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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Are you sure about that? What is this "virtual email server" that you are running? SMTP for IIS is used for forwarding SMTP traffic, and isn't the best way (if at all) to host email. If you have something like Exchange 5.5 (2000 needs this service) or MDaemon, you need the SMTP service disabled or they will clash.
  2. How is your routing configured? Do you have port 80 forwarded properly?
  3. clutch

    Web admin ftp

    I use Terminal Services for Web on my W2K servers. I can administer anything on the box including IIS (with FTP). I don't know if that's what you are looking for.
  4. clutch

    burnt 80 min cds with a file over 700mb

    I have an AOpen AX-34 with the Via Apollo Pro and have had no problems moving 650MB+ ISO files around. However, I have had problems copying files that large (a backup of a Progress database) from a CD back to a harddrive on several machines. I tried burning this file 3 times and gave up. It did the same thing; burned fine but couldn't be copied back to a harddrive.
  5. clutch

    Can you answer these

    In reply to Gleep: 1. I would think that too, but he didn't specify what type of restore he's looking at. 2. I remember that from a class I took for up[censored] support skills. 3. That's the most common sense approach if possible. I wouldn't host a resource like that between subnets anyway unless I was trying to sport inter-site printing. 4. Taking ownership will not permit access to encrypted files. You still have to have the primary or backup key bound to your credentials for that file. The encryption sticks with it even if you move the file (pretty cool, eh?). 5.
  6. clutch

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Well, I remember when I first got a cassette player hooked up to my Trash-80 and "service packs" came out as revisions in the latest "COCO" magazine. But hell, I was 10 and didn't know that I should be p1ssed that the program didn't work perfectly in every situation. Not there were many situations to manifest themselves on a TRS-80 either...
  7. Do you have the SMTP service installed and running in IIS? They could be fighting over the same port.
  8. Sounds like name resolution. How are they entering the name for your server? Have they tried it by IP? Are the clients on your LAN or from another network (like the Internet)?
  9. clutch

    Can you answer these

    I'll take a whack at it... 1. What are you rolling back? Are you going back to a regular NT domain? If you just converted to AD you should have had the PDC fully synced then offline during the conversion. That way in case of disaster you could demote the others and bring your PDC back on. 2. I have seen that, but I can't remember at the moment. There's an install mode that allows for that (similar to when a Dell PC shows up and can get a new SID based off names rather than the original image). I could look it up, but I am too lazy. 3. Using internal DNS, register names for the print servers in question (ps1.mydomain.com) and then use the name in the JetDirect software when installing the printer. 4. If no backup for the encryption was established, then either rename the account for the new employee since the individual will probably be doing the same thing as the old one, or change the password and logon as that user to remove the encryption. You shouldn't delete a user that soon anyway; all you have to do is disable the account as soon as you are told the person is leaving. 5. Using DDNS and DHCP in mind, have the DNS servers configured for the same zone (at the base of all the subnets) but one as primary and the other as secondary for that zone. Allow replication between them, and using DHCP have the zone primary setup as the first DNS box, and the zone secondary setup as the second DNS box. Bear in mind that I haven't had to do any of these, but each of these would be my first attempt at each scenario.
  10. BTW, ge0ph, I saw the "pics" of the new iMacs on your site. If you are gonna have those, you might as well have this.
  11. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Here's a joke that was emailed to me... Subject: Virus warning If you receive an email entitled "Badtimes", delete it immediately. Do not open it. Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer. It demagnetizes the stripes on ALL of your credit cards. It reprograms your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on your VCR and uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CDs you attempt to play. It will program your phone autodial to call only 900 numbers. This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank. It will drink ALL your beer. FOR GOD'S SAKE, ARE YOU LISTENING!?!?!? It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you are expecting company. It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine, all the while [censored] your current boy/girlfriend behind your back and billing their hotel rendezvous to your Visa card. It will cause you to run with scissors and throw things in a way that is only fun until someone loses an eye. It will rewrite your backup files, changing all your active verbs to passive tense and incorporating undetectable misspellings which grossly changes the interpretations of key sentences. If the "Badtimes" message is opened in a Windows 95/98 environment, it will leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged in dangerously close to a full bathtub. It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and pillows, it will also refill your skim milk with whole milk. WARN AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN! And if you don't send this to 5000 people in 20 seconds you'll fart so hard that your right leg will spasm, shoot straight out in front of you, sending sparks, that will ignite onto the person nearest you. In case you are a blonde, ...this is a joke
  12. clutch

    Attn: Philipp -- Error on board

    Damn Americans and their silly date formats...
  13. clutch

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    Yeah, I wondered why I continue to post here as well. Then I remembered that occasionally someone shows up in "Networking" and I can help him/her out. I just skip over the other sh1t. As far as asking everybody to be nice to each other, why not just set the example and DO IT. Be consistent; don't bring the same old sh1tty behavior back later and wonder why you get flamed. And if you get slammed, so what. Just drop the issue if it's not getting anywhere and it will eventually die down. BTW, this applies to only a few problem children, but they (and everybody else) know who they are.
  14. clutch

    These forums and their changes = thumbs down

    This forum and the recent mods kick a$$.
  15. clutch

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    I have been using beta 2 for the last few weeks, and I don't really care for it. I gave up on it on my main PC (P3 800/384MB RAM) because it wasn't stable under what I call moderate multitasking situations (Photoshop 6, GoLive!, IE6, and Visual Interdev). Basically, I would get popups telling me that the system wasn't stable or some such, and that I will have to restart whatever program that crapped out. Now, while this is much nicer than a BSOD, I don't get this problem at all in Win2K. Also, I am still hoping that the retail release will be more modular in that I can select what I want to install. This is especially important in a work environment in that we strip off unecessary things (games, multimedia functionality, etc) for systems installed in the office and the shop floor. Also, I haven't seen a huge improvement in speed from WinXP Pro Beta 2 over Win2K on either of my systems (my other being a Cel 300a@472/256MB RAM). Not that any of this matters, however, since WinXP is coming out regardless of what anybody thinks of it. I feel that it will be a solid product at that time, I just wish there was more development on 2K rather than another OS version to support. As for OfficeXP, I like it a lot. It's quite fast, though I had problems with AccessXP on one of my PCs and wound up reinstalling Office 2K. That one will be quite successful.
  16. clutch

    Corrupted Desk.cpl File

    Did you try to (re)install SP1?
  17. clutch

    TCP in 2K Adv Server vs. 2K Pro

    I have had the same performance across Pro, Server, and Adv Server using Intel Pro/100 Mgmt adapters and a couple of 3COM NICs. I have not had the problems that you are referring to. What NICs are you using?
  18. clutch

    Chatting using cable internet

    Sounds like you are using a microphone and speakers. Try using a headset with a microphone, that should reduce a lot of the tunnel effect.
  19. clutch

    Config.of FTP server in IIS

    "Allow IIS to control password" merely means that IIS sets the password for the default anonymous account. Remember when I stated that any resource HAD to have a valid account for access? Well, the "SERVERNAME-IISuser" account is an account in the workgroup/domain that IIS uses for anonymous connections. On a side note, all services will require credentials as well, whether it be the local "service" account or a seperate account that may require upgraded permissions. Now, as far as group membership, I would suggest that you create another group dedicated to FTP (I use FTP Losers for mine ) to make it easier to narrow their permissions down to just the FTP directories. OK, in the future I would also recommend that you put the FTP "root" directory somewhere other than the default one for various reasons (some exploits rely on the location being default). BTW, what types of files are the databases anyway? Could you use ASP Pages to drive them?
  20. clutch

    Config.of FTP server in IIS

    I see that you posted another question while I was responding. OK, how about you tell me what your experience with NT/2K is on a network, and we will see if there is some sort a parallel that I can draw on for you. You have to realize that when using NTFS permissions, your server will be vali[censored] against ITS OWN DOMAIN CREDENTIALS. There are NO other accounts that you can create "just" for IIS that will not be in the domain/workgroup accounts. If you want to use NTFS, then you have use IIS AND create those accounts in the domain/workgroup in question. That's it, bottom line. That is how NTFS credential validation works; it checks against the prevailing account databases (SAMs) to see if a person has the proper credentials to access a resource. This can be on a local PC/Server, all the way up to a multi-master domain with 2-way trusts. If you want to give someone access to something, you HAVE to give them an account. You also want to get rid of any unnecessary accounts (like that awful "everyone" container) to close up holes in your system.
  21. clutch

    Config.of FTP server in IIS

    I am getting the impression that you are not familiar with administering a NT server a network. Basically, you can administer the FTP/WWW directories in the same manner as any other directory/share. When I stated "In addition, I would disable anonymous login and assign ONLY the permissions needed to each folder being used on the FTP server", I meant to can ANY and ALL extraneous permissions on the directories. That includes the "Everyone" container that was granted access to those directories. What I do is assign admin and remove everyone at the same time. You can also use CACLS.EXE (view the help files by typing CACLS /? at the command prompt for more info) and edit the ACLs (Access Control Lists-metadata attached to each file for permissions and properties usage) for total control over who can do what. In addition, please do not continue referring to users as "guests" if they have accounts. I am not sure what you mean by using that term. If a person has an account, then they should be in the "Domain Users" or "Users" groups depending on the model of network that you are using. If you are not sure how to do what you are looking to do, I would suggest that you try a simpler setup procedure rather than all the repeated directories and subdirectories until you get familiar with the permissions structure of NT. And as far as number 6 goes, I have no idea what you are talking about. Please submit a screenshot of this prompt, as I can't find anything on my server with that wording.
  22. clutch

    Config.of FTP server in IIS

    Install the IIS suite, and then stop all the websites using the MMC snap-in for IIS. As far as I know, you will have to install both WWW and FTP functions to get FTP. In addition, I would disable anonymous login and assign ONLY the permissions needed to each folder being used on the FTP server. I have never used a web sharing tab, and I have setup quite a few sites over the last few years using this method. I just setup the virtual directory leaving r/w access open, setup the permissions on it in NTFS, and disable anonymous logons if not needed. I do the same thing with my web services as well. I make accounts in my domain for people using the FTP server as well. If you want a person to use a resource, then you are better off creating an account to manage that resource. I have several accounts on my home FTP server for friends, and they each have their own account, plus I have a domain group setup for them so I can assign group permissions to general folders. If I want someone in the group to have different access (like write rather than read-only) I add them seperately to the resource with the required permissions.
  23. clutch


    Check your mail dude.