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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Unable to browse network

    Just a quick question, but do you guys have a WINS or DNS server at these parties? Maybe putting a LMHOSTS file would speed things up for you. I usually see NT/2K boxes being slow to respond to browse requests in peer-to-peer environments with 9x boxes. However, when a WINS box is involved, everything works great (does require NT server though). In addition, are you guys all members of the same workgroup/domain? This will cause problems as well with security info being passed about. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    Funny Tech Stories

    If you have had to work in tech support (or if you are thinking of going to such a field) you should check this site out; www.techcomedy.com This one is my fav story so far; http://www.techcomedy.com/tales.htm#threat there are real media files as well. Check it out. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Funny Tech Stories

    Here's a cool streaming clip: http://www.deadtroll.com/stream.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. I just run Win2K AS off of a set of floppies (about 250 of 'em). Of course, I have spare floppy drives... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch


    Here's a couple that I found; http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000147.html http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000058.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. clutch

    Home networking - Where to learn

    Try www.maximumpcmag.com . I have seen some beginners stuff there on the home lan. I also think that tweak3d.net has one too. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    Server performance problems?

    Yeah, it's MUCH better now. Thanks! ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch

    Cannot get IIS to work

    FTP is part of IIS. You have to install IIS with the FTP option to host FTP sites. Can you tell us what the entries were before the error? Or, could you just email me the event logs (system, security, and application) and I'll take a peek. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. Here is an article that clearly outlines the structure and use of NTFS. A lot of good info here that should answer most of the questions that come up. http://www.winntmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=4875&SearchString=ntfs&pg=1 ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. Here is an article that clearly outlines the structure and use of NTFS. A lot of good info here that should answer most of the questions that come up. http://www.winntmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=4875&SearchString=ntfs&pg=1 ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    Win2000 Vs Me

    I don't care for scrolling sideways either. I usually run 1280x1024, and yet the side scrolling bar still shows up. In addition, I use smaller windows just so I can see when other pages are done loading (I usually have 3 to 6 web pages open) and to use other appilcations that are up. Scrolling down is better. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    Slow Browse Network Neighbor Hood

    Indexing service deals with local files only by default. You can create other indexes if you wish, but it would not be advisable. In addition, that would not speed up the browsing function as you would be indexing a mapped drive or a specific UNC. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. RJ-45 is a jack type. This jack is used with the standard CAT-5 UTP and some digital phone systems. I believe that some phone systems in Europe use the same jack. Most phones in the US use RJ-11 jacks. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. I hope that you read this before you switch to dynamic disks. The idea is really cool, however some software will REALLY act screwy with this system. Now, while I haven't seen software have issues between FAT, FAT32, and NTFS (SHS has though in some games) I can tell you that version 4x (not 4.5) has MAJOR issues with dynamic disks. It reports that every file is either corrupt or non-readable. In addition, Diskeeper 5.x wouldn't work with Dynamic Disks either, even though they provide a "lite" version with Win2K. Also, if the server crashes, it can take a LONG time to fully settle down after a reboot. For me, it took like 45 minutes using 3 4.3GB IDE drives in stripe set w/ parity config (RAID5-ish). Just things to look into when setting up your own server. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    Win2k server

    Yeah, I had an MSDN version of Win2K AS running on my server (which was a cel 333 with 128MB RAM, 1 6GB drive and 3 4.3GB drives striped in software "RAID5"--striped with parity) and it was a complete dog. If it crashed and rebooted, it would take forever to reboot because it would verify the stripe set (NT didn't do this), and that would take about 45min on its own. I want to go for the Win2K MCSE since I have a freebie test comin to me from my NT4 MCSE cert, but I am afraid that I don't have enough box to run it now. I upgraded to 192MB of RAM and I have a cel 300 o/ced to 450, so I may try again. I have SMS 2.0, SQL 7.0, MDaemon 3, 6 websites and 2 FTP sites running on it (most of the sites are for testing with one "live" site) along with other misc. services. I don't think that Win2K AS will hang with all that on this box like NT can. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    same thing

    Gotta go with DosFreak on that one. I have had tremendous luck with nvidia-based cards (TNT2U and now a GeForce SDR). I think that a little attention to detail with drivers can go a long way to stability for any piece of hardware/software, not just nvidia based products. And the cool thing with the nvidia stuff, is that if you don't like how the card performs, just wait. There will be a new driver in a week or so that will probably have what you need. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    FAT 32 to FAT 16

    If it were me, I would take the HD out of the target machine (the 850MB drive), and put it in my Win2K machine, then format it to FAT16. But, if I were to install NT on that drive anyway, I would just boot off the CD and delete/format the partition as suggested by Ge0ph earlier. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    Opinions on the New 3D Prophet II MX

    Is that a twin view version? If it isn't, I would just dig up a GeForce SDR or DDR. The only plus that I can see with the MX is the reduced power consumption. The performance is very close to the first GeForce (SDR version) due to the speed of the memory. The core is clocked higher on the MX, but the real problem with the GeForce series has been memory speed/bandwidth, not core performance. I have the regular SDR version, and it's great. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. While you could have software RAID (which does not require special hardware and will work with IDE and SCSI) and volume set options in NT/Win2K, I'm afraid that they are only available in the server variants of both operating systems. I know that this was the case with NT. Sorry. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    [POLL] Pepsi or Coke

    Fountain? Coke. Bottle or Can? Pepsi. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Server performance problems?

    Cool! Thanks. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    60 FPS in HL , no more, no less?

    Not quite. It's not as simple as how fast the eye can perceive the frame changes in a second. There is supposed to be a demo from 3Dfx that allows the user to see 2 images rotating on the screen: on one side you see the image at 30fps and the other is 60fps. Then you can step up to like 120fps. The reviewer at the site (where I read about the demo) stated that he could discern the change between 80fps and 100+fps. This is even more noticable in game due to mouse lag. If you have a faster framerate, then that means it takes less time to process a given frame right? Well, that translates into quicker response time to user input. I remember the first time I noticed this in Forsaken, when I had the game running at 640x480@120Hz. The hover bike floated a lot smoother when in "idle" position (just floating in space) and was great for long range/fine movement shots with the laser weapon. Most people here have played games that slow down to the teens due to a large amount of activity in game. You would have also noticed how hard it is to aim because you have to constantly correct for your position (the target moves-how inconsiderate-while you are trying to hit it). So the game, which at this time is a slide show, is awful and you try to get to a room with less activity. Normally, I shoot for 60-90fps in game. The input lag is quite small and I am not a big sniper type so there isn't a need for super-fast, super-fine accuracy in the games I play. BTW, one "cool" thing about SLI and no v-sync is that not only do you get the tearing where there are parts of 2 or 3 frames on the screens at once, but you sometimes have one card rendering ahead of the other. You get this ribbon effect across the screen. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    1 Terabyte?

    I just hook up a SCSI connector to the forehead of an elephant: Tons of storage, never forgets anything, and works for peanuts...
  24. clutch

    How do I set up my SMTP W2K server

    Wow bud. I *think* that I have an idea of what you are trying to do. Let me tell you how I have seen SMTP used for in IIS. I have about 4 intranet sites here at my office (one general, one "datamine", and 2 test) that have various pages with forms on them. Generally, what I do is use CDO statements in ASP code to build emails out of the completed form information. It then gets sent to the appropriate mail server. I also know that there are several folders that will hold messages at varying states of routing (queue, bad, sort temp, etc.) that you may be able to drop stuff off into. Here is a link that will walk you through the setup of SMTP on IIS 4.0 (NT 4.0). I know that while it isn't IIS 5.0, you may find enough similarities to help you out. http://www.asptoday.com/articles/19990415.htm HTH ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    CPU intensive ap for Win98

    Notepad. I can't even get 98 to be stable with that... ------------------ Regards, clutch