution is to remove the mapping and the associated dll if possible. This vulnerability will be included in automated hacking tools immediately, so get on this. There is a hotfix as well should you prefer to keep this ability. --------------------------------- Brett Hill - IISAnswers.com brett@iisanswers.com MCSE MCT A+ Net+ CIW-TT Specializing in IIS training Just thought this should be shared.
  22. clutch

    post aol names here

    Well, where is yours?
  23. clutch

    Rate users

    Philipp stated that the rating function doesn't work with this bulletin board software. I myself don't really care for it anyway. If someone really wants to flame others, rating them poorly wouldn't make any difference at all.
  24. clutch

    Simple quick Question about NERO

    It usually makes .NRG files rather than ISOs, but there may be a setting that I am missing. I just use WinImage Pro as it's a helluva lot faster and easier to mess with.
  25. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: this comes a bit late,but here it is anyway:clutch thats not really a joke,its a song(lyrics from a song that is) band: laika Album: Good Looking Blues song: badtimes The entire email is actually a quote from a song? Interesting, but the lyrics are still funny, and presented in a joke-like manner. edit Here's a link to Tower Records with the tracks from that album http://www.towerrecords.com/product.asp?pfid=1892835 Umm, I think I liked the idea that it was just a joke better... /edit