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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    Damn Jedi, that sucks. The main problems that I have had with any of the NT based systems have been communication problems (being saddled with a cheap NIC that I am told HAS to work, or some weak-*** winmodem). I know how frustrating it gets when you point out that a simple $25 hardware swap would fix the problem, but some bean counter "scored a great deal" on a dozen of these wonderful pieces of art. I am curious, have you found a pattern in what attached hardware has the most h***le (mobo chipset, video card, etc)? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    IE download location??

    Because it's caching it up for you in the temp internet files. Plus, if your lucky, if the d/l fails (and the planets are aligned JUST right), it will pick up where it left off. Now, you wouldn't want all those halfway downloaded files cluttering your pretty directories now do you? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    Where do you get that number jedibaron? You have been informative in the past, but I am wondering where you got that from. I have 3 workstations at my office and I know of 4 others that have Win2K and SBLives, and none of them have problems at all (BX, Apollo Pro 133A, and i820) with various programs and DVD Player software. Not to mention the games that have worked on them (OpenGL and D3D). I know that people have had their issues with the Live cards, but I would have to agree with Frank as far as the overall compatability (unless you have a source for this metric). MCSE, MCP+I, and certi-fried thru experience ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    is DDR RAM worth it?

    DDR RAM compensates for a narrower bus width in some cases (hence the wonderous fill rate at higher resolutions). It will also be a nice feature for motherboards when the mobos actually come out. As far as 3Dfx having their shit together, I don't know about that. They bought the worst vendor that made boards (hence the cheapest). It seemed like a great idea for quality control, but it didn't quite fly. Now, they are paying for it by shutting down their investment. In addition, they are pawning off the V5 6000 that was supposed to kick everybody's collective ass to a company that will only provide them for institutional uses (simulators and arcade equipment). Nvidia keeps coming out with nice features and better performing drivers with almost (7.17=boooo) every release, and they have one helluva schedule that they stick to for release. In addition, I have seen some old benchmarks that show the 5500 performing as 2 32MB cards, instead of 1 64MB card (large texturing runs and such). Now, 3dfx kicks major ass in their AA and what have you, but with production delays, recalls, and the pulling of the flagship product that was promised forever, I would hardly call it a company with its "shit" together. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. What Down8 said . Just make sure to AT LEAST use different partitions (tho I would recommend different hard drives. WinNT (2K) will scan for other OSes, and then give you a zippy menu with a shiny new Win9x option. Joy. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. clutch

    How can computers see each other?

    Wouldn't the "IP Forwarding" boxes need to be checked as well? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    Restoring apps after explorer crash...

    No, I haven't seen any services stop either, but to get the icon functionality back I would have to stop and restart Mdaemon (basic POP3 server). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch

    Restoring apps after explorer crash...

    Same here. It would be nice when my mail server takes a dive and then comes back to have the icons back in the systray. Sometimes I have to stop and restart the services in question just to get them back. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    I want to limit my bandwidth.. but how???

    Here's some stuff that I found: http://www.microsoft.com/TechNet/win2000/qoscomp.asp http://www.microsoft.com/WINDOWS2000/library/howitworks/communications/trafficmgmt/qos.asp HTH ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    Need some advice here

    I have a couple of ASUS P3B-F mobos, and I had my GeForce1 SDR in them. Those had some hefty power requirements, and worked great with this version of motherboard. I *think* that the GTS has power requirements either the same as or LESS THAN the GeForce1 (shrink in die size helped a ton). The only problem that I can remember with any of the ASUS line and the GeForce was with the P2L97 (440LX chipset) due to the power contraints on the AGP slot. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    Some were pretty expensive at one time. Easy mistake to make. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. It's a driver thing. My HP DJ722c shows this option under the "Printing Preferences" button on the "General" tab. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    Quake 3 stuck at 60hz refreshrate..?

    "com_maxfps 100" affects online play. If you want to leave it wide open, go to the console and type "/seta com_maxfps 0" without the quotes, and that will allow you to run as fast as possible online. The idea behind this cap is to control "speed-induced lag", where a machine could produce so many fps, that the world updates would eventually not be able to keep up and cause a lag situation. As far as the 60Hz thing, I would have just used the cool refresh rate util for nVidia cards over at tweakfiles.com. It works great. Then, you can have the monitor run at whatever refresh rate (within spec would be advisable ) you like. edit Let me re-phrase the statement about the com_maxfps setting. When you play a game, it creates a server. Then the com_maxfps will come in to play. Normally, I have seen the default for this value at 100, so staying at a steady 60fps would probably mean that the monitor is the cap. In addition, the com_maxfps line would have no impact on the refresh rate of the monitor, only the framerate that is rendered while in game. This setting is also bypassed when running timedemos. /edit ------------------ Regards, clutch [This message has been edited by clutch (edited 29 November 2000).]
  14. clutch

    SB Live

    If it's true 5.1 sound (which I think it is) then the center channel would be discrete (seperate entity) from the rest of the audio. Probably just another output on the DSP. Tho, I would imagine that it could be fixed up (or just go to Best Buy, buy one, then return your old card; don't think anyone would have the time/knowledge to care). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    I want to limit my bandwidth.. but how???

    Oooooohhhhh..... Then I have no idea. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    OMG! Where are the postings?

    In the "I don't mean to piss everyone off.........." thread. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    I want to limit my bandwidth.. but how???

    Never had a need to. I am not sure that the bandwidth throttling works like you want it to. What I would try to do, is throw the file into the root of a give site in IIS, then download from there. You should be able to see the speed on the client machine with the download dialog. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    I want to limit my bandwidth.. but how???

    Did you reboot the server? Try that. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    I want to limit my bandwidth.. but how???

    Sometimes you have to stop and restart the web services to get changes into effect. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    Can't Install ANYTHING!!

    Sounds like you had a program that may have overwritten that file with a "new and improved" version, then rendered it inoperative with other programs. That, or it may just be corrupt. Either way, I would just install (or re-install) SP1 to see if I could get it back. Funny though, I would have thought that Win2K would have that file as "protected", and would either block it, or reinstall it after the application that overwrote was finished installing. This leads me to believe that the file may just be corrupt. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Is there any difference in performance?

    No, there shouldn't be a difference as far as clean installs go. However, when you install more things under the context of a given user, there will be a slight loss of system resources (instant messengers, sound card software, DVD software, download managers, etc.) So, if you login under a new user after 6 months of usage, it will "feel" snappier, and a good deal quicker due to the increase of available resources. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    Setting HD DMA in Win NT

    I can't seem to recall it being supported in NT. Although it may be, I just don't remember there being drivers to do such a task for the DMA/33 drives I have used in the past. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    Help! What does this mean?

    Umm, yes, you can defrag a SCSI drive. First, I would just reboot. Second, if that didn't work, see if there are updated drivers for your hard drive controller. If it's an outboard (not built-in) controller, then go to the site of the maker of the unit. If it is built-in, then go to the motherboard manufacturer. Try these first, as they are simple solutions. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    An article about IRQ9, PCI Steering, and ACPI

    Interesting reply, I think that she was just mentioning how it behaves and that it does behave well for most things. I'll try not to post anything from again in the future... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    How to configure NT as router.

    Here's a couple of links that might interest you, as I don't know what you are trying to implement with this router: http://www.win2000mag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=7036 http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Content/155/10/3.html You can get some other information from: www.ntfaq.com ------------------ Regards, clutch