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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    internet suddenly slow?

    Did you try SP1? I am fairly sure that wont do it, but reapplying your reg fix afterward may help you out.
  2. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I would have to say that there will be a major drop in flaming posts here with the existing people. Most of the flames have been in response to JD, so with him gone that should quiet the waters a good deal. In addition, while I find picking on grammar to be petty when it comes to posting, his "threats" of legal action were written extremely poorly. Especially, with the ridiculous use of "your" instead of "you're". That was truly pathetic.
  3. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Bear in mind that I did receive a nice email from the poster "coolspot" (Bobby) in regards to his software. He seems like a really nice guy, and I am just bummed that he got mixed up with JD. I wouldn't worry about it anyway, I am sure JD will come back under another name (if he hasn't already) and will once again entertain (read as "insult and badger") the users here as he did in the past.
  4. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Yeah, a real shame...
  5. clutch

    Can i add services?

    This is a good utility for converting apps to services. http://www.firedaemon.com/
  6. First, don't use any extra "0"s like that (, just use what's needed ( Next, use a more standard IP range such as instead of 191.x.x.x (shouldn't make a difference, but it's good practice). Next, try using http://localhost or (no extra zeros) to get the page up. If that doesn't work, try entering the IP as a host header in the website properties and see if that works for you.
  7. clutch

    Am I the only one that can't delete post?

    Go to your "User CP" button at the top, and you can edit your options there. And yes, AFAIK you still cannot delete posts (even your own) unless you are an admin.
  8. clutch

    Win2k defrag automatically?

    Did you try searching? Either way, here's the link I posted... http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php&threadid=13481
  9. clutch

    What do you think is the best alternative to Windows?

    Quote: The poll requires that a voter log in first. I hate being required to be a registered ntcompatible user and logging in every time I want to post something but I am more likely to put up with that hassle for posting something than taking polls. Go to the "User CP" button, and click "Edit Options". If you have cookies enabled, it will auto-magically log you in when you come back to NTComp.
  10. clutch

    Network woes

    You are having name resolution issues, that's all. A WINS server would fix that; therefore, yes, it has something to do with your WINS config as you probably don't have one to mention. Another thing you could do is have all the machines running static IPs (if possible) on your network and then edit the LMHOSTS file on each machine.
  11. clutch

    Partitions in Win2k

    Nice tip, I will have to keep that in mind...
  12. clutch

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    Is there anything repetitive about the time it takes to do it? Like 5 min after bootup, or 10 min after logon, or something like that? A failing PS *could* generate symptoms like that, especially since you had similar lockups before formatting (right?).
  13. clutch

    Networking across dorm network

    The reason why HL worked fine was that it was using straight IP with no LANMAN authentication. The reason why Win9x-to-WinNT/2K networking seems like hell is that very few people who try this fully understand the name resolution and authentication procedures of the operating systems in question. I don't care for Win9X just because of stability and security. I can get a dozen of them setup and talking to each other and to NT-based systems just fine (as can most of the experienced members here), but the local security of it is poor, and the OS is fairly open to GPFs due to poorly written applications.
  14. clutch

    Please Read, Important

    Cool, then just change your password and all will be well.
  15. clutch

    Holy Cow 3dfx Rampage

    Great, another card that 3Dfx can deliver late. Oh, wait, that's right they aren't in business anymore...
  16. clutch

    I like this new BB layout

    Good job guys, nice layout. Kinda s3xy... edit I forgot that s3x is a banned word. /edit [ 17 April 2001: Message edited by: clutch ]
  17. clutch

    Best action game?

    What about "Combat"/"Tank"?
  18. clutch

    These forums and their changes = thumbs down

    It isn't. Thank you.
  19. Do you have a static IP? And, do you have your domain name registered yet? You would need both of these to start off with. In addition, Win2K DNS REALLY wants a secondary server to sync with. I imagine that if you run it in simple text file mode you might be able to get away with one box and not fill up the event logs with errors. Also, if you want to continue this dialog, create a new thread in "Networking" so others will take a look at it.
  20. I only use IIS and have had no (real ) issues since version 2. Here are some shots in the dark on this one, as I have never hosted a site through a modem before. Are you giving out the proper IP everytime you connect to the net with the modem? Do you have the site setup to respond to "All Unassigned" and have no "Host Header Names" assigned to your site? What thing that tends to happen is if you have *anything* listed for a header name, then that site will ONLY respond that the header names that are entered (i.e. if you have "test" for a header name it will not respond to, yourname.dynip.com, or anything else coming in unless they are also added as header names).
  21. You may want to try a service pack (re)install or removing and reinstalling IIS. I had to do this on my Win2K Pro workstation because I kept getting a "There is no administerable service present" or some such error. Reinstalled IIS, and no more problems.
  22. clutch

    Post the IP's you ban on your proxy servers here!

    I see your post, but I don't have any IPs for you here. Just thought I would respond though, so you didn't think it was being ignored.
  23. clutch

    Can you answer these

    Bear in mind that some of these interview questions are merely used to evaluate a person's thinking process. If you can come up with an answer that is reasonably feasible or at least makes sense, they will usually look favorably on it. With a system as new as AD, it would be hard to expect someone to answer these questions off of the top of his/her head. The only people that could would have probably indicated a strong history of AD use in an enterprise environment or that he/she has studied the OS extensively (but this would have been in the resume). Did they tell you that you aren't what they are looking for already? You may still be in the running.
  24. Do you have ANYTHING else that might run on port 25? Is this the same server with the firewall software on it? What does the event log say about this error? If it's hanging, it's usually because another service/application is trying to snag that port, so there may be something in the log about what's going on.
  25. IIS does not do routing. In addition, you are using dial up on the server? So, is the server running as a proxy to the internet for your network as well? You should describe your network setup.