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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Creative Labs abuse of power

    Indeed, accurate sources and times would be nice for this. However, if this was the case, they probably have to right to block whomever they want from their systems as they more than likely own them.
  2. clutch

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    OK, I resized the window and the CPU util went up, then it settled back down again to the 3% mark. This was with playing a LAME --ape 192 VBR file and leaving the spectrum analyzer running. My box is a P4 2.4GHz with a gig of RAM. I have heard of other people having problems, but I don't know why. You can also correct the sq (and maybe CPU util) issues if you use "Wave Out" from the Quicktime control panel (in the Quicktime Player preferences menu).
  3. clutch

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    It works fine for me in Windows and OS X 10.3. I have imported the first 40GB of my library (about 7500 tracks or so) and it works really well. I like how it can export the playlists and the library as XML for later use with other DB apps (for me, it will be ASP.NET/SQL Server). I get about 1-3% CPU utilization during playback, and it takes about 25MB of RAM (about the norm for WMP, Explorer, Mozilla, etc) but feels much lighter. The utilization is lower than WMP, Winamp, Sonique, and other MP3 players I have used, but with a lot more features. I like it a lot, and really dig the smartlists and rating option on the iPod and in iTunes.
  4. clutch

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    If you have a lot of MP3s, it's the best application on any platform I have tested it on to manage them. I *only* have about 2000 files out of my collection on it, and it is very fast at searching and sorting and (of course) works great with my 40GB iPod. It is also very fast at launching, but this is on a slow-ass PowerBook G4 867MHz. I haven't tried it in Windows yet, so we'll see how that goes.
  5. clutch

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    Well, I guess since people like referring to Microsoft as M$, you can refer to Apple as Appl€...
  6. clutch

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    http://akamaidownload.apple.com/530x3824/akform.html What, were you waiting for Steve Jobs to hand you the disc himself?
  7. clutch

    Export a user?

    The domain membership is going to be based off the SID of the client install, which will change when you format and reinstall the OS. So, you will need an admin to rejoin the box to the domain (yeah, I know that if a machine account is created in the domain first it's supposed to work without the admin, but that rarely works properly and this account was already active with a previous install and has to be updated with the new OS installation SID) to get you started. After that, you can either logon and restore from the profile backup wizard, or you can logon, then logoff and copy over the old profile directory. The second method creates the proper profile directory with the domain membership, and lets you copy all your old stuff over without having the OS bypass it (if you moved the directory over before your first logon in the domain) and appending "DOMAIN" to the end of the directory name.
  8. I have used Raxco PerfectDisk and O&O Defrag, both of which were very nice. PerfectDisk was really nice on drives that were both very full and very fragmented. As for the registry, I couldn't tell you too much about that as I rarely keep Windows client installs around long enough to care.
  9. clutch

    Text quality on 19" CRT

    The video card is going to be your issue, due to the way they regulated the board (the RAMDAC on it I believe) to control RF interference. Matrox *used* to be the best by a longshot, but a lack of engineering initiative has killed them. ATi is definately doing it right now. The text is nice and clear on both Windows and Mac platforms (I use both) with CRTs and LCDs. I would suggest that you keep the monitor if you need 1600x1200 and try an ATi card if you can. The main reason for not going to an LCD is the great difficulty in getting one that does 1600x1200 at a decent cost. I have a 19" Samsung 191t on my main WinXP workstation, at it looks great with my Radeon 9800 Pro, but it will only go up to 1280x1024.
  10. clutch

    Stupid Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

    Umm, that's an old worm that's attacking your system. But what I don't understand, is why you would have Windows Server 2003, and yet have no basic protection from (or even be aware of) this worm. You should probably stick to XP Home and get ZoneAlarm (or some other consumer level) firewall immediately.
  11. clutch

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    I just threw my 100GB JB drive into my server to install Server 2003 on it, and I just run a single partition. I have a 40GB (slower BB) drive that I am going to use to store backup images on using Ghost or PowerQuest V2i. I don't expect the server to exceed the capacity of the drive with compressed images, but if it does I will throw a larger drive in there later on. I hate the partitioning scheme in Windows ("C", "D", "E", etc rather than what *NIX uses, so I just don't bother with partitioning it. While you can enable Dynamic Disks and then use mount points (folders) for other partitions, many drive imaging solutions don't work properly with them.
  12. What do you guys use, and why? I have my first player, a "Rio" (later called the PMP 300 I think) with 32MB of flash ram, and now I have a 40GB iPod. I have seen the Rio Karma, which looks promising but does not have a remote nor the 40GB version available yet, and wondered what your thoughts were on it and other units on the market. You can get more info on Rio products at www.riovolution.com. I also have an Alpine 9811 CD/MP3/WMA headunit in my car, so I am sticking with the MP3 standard for now so I can play music on both of my players (using EAC 192 VBR with the extreme preset).
  13. A "good" reason to use the server version as a workstation would be a web developer. The IIS on clients only allows the use of one website, while the server version allows as many as you want to make. As for me, I am running a PowerBook G4 for AD testing right now, so this is a non-issue...
  14. clutch

    Gotta Love Linux

    First, check out www.linuxcompatible.org, as that is the sister forum to this one for Linux issues (your account will work there as well, just login with these credentials). As for the issues, there can be many reasons why you are locking up in Windows, and I would say they are hardware related. If you are having issues in Windows, then you might have even more issues in Linux. Fortunately, having an nVidia card will make your life easier, but it depends on if there are available binaries for your distro/kernel or not. I preferred compiling the source, but that might be a little be difficult for a new person.
  15. clutch

    W32 time sync - NT4 vs XP

    What can be done, and what I have done before on legacy NT 4 networks, is install the free service on the NT boxes from MS and configure it in a manner that can let you sync the whole network. I wouldn't even setup the gateway entry on the old NT DCs so they wouldn't be able to transmit traffic outside the network, but they still needed a time source. So, I configured the IIS box to sync with a USNO time server (http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/ntp.html) and then setup the DCs to sync with this box. This way, an existing box with external access could get accurate time and then it would propogate down to the rest of the network. There is also a registry hack for setting a time source. Using TimeServ http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;232255 How to Sync up Domain Time Sources http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;131715 How to Sync time on Win2K boxes with NT Time Sources http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;258059 Time Source Modes http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;174557
  16. Imagine even more pop-up ads every time you mis-type a URL. In addition, this is being reported as affecting some anti-SPAM engines in mail systems. Overall, they are now claiming everything that people aren't paying for. I think it sucks.
  17. clutch

    setting up domain in win2k3

    The best way to do it would be split-brain (split-horizon for the *nix peeps). Essentially, you setup your box as a DNS server for your home domain (such as "whatever.com"). Now, you setup the box (server1) and its domain suffix (computer properties, and then computer name) to the same suffix for now. so, you have server1.whatever.com, and you can now install DNS on it. Setup your first zone to support "whatever.com" if that's the domain name you want, and then populate it with any hosts (other computers), delegations (other subdomains with other DNS servers), aliases (alternate names for existing records, such as "www" being an alias for "server1.whatever.com" if that box is going to be the www server), and MX records (mail servers) that you want. Make sure that it does not support dynamic updates for now, and then test it by pinging the records. Remember, the server *NEEDS* to point to itself as its primary DNS server, and make sure that there are no other servers for it to point to in its network TCP/IP properties. Next, once those tests are done, set the forwarders for the server to point unknown DNS requests (such as www.microsoft.com and www.ntcompatible.com) to your ISP's (or any accessible DNS) server so it can pass off requests for unkown domains and their hosts. Also, if this system has multiple NICs, make sure to have one for the LAN side and one for the WAN side, and assign the DNS server to *ONLY* respond to DNS requests from the LAN side (unless you plan on hosting your own name in the real world) for security and bandwidth's sake. Another good source of info on AD and (D)DNS would be Mark Minasi and just about anything he's written for 2000 and 2003 Server.
  18. clutch

    Tips on orgainizing interior of case

    Quote: I posted this on the overclocking forum i visit, but HAD to post it here i am so hyped about this!!! Well, i am a little over excited i need to share my excitment! i got a MSI ti4200 128mb card that i grabbed from a system here @ work (in our house) and changed it with a 64mb ti4200 card. So, now i got this ti4200 128mb on a P4S8X-X board a p4 2.4a @ 2.91ghz - 256 pc2100. been reading that the 64mb card usually has fater ram and can go higher, well, this core so far kick's butt! - i have not touch the ram yet, only the core. well, i decide heck, lets over clock this card - stock voltage and the fan on it HOLY CRAP! well right now the defualt details are 249.5 core is stock 445 is stock ram well, so far it i got it [size:15] 320.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/color] holly crap!! i feel like a kid on X-mas!!!! Does anyone know of the record for this card..lol it seems that 320.6 is the highest for me so far with out upping the AGP voltage in the bios or doing a voltmod. - RivaTuner shows the "exclamation" beside the speed! (if no one beleives this PLEASE tell me how i can prove it to u and i will be more then happy to! DEUM! i can NOT get over the speed of this card so far! - thing is - i touch the heat sink while in the middle of looping 3dmark so far and it is NOT even warm or hot to the touch! DEUM DEUMDEUM! this is too exciting!!!!!!!! What does this have to do with case organization? Please try creating your own thread, or at least find one that is close to the topic you are posting about.
  19. clutch

    Using Tabs on Firebird

    Middle click your mouse on a link, and that will open it in a new tab. Also, if you right click on your bookmarks you will have the ability to open them in tabs. Mine open that way by default, but I don't have access to a box running it right now to remember my settings.
  20. clutch

    AV oftware Comparison needed

    I've had much better luck with McAfee at all my other jobs than I have with Norton at this one. Even with current definitions, worms and such still seem to make it in. We are running 7.61 right now, and I was using McAfee 4.xx and 7.x Corporate Edition forever with no issues. The only thing I can figure is that we have so many users here that we are bound to trip over the holes in protection afforded by it.
  21. clutch

    Intel Centrino vs other mobile?

    Plus the chipset performance is supposed to be pretty quick as well, which helps negate the clock speed perception.
  22. clutch

    Microsoft pissed about unfair competition

    Also, how fast do you think a government would be in having patches released? I mean really, many governments can't do anything in a timely manner, even when a large project that is either core funded annually, or one with a large amount of funding for a limited time (1-3 years) is involved. Plus, since governments are now regulating software, it does seem rather unfair that a government would throw out its own version of an OS. They are the ones writing the laws for software, and now they are going to release their own? Gee, I wonder what OS would be favored then... Also, the whole thing with security is total BS. If people even bothered to use the basic security tools that are freely available from MS, and enabled their firewalls on XP, or filtered ports with 2K, most of this wouldn't even be an issue. Plus, all of those office exploits were addressed a long time ago in the simple security releases that went all the way back to Outlook 98, but so many people are too lazy or ignorant of these issues. Yet, these are the same morons that scream about security. If they put half as much effort into maintain their systems as they do complaining about them, there wouldn't be much of a user base to support these outbreaks. I say let them make their own OS, and see how "easy" it is to do so. Better yet, I want to see how they plan on releasing the source of it and still use it in government facilities. That will be nice.
  23. clutch

    zonealarm pro Vs Mcafee Firewall 4.0

    Quote: Quote: Zonealarm Pro is what I use and it works quite well. It can block pop-up's and can be put into stealth mode. The only other firewall I like is Sygate personal but it's nearly simular to Zonealarm Pro 4.0. I have been happy with zonealarm. I havn't heard the best things about MacAfee AV but I havn't heard anything about the firewall. I say put MacAfee on for a couple of weeks and decide for yourself. I have had extremely good luck with McAfee AV myself for quite a while, but I don't think I would care for their firewall. Then again, I don't like any personal firewalls and use major firewalls for my whole network.
  24. clutch

    Reverse DNS

    Well, you are asking a few things at once. The ideal would be if your company has an ISP hosting its records, then that ISP would be the one responsible for hosting records for that IP range given to your company. So, you are trying to send stuff from your home, and you are *not* in the IP range that was given to your company, then don't expect the company's ISP to host the records for you. They would probably ask a lot of questions as to why, and give you a hard time. Now, if you were hosting the listserver at your work, then I would name it listserver.domain.com, list it as such in the application being used, and then ask the ISP to bind the IP of that box (its Internet IP if using pooling behind a firewall) to the listserver.domain.com name. Now, if you send out the list with an email addy such as "me@domain.com", then the users will try to reply to it and wind up hitting your email server at "domain.com", and not "listserver.domain.com". This is why you tend to see email response addys such as "response@majordomo.domain.com" or "listserver@majordomo.domain.com" because when you click on them, you want the response to go directly to the machine in question (which in this case is hosting this "majordomo" listserver app, and has been named as such).
  25. clutch

    [EMERGENCY] The IIS Admin Service service terminated

    One other solution for the worm would be to stop and disable the IIS Services, reboot it, install the patches, and reboot it again. Once rebooted, then enable the services and restore them to their previous settings ("Automatic" more than likely).