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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Electricity bills

    About $110 per month running 3-4 PCs 24/7, and a big screen TV. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    Win2K, NTFS ARRGH!

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by desmondelliott: yes, it does. when i ran fdisk in win98se it asked me if i wanted to enable ntfs file system support or something to that effect. will try the maxtor llf program.</font> It was actually asking if you wanted to enable large disk support (FAT32). Just so you know. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    How do I shut down other PCs on LAN

    You could also use "shutdown.exe" from the NT Resource kit. That has been the easiest for me. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    Descent 3 killed my PC!

    You could also try just reinstalling your video card drivers. It's been a while since I messed with D3, but didn't it have that "GLSetup" program (the one with most of the OpenGL drivers that were out at the time)? Maybe it installed another driver (not sure how without the user knowing it) and that could be why the other games are going haywire. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    Cable internet, what's needed?

    My 4-port has a built-in switch rather than a hub. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. Interesting. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    2 w2k pcs in lan, do they both need netbeui ??

    Using a router? You will need TCP/IP (unless it supports IPX--ick!) for access across it. If you have TCP/IP, then you wont need NetBEUI. By default, TCP/IP should install with "enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" selected. This will allow you to use the simple names for your PCs(or "DOMA34XDY-E45" and such if you chose the default ones) when connecting to them. Is the router a gateway as well? If so, it may support DHCP and you can use the router to issue all the info you need to get the PCs talking to each other. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch


    Well, I was looking around the ZA site to see if I could help. Now, it would appear there are several ways to do it: 1. Like Brusar mentioned, you could lower the general settings (seems to be the most common way, and the original intent of the program). 2. Authorize the application to send/receive data. I believe there will be a pop-up when new traffic is picked up on the machine running ZA. You would then have the option to permit it. 3. Upgrade to ZA Pro, which permits port managing and it more flexible than ZA in regrads to narrowing security focus. Overall, it seems like ZA is a nice package for simple home use, but ZA Pro may be the version of choice for some of the power users here. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    AWESOME screensaver to use with your GTS!!!

    What kind of error is it giving? ------------------ Regards, clutch [This message has been edited by clutch (edited 23 February 2001).]
  10. clutch

    Getting Alice to work on NT

    Alice is based on the Q3A engine, so it should run in NT. The main problem I would think is the video card. If you go to the ATI website, look for the "beta" or "unofficial release" drivers. They have one for that chip that has decent (for the Rage Pro anyway) performance in OpenGL. BTW, SP3 brought NT4 to DX3. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    AWESOME screensaver to use with your GTS!!!

    It is a pretty cool screensaver. I bought it for work to convince the mgmt that we should upgrade from NT to Win2K. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch


    Your firewall is blocking your NetBIOS and ICMP protocols. You just need to open up some ports. I think the readme or their site has more info on this. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    mapping network drives for services to use

    If you do change the logon account for the service, I would suggest that you create an account for the FTP service and give it the rights it needs rather than give it yours. If you change your password one day, you may notice some things may stop working... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch

    w2k good or bad? whats your opion

    I wouldn't imagine that it would be a "download only" type of format. We use Solidworks (3D modeling program) and have a subscription format for it. This format actually works quite well for us because we have full access to all new updates, and we get sent new revisions via UPS when they are out. Support is also built-in to this subscription. The cost is quite high for this however (5 users at $6,000US initial cost, and $8,000US per year for maintenance) and prohibitive for smaller buisnesses. Subscription-based software is not new, and does offer a lot of advantages for companies. In most cases, you can get whole new versions for the cost of your maintenance contract and not have to pay for upgrades. Also, licenses tend to be more flexible (such as concurrent usage vs. per seat) and cheaper when purchased in bundles. I would imagine that home users will still have the ability to get their software on CD, even though it will probably be a disaster-recovery type disk for new PCs, and will be able to buy the software at a store in disk format. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    My 500th post. Do we get frequent flyer miles for these? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    About to take an MCSE test

    For all that studying, the test will probably be a great surprise in its simplicity. A lot of RAS stuff on it though. If you are familiar with the question phrasing, you should do quite well. Good Luck. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    w2k good or bad? whats your opion

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jdulmage: I don't have time to list that many things, i'm done, this thread is over with, god lame...</font> Then make the attempt to enlighten us with a few of the better points of the OS since I have no idea what I am talking about. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    IIS and router issues

    NP bud, it seemed like knew the answer, you just didn't *know* it. Get it? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    Ghosting Partitions from a RAID Array

    Ghost 2001 is the home version I believe. Ghost 6.5 is the corporate one. I don't know why the corporate wouldn't do it, but it's kinda hard to complain when it's war3z. Guess you could always return it... e Didn't occur to me that war3z was a bad word. /e ------------------ Regards, clutch [This message has been edited by clutch (edited 22 February 2001).]
  20. clutch

    MS Office Toolbar

    As for me, I would have gone to Start>Programs>Microsoft Office Tools>Microsoft Shortcut Bar. I have closed it like that before, and just used that shortcut to bring it back. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Help me with my FAX Services please

    Here is a link on configuring the service: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q246/1/51.ASP But I think your issue may revolve around the summary sentence: "To gain access to the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) e-mail client profile, you must configure the Microsoft Windows 2000 Fax Service to run under an Administrator account. " I ran into this same problem trying to connect to my servers with perfmon. If you don't know how to do this, reply here. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    w2k good or bad? whats your opion

    It rocks. I would be more interested in hearing if others will be upgrading to Windows XP when it comes out. I will more then likely get a copy at work, but I don't think I will unless there is a real need to. This has all I need for the forseeable future, and a skinable OS is something that I could live without. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    funny website

    JEFFK SI L3#T!!11 ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    Unexpected Lock-ups in Win2k....plz read..

    Mount a "nice-looking" A/C unit in the cabinet door. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    Coolbits for TNT2?

    They never knew Freecell could haul that much A$$, eh? ------------------ Regards, clutch