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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Home networking trouble between 2k and 98....

    It's actually not that hard. Normally, you would have both machines setup to use "Client for Microsoft Networks" (which is default in Win2K). When you do this, you then got logon ability, which is the ability for a machine to ask for, and transmit security credentials across a network. It makes it easier if you setup a "workgroup" to handle this, and the machine would be a member of it, and then pass on the credentials as a subset of that workgroup or domain. In an NT domain, you don't see user names as just "jwilliams" or "RobertC", you would see them as "\\NTDOMAIN\jwilliams", as "jwilliams" is an object of that domain, and can be managed. When you enabled that guest account, you essentially enabled anonymous logon to your machine and it's available shares (which is why it's disabled by default, as this is "poor form" in the security world). This is also a problem if one of your machines has internet access with no port restrictions and/or firewall. What you would normally do is this: A: Define a workgroup/domain, and define its users and groups on paper. B: Make sure that you have "Client for Microsoft Networks" installed on both of your machines under network properties. C: Starting with the Win2K box, go to your network ID dialog (right click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop), and establish that your Win2K machine will now join the "MYWORKGROUP" (or whatever name you like) workgroup. D: Reboot the Win2K box, and login with your admin account under this new workgroup (the options button on the logon screen will let you see what group/domain you are logging into, and let you select from that). E: Go to your Win98 machine, and get in to your network properties dialog and then to "Client for Microsoft Networks". F: Setup the 98 machine to join your new workgroup in a similar fashion as the Win2K box. G: Reboot the 98 box, and then you should be able to see the login screen on the 98 box, and you can then enter your admin account credentials from the Win2K box and get in. Once you do this, you should be able to go to Windows Explorer, and type \\WIN2K_COMPUTER_NAME\C$ (any share with a dollar sign is "hidden" so you wont see it in network neighborhood, and this particular share is an admin share installed by default) to get to your C drive on your Win2K machine. If this works, you are successfully transmitting security credentials to your Win2K PC. Now, this is the "from scratch" method for getting a basic workgroup off the ground. You could also use the "Computername" domain that Win2K allows you to logon with after you install the Win2K OS. This "Computername" domain will always be there, so in case you have a connectivity problem to a domain controller and cannot verify your credentials, you can at least get on the local machine and get local information. If you use this default domain, you can try to get your Win98 box to join this domain by following from step "E:" forward. If you have any problems, post back here. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    A7V + AGP4x + Nvidia + Win2k = Fixed!!

    Quote: Originally posted by tristan777: hummmmm.... does that drawguns 0 command make the guns dissapear? yukky... i think i'd rather know what i was shooting and take the few FPS hit. Yeah, I know that some people like seeing the weapon, but for me it just gets in the way and obscures my field of vision. Plus, I get the bonus of a few frames to boot. I go by the ammo icon to see what I am using, and I wear a headset so I find listening for the rail charge much easier than watching the color change of the weapon itself. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    Actually, I would recommend setting everyone to full control over the share. Then, you use NTFS permissions to lock the directory. Now, if someone is having problems with connecting to a share, then setting both the NTFS and share permissions to "Everyone:Full Control" will reset all of the affiliated ACL (Access Control Lists) and once successfully connected, you can then reassign all the permissions that you want, preferably using NTFS due to its stability. Share permissions are the WORST to use to limit access, due to the fact that if you share out one directory to "admin", then share out a parent directory later on to a lesser group, that group can traverse the directories and get to the more "secure" one. If you use NTFS permissions, this doesn't become a factor. Also, if you have overlapping NTFS and Share permissions, the most RESTRICTIVE of the two will be enforced. It just makes it easier to not assign share level permissions when you have the power of NTFS available. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    Building a Thunderbird

    I have an Apollo Pro 133A based board, and my SB Live! works great with it. That, and my ASUS P3B-F (Intel BX-based mobo). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    What is a Cisco router?

    They make kick-ass, expensive equipment. That's about it. Oh, and you can make some bank with their certifications too... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. More memory... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    A7V + AGP4x + Nvidia + Win2k = Fixed!!

    Nicely done. Here are my specs: 1024x768 High=50.27 Normal=75.5 800x600 High=79.3 Normal=93.6 And I don't run 640x480 on my main machine. Also, my specs changed slightly: PIII 800 (8x100) AOpen AX34 (Via Apollo Pro 133A R 1.04 BIOS) 256MB RAM @ 133MHz GeForce SDR 25 GB IBM IDE HD (ATA/33) SB Live! MP3 Samsung DVD-ROM SD-604 Sounds like your machine is all better now. I run a modified config with these commands to get rid of extra crap and keep the frames up: seta cg_drawgun 0 seta cg_draw3dicons 0 seta cg_gibs 0 seta cg_brassTime 0 These commands simplify the console and get rid of the weapon view. The "cg_gibs" command cans some of the extraneous graphics in a major kill zone. When using this, my 93.6 fps jumps to 112.3fps. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch

    What is a Cisco router?

    So, is the guy in the 7UP commercials a "7UP Router" when he has the soda machine on the freeway? And if so, was that a major packet collision with the semi or what? ------------------ Regards, clutch [This message has been edited by clutch (edited 24 November 2000).]
  9. clutch

    A7V + AGP4x + Nvidia + Win2k = Fixed!!

    To run a timedemo, enter the game, and use the "~" key (under the escape key) and type: timedemo 1 (hit enter) demo demo001 (hit enter) It will run demo001 as fast as possible, then it will go back to the menu. You can then hit the "~" key again and it will show you the Frames Per Second (FPS). If you want to exit the timedemo mode, pull down the console again and type: timedemo 0 (hit enter) Let us know what you are running the game at (1024x768 or 800x600, 16 bit or 32bit, etc). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    Are you talking about the "Coolbits" reg key? I can post the file (in text form for your copy and paste pleasure) if needed. Oh, and I would have to agree, 6.31, DX8, W2K, and my GeForce seem quite happy together. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    DirectX 8 and Screen Refresh/Mode Change

    I remember that from the days of my Voodoo2, all the clicking and crap. I also remember that a driver change for the Voodoo2 took care of most of it as well. What drivers are u using for your GeForce? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    FAT or NTFS?

    I use NTFS on all my machines. I format partitions greater than 2GB with 4KB clusters. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    Well, if the directories weren't moved (if the share is really valid), I would make sure that the share permissions and the NTFS permissions both allow for the same person to get in. I generally set shares to "everyone:full control", which is the default, to alleviate this kind of confusion. In addition, you say that this person can access other shares on your Win2K box, and not the MP3 share? I would definately check the validity of the share, and make sure that no permissions countermand each other. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch

    A7V + AGP4x + Nvidia + Win2k = Fixed!!

    Cool! Now I have a favor to ask of you. I just got a PIII 800 and a new AOpen motherboard, and would like to know how it does against your box. What kind of framerates do you get in Q3? Here are my specs: PIII 800 @ 880 (8x110) AOpen AX34 (Via Apollo Pro 133A R 1.04 BIOS) 256MB RAM @ 100MHz GeForce SDR 25 GB IBM IDE HD (ATA/33) SB Live! MP3 Samsung DVD-ROM SD-604 I usually have a modified Q3 config, but I will run it stock and see what I get for framerate. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    Very Disappointed....

    He was refresh rate locked. I could tell when he had a fast box yet a steady 58fps (if you get a constant number of fps like 60, 75, 85, whatever, then you are probably running right up to the refresh rate of the monitor) even with all that hardware. Once he disabled v-sync, it "uncorked" the power he had and he was able to let it run full out. However, you were correct in what you said. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    Have you checked your NTFS permissions? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    Need Help!! Primary Disk failures during boot-up

    Try this link. Just make sure you know what revision of board you have (tho I don't think that the battery would change ). http://www.asus.com/Products/Motherboard/manual_slota.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    FAT32 or NTFS on a laptop??

    They will speak perfectly fine to each other. NTFS would be better for security tho, in the event that the laptop gets lost or stolen. One could use the built-in encyption with NTFS then. But if it is just for "normal" use, I wouldn't be too concerned about it. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    So when you go to install a driver, you get the option to Reinstall, Update, and Rollback? It sounds cool enough. It keeps track of all the files and God-awful reg entries the last set made? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch


    Yeah, I can't remember either. I think that Win98 was "Memphis", but I was so used to seeing Win2K referred to as "NT 5.0" that I can't think of what the official codename was. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Networking in DOS

    Proc speed eh? I haven't heard of that one. I made a boot floopy from the msclient to get machines with Intel NICs up and running with either TCP/IP of NetBEUI. I used on a PIII 600 tho. Got it connected to a 486/133. I don't know why you would be getting errors, so I may try the floppy on my newly installed PIII 800. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    Hardware DVD Decoding

    Nahhh, I just think that nobody can afford a rig likes yours to have that problem... I am new to non-Intel chipsets, and I don't have hardware DVD-Decoding either. But, I do feel sorry for u (if that helps). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. I just got one of these, and it seems to work quite well. Here are the specs now: PIII 800 (8x100) AOpen AX34 (Via Apollo Pro 133A) 256MB RAM 25 GB IBM IDE HD (ATA/33) SB Live! MP3 Samsung DVD-ROM SD-604 I got the newest 4-in-1 combo driver from AOpen, and I am using the 6.31 nVidia drivers. Is there anything that I should be on the lookout for? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    Very Disappointed....

    Kick-ass dude. That refresh rate will kill ya every time... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. Oh, and one more thing, I can't believe that she got NY either. That, and the dead guy won. And to think that other nations in the world are fighting to get the freedom of choice that we have. Well, I just hope that they don't pay attention to what choices we have, or they may lose interest... ------------------ Regards, clutch