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Everything posted by clutch

  1. This all assumes that you are using the Win2K bootloader menu to select the OS that you are going into. You would be essentially doing the same thing as making a boot disk. Here is a link on that process: http://www.windows2000faq.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=14716 The main thing that you want to do, is follow line 2 and keep those files on the first drive (win98 installation). In addition, make sure to keep the files on that drive that pertain to any programs you are running in Win2K as well (in case you are "sharing" and installation of Office, for instance). It should be fine if you keep these files on there. However, just for a backup, make a seperate floppy from those directions in case you delete something on accident, that way you can boot in to Win2K. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    Slow logon to domain

    The cache that I was referring to is the local memory kept for mapping friendly names to their associated IPs. Here are a couple of links to get you guys started: http://cramsession.brainbuzz.com/cramsession/microsoft/tcpip/guide.asp http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q180/0/94.ASP The first one covers basic name resolution in a Windows environment, and the second one covers how to write a LMHOSTS file that will speed up your domain controller hunt at logon. If I have more, I will post it later. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by EddiE314: clutch - didn't "Weezer" come from Kenosha?</font> I have no idea. I was born in Miami, FL, and moved around a bit since my mom was in the Navy. I moved here from Tucson AZ over a year ago. I am not up on the "rich" history of the area. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    I am using that RC of SP2 and the only thing that I have seen changed is that it broke the authentication of Outlook Web Access in Exchange 5.5. I have only used it for a few days though, so I am still checking for any improvements. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Location: Kenosha, WI (45min out of Chicago, IL) Occupation: IT Coordinator Hobbies: Cycling/Spinning, Networking, Graphics (2D and 3D), MP3s, fiddling around with my digital camera So Brian, since you requested this info from others, where is yours? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000350.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    Dell processor upgrade

    I would be interested in seeing if the voltage steps down for the newer processors. When he went from a PII 400 to a PIII 800 there is a bit of a voltage drop associated with the new CPU. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch

    Voice regonition program

    Well, I didn't say you could get ALL your pirating needs there. But you do get the spiffy boxes and manuals to make you appear legit. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    DX8a + Descent 3

    Nice to see you again, Dos. As far as DX in D3, I thought that you could use OpenGL or DX in it. For some reason I was under the impression DX had more to do in the game (but I haven't installed it in a long time). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    Slow logon to domain

    Try doing it on a fresh boot when the cache is all cleared out. Most of the slow logon performance I have seen has been due to slow name resolution. In Win2K, the workstation/server will not let you know that it didn't find a domain controller to authenticate your credentials. It will just go straight to your cached profile and compare your logon against the last successful attempt. It could be something else though, this is just a suggestion. As far as improving name resolution, I will always recommend WINS/DNS on a network. This is the way that I have always done it, and I don't have any issues. Just have a dinky little NT box running WINS/DHCP, and you don't get browsing or name resolution problems. I am moving away from WINS to DDNS now however. But unfortunately it seems to *require* another box to sync against or it will write a bunch of alerts to the event viewer. SP2 is supposed to fix the remaining issues with DDNS and its up[censored] system. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    Service Packs

    No "slipstreaming" for NT bud, sorry. But boy do I WISH there was a way to. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    Voice regonition program

    Breaking in to a Best Buy like legitimate thieves do. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    Could ppl plz try to be nice on this forum

    I have OS/2 Warp running at work (not by choice though). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch


    Welp, if it came with a utility to run the update from within windows, then somebody must have a lot of faith in it. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    3Dfx was bought and why?

    I have had only one Via board (this AOpen AX34), and it will probably be my last as well. Most of my issues have been with USB devices (my UPS wouldn't work, and my SanDisk flash reader gets disabled when the system goes to standby), but I did have an issue with a GeForce Ultra where it just wouldn't install properly at all. [moronic comment] Woohoo! Number 600! [/moronic comment] ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    Syncing files?

    I know Win2K does it, but I don't know if ME does. You should be able to right click on a network file and select "Make Available Offline". This should walk you through a nifty wizard to set it up. This was geared for laptops, but I think it is what you are looking for. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by EddiE314: Clutch - if i go into a store, what do i ask for? A conductive Pen? are there any other names?</font> Sorry man, I just saw this post under all the spamming that we have been doing. Yes, they *should* know what you are talking about. But if not, ask for the section dealing with blank silicon and etching fluids. The pens are there too in most cases (or behind the counter, but then again they will know what you are talking about). Sorry about the delay. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    It's amazing how all this can start from a simple OS upgrade, isn't it? Good thing it's not something important, like hemorrhoid cream. http://www.preparationh.com/products/cream.asp This has about as much to do with this topic as anything else lately, so I figured I would find somethings SO bizarre to post that this thread will die. I would ask that you consider this thread "creamed". ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch


    I have never heard of anyone up[censored] their system BIOS from within windows before. For video cards and other adapters/devices, sure, just not the system BIOS. Always DOS, baby. The only exception that I have had has been with Compaq servers (ROMPaqs) where you can update the BIOS from *within* the BIOS. Now that's REALLY trick. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    Ports Database.

    I think he was referring to your issue looking for MW4 ports. As far as applications and ports, I will take a look at the games I have to see what the active default ports are. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Ports Database.

    Well, maybe we could come up with one on our own. What format would be easiest? Peeps could just email in their apps and the respective ports. Cynan, do you want to take over on it? I could host it until Philipp has more time to mess with it. We could just set it up as a text file in alphabetical order. There are these links from this post: http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000350.html The first one is for general applications and "official" services, and the next one was from Busby which seems to be a good link as well. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    Slow logon to domain

    Is name resolution fast? Can you ping by PC name quickly? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    GEFORCE 3 WHEN!!!!!!

    I would spend that much on a video card if I thought it would be worth it. Hell, I just spent that much on a cat tree for my cat to hang out on. Money is relative, therefore so is price. I am not saying that charging that much is necessarlity viable for the long term, but technology is not a long term proposition anyway. It costs a lot to get new technology out the door and they want to make up for as much of their investment as soon as possible. Over time it will trickle down to a "bread-and-butter" price point and the low-end users will be happy. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    Ports Database.

    That sounds pretty cool. Good idea. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    win2000 & Solaris on same network??

    WinNT/2K and 9x all rely on the same smb strategy. So, yes, they will all talk to Linux using Samba in the same manner. Samba takes a bit to get used to, but it works fairly well. ------------------ Regards, clutch