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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Believe me, I wondered about whether or not I was going to "throw away" my vote. But like I said, I just couldn't stand to vote for either of them, yet I felt compelled to vote anyway. I wanted Sen. Dole to run, but that wasn't going to happen. So, I voted for Nader. I knew he wouldn't win, but that wasn't the point. I think that both parties now realize that EVERY vote really DOES count, and that almost anyone can be considered a "contender", and take away those precious votes from you. I would have to say that I am mosly a fan of Republicans (Reagan, Bush [the former pres], Dole, etc.), but GWB is a pinhead puppet, that is being dragged around by his party. And Gore just doesn't have a spine. I just hope this ends soon, and that whichever one does win is not a "sore winner". ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. Bush is an idiot, Gore is a two-faced robot. Either way, we (USA) lose. BTW, I voted for Nader just 'cause I couldn't stomach the thought of voting for either of those pinheads. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Very Disappointed....

    You can use 32-bit color and textures. With a machine like that (and using DDR), it should be a freebie. Now, as far as the 58 FPS result you are getting: 1. That doesn't seem too bad, but then again I am using a PIII 600 with a GeForce SDR 2. What refresh rate are u at? Are u over 60Hz? If you are being capped by your refresh rate, then this could happen as well. Now, you should make sure that you have the latest and greatest drivers (most of the time, but I haven't seen very many pleasant things written about the version 7.x nVidia drivers as of yet, I use the 6.32s still). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    Win2000 Tweaks?

    Go here: http://www.mlin.net and get the "Startup Control Panel" applet. It works quite well. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    Help, im having trouble with a server

    To make it easier, you would be better off using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or getting Winroute. Either of which will walk you through the setup of networking all the machines using TCP/IP (which you will need to get them online with the Internet). ICS is free, and comes with the Operating Systems that you are using, and Winroute is something you would have to buy. I have heard that ICS works quite well. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. clutch

    Copied a cd > C Drive. Now how do I make it autorun.

    Look for the autorun.inf file, open it, and look for the executable that it launches. This is from the IE5 CD: [autorun] OPEN=i386\setup.exe icon=i386\Menu\AutoRun.ico [autorun.alpha] OPEN=Bin\Alpha\ShelExec Alpha\setup.htm [autorun.x86] OPEN=i386\setup.exe The file that it launches for an x86-based machine is: i386\setup.exe That would be the file that you need. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    MS Licensing

    As a little piece of advice, I wouldn't give users CDs if you are really that concerned about licensing. It's not that they may take it home, or burn copies of the software (ok, maybe a lot of them would), but you wind up with uncontrolled versions of software floating around, and then the *user* makes the decision to reinstall the software on his/her machine, or, onto the machines of others on the network because they are *helping* you out. I have a full NT/2K network at my office, and the machines are locked down pretty tight (though, by default NT/2K wont let non-admins install most software or edit the registry) which makes version control much easier. Here's an example: We don't have enough licenses to hand out Office2K to everybody, so half of them use Office 97. Now, if I were to give a user of Office2K a "backup" (which they couldn't use at work anyway due to the nature of their logon and the fact that it is NT/2K), they might *help* out a co-worker while you are at some user's convention for SMS/Exchange/Cuisinarts and start trying to install Office2K as an upgrade. How thoughtful. I keep one copy of every piece of high-traffic software that we use in a binder that I carry with me. If you have a single license, I have *heard* that you are allowed to make a *single* copy of whatever it is you are using. However, the vendors of most of the software that we use tell me that I can make however many CDs that I want to, as long as we don't violate whatever per seat and/or concurrent usage agreement that we have with the vendor. ------------------ Regards, clutch [This message has been edited by clutch (edited 17 November 2000).]
  8. clutch

    Help, im having trouble with a server

    What protocol are u using? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    IIS problems....

    Are there any other services failing? There may have been a service that these depend on that could have been canned, or another service could have stalled out, causing the others to crash. I usually don't follow the security updates (as the environment is secure here, and these patches tend to disable other functionality until a service pack is released), but what version of IIS are u running? I would *assume* 5.0 since this is a Win2K group (mostly), but if you are running 4.0, I may be of more help. What OS SP level are u running? Are you using Exchange or another mail server to connect to? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    Win2k, how to allow users to install apps?

    Normally, you could just add the user's domain account to the local administrators group using usermanager when logged in to the PC in its local domain. However, I have had laptops that still will not allow certain apps to be installed. It worked well in NT though, so I am not certain as to what the problem was. You could give that a shot though. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. DosFreak is right, Q2 runs great in Win2K. You usually hear about the install order of Win9x(or whatever) first, then WinNT/2K next because NT/2K will make a suitable ARC path entry into your boot.ini, which will then give you a shiny new entry at the boot menu. It can be done manually, but I would suggest that you go to www.cramsession.com and take a peak at the cramsession for Win2K (NT workstation defines the ARC path as well) so you can learn what it is before you start messing with anything. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    Diskeeper 6.0 boot-time defrag VERY slow

    I had the same problem as well with a Win2K Pro install and Diskeeper 5. It took about 8-10hrs to complete the boot-time defrag with directory consolidation. This was on a PIII 550 w/256MB RAM and a 25GB IDE IBM hard drive. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    Internet Sharing

    For simplicity (and for gaming), I would say Winroute. For managability, I would say MS Proxy Server. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch

    help! raid problems

    It sounds like you are using a RAID controller that isn't supported by the Win98 boot disk (surprise). Usually, you aren't going to find much in the way of good quality SCSI support for Win9x installation purposes. It's been a while since I have installed Win9x on anything, but I can't really recall having the option to install third party SCSI drivers at boot for installation. Then again, I didn't have the need to either. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    Config Outlook Express with MS Exchange Server ???

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish? In Exchange 5.5, you can add multiple addresses to a given user using the Exchange Admin program. Go to the particular recipient, and double click on him/her. Then, go to the email addresses tab. I have the Internet Mail Service installed (to support SMTP traffic), which allows me to use "whomever@somewhere.com". I have 4 addresses for my one account on my server at home (test bed). This method is similar to using aliases. In this manner, I can have all 4 addresses receiving mail to the same box that I can check from work using OWA (Outlook Web Access). In addition, I have my client setup to check for email from my tradition POP3 accounts from my home ISP. All the mail from all the accounts resides on my server so that it can be backed up. I am doing this with Outlook 2K, and have done it with Outlook Express 5 as well. Here's a screen cap of this setup on my server. If you need more help (either of you), contact me at any of the "@driventechnologies.com" addresses in it. http://www.driventechnologies.com/pix/email_setup.jpg Oh, and btw, if you absolutely HAVE to have seperate mailboxes (can't have multiple address to the same box) then you have to have the OWNER role for your account. For instance, if you have "eddie@somedomain.com" (somedomain.com being the name of the domain that the exchange server is in) and you have to have a seperate box for "webmaster@somedomain.com", then you would have to add the the "eddie" account as an OWNER to the webmaster account in Exchange. If you need a pic of this, let me know and I can put that up as well. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    Basic and Dynamic disks

    Only Win2K understands Dynamic Disks. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. Do you have Dynamic Disks enabled? This made my McAfee Netshield and ViruScan for NT go nuts. All it did was fill up the event log. I wound up disabling the logging service and rebooting to find out what the problem was due to the constant pegging of the CPU at 90+ percent. McAfee 4.5 fixed this problem, but I don't care for it because of its lack of Admin abilities (at the time). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch


    It's slightly slower than it's peak when they did the upgrade, but overall I get great performance. I have a T1 at work, and 128Kbps ISDN at home. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    Networking in DOS

    ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/clients/msclient has both of the client files. I can't find the link for WG1049 yet. You can just email me if you need it. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    Networking in DOS

    Yes there is. You can setup a "DOS Server" that will run on NetBEUI or TCP/IP. The program is called "WG1049.EXE" and it's on the MS FTP site. If I can dig up the link, I'll post it. You have to use the Microsoft client for WFW/DOS (it's on the NT CD, or you can get it at the MS website as well). This file updates the NET.EXE file to allow for serving files as well as connecting to other machines. Like I said, if I can find the link, I will post it. Otherwise, I'll just email it ya. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Download RealMedia

    I just right click on it and select "save as" as previosly mentioned. If you did stream it, just look for the file in your temporary internet files folder. Oh, and btw, don't try to use "find" since it wont work. I just go to the folder and sort by size, then get the rm file that I am looking for. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. I think that this is brilliant... http://www.best.com/~armstd/assistant.gif ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    UT ate my free space?! Help!

    You don't by chance still have the dump file on your machine do you? It could be huge, and therefore tying up a lot of space after the crash. You can find its location by right-clicking on "My Computer", and going to properties. Then go to the "advanced" tab and select "startup and recovery". Check the file path for your dump file (normally it's just "memory.dmp" in the System Root directory) and see if it's still on your machine and how big it is. Just a thought. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch


    When that happened to me, it was because the CD-ROM drive was dying. Test with another drive (using the same CDs that you get the lockups with would be beneficial) and see how that goes. You might also want to check your cables. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    It would seem that if you had to apologize for your poor judgement in postings, then why ruin your fresh start by making that statement of DosFreak? I haven't noticed him to be a "prick" at all. As a matter of fact, I have found him to be a very well respected member of this board. If you are so thankful for your return, then you may want to evaluate your choice of words in future postings (preferably, before you post them, not after). ------------------ Regards, clutch