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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    "Love" Worm alert!

    My friend got infected with with a worm and it was nice enough to send itself to me. It's a dead giveaway to people who are used to these things (vbs file, odd message body, etc) but some people may not recognize it. If you get an email with "love" in it and an attachment, delete it. Also, contact the sender as they need to know about it. If you REALLY want to know what it does, you can SAVE it to you desktop, right click on it and choose EDIT. Then you can read all the shiny new reg keys it creates. I don't recommend it if you don't need to know how it works, but I have to see what it does so I can stay up with it if it makes it way into some of my client machines. You have been warned. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    FAT32 Vs NTFS

    You can also use Erdcommander to boot a WinNT system using NTFS with a floppy. This link shows how it's done and has links for the software. http://www.ntfaq.com/ntfaq/util14.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Horse Boy! Click here to laugh!

    I just happened to have Cypress Hill playing in WinAmp, so he seemed to carry the beat well. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    please help

    Cool, but the reg key wont work with with the 3.x drivers? The key will give you another page for for the "additional Riva TNT properties" panel. It will be "hardware options" and you can change the core and memory speeds in there. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    please help

    Coolbits wont work with those drivers? I use that to overclock my card currently. I use 5.13 drivers with my TNT2U (no tv out tho). I can email u the file, but it's just a little reg key that you can put in yourself. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NvTweak] "CoolBits"=dword:00000003 Like any regediting, please make backups first before attempting to do it. If you don't know what regedt32 and regedit are, then disregard this post in its entirety. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. clutch

    FAT32 Vs NTFS

    Oh yeah, sorry about that. Hate to give hints and not ideas . Do we have a faq here? Is there a way we can setup one with answers to repeated questions? I know that the search function has behaved oddly to me in the past and it may be hard to find the answer to a question you didn't know you had. I use this one the most: www.ntfaq.com for most of the odd things I need (i.e. using NT policies on Win2K boxes or funky registry settings) I can find them here. I just thought that maybe we could contribute to a one-stop shopping place for info. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    FAT32 Vs NTFS

    Or you can just convert your existing partition to NTFS and not lose any data. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. This may sound dumb, but it seems like you have another card that could be using the same IRQ. If I were to test it, I would take out all unnecessary cards (sound, NIC-assuming that you can logon locally, etc) and see if the drives come up. When testing, try to use the video card and NIC with the adapter first, that way you don't get locked out of the network if you need drivers or anything (assuming that you have a NIC and network ). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    Trying to run game servers on NT 4.0

    Sweet! Now that you are up and running, you can work with IP a little more later on until you get it running properly. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

    Yeah, Reidyn is completely right dude. I had a install of Win2K AS B3, and I upgraded from a p233MMX and DFI mobo to a Cel 333 and ASUS P3B-F and I got a bigtime STOP error with the hd driver. I wound up reinstalling and went through another 4hr+ ordeal. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    Can't see computers in my network

    NetBEUI is a broadcast-based protocol, that's why Yuppiescum recommended it. MS TCP/IP will send NetBIOS info on top of TCP/IP, but it isn't as great for browsing as NetBEUI in a MS-based workgroup (unless you have a WINS box, then TCP/IP browsing is great). If you have 3 machines in a given peer-to-peer network, one machine will be name "Browse Master". This is the senior-most machine on the network. This is determined by OS version and time on the network (Windows NT is over Win9X, a Win98 box that has been booted for 5 hrs. is over a Win98 box that has been up for 2 hrs., etc). If you boot-up a Win2K box on a Win98 network, it will force an "election". It basically states that "I am more senior than you, therefore I am the browse master". However, the Win2K box may take anywhere from 15min to an hour to get recieve all the broadcasts on the network to build a browse list. Now, what this does for you is that when you click on "Network Neighborhood", you are requesting the list from the browse master. Now, if you are on the Win2K box just when it boots and you try to browse the network... Well, I think you get the point . I hope this helps. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    Trying to run game servers on NT 4.0

    NP bud. Hehehehe. Did you try IPX yet? It sounds like you have a port that isn't happening for you. So you can use TCP/IP only on your network and everything (meaning general network ops such as file transfers, browsing and the like) works well? Are all the subnet masks cool? It just sounds like you are having a config error of some sort. The telnet sessions that you can hold are usually a good indication of a properly setup network, but it never hurts to quadruple check. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    Trying to run game servers on NT 4.0

    Did you try using IPX yet? It seems that you are using IP with the telnet ability and all, maybe you should check to see if you can communicate any other way. Also, this problem occurs in Listen Mode as well? I see the statement; "I can run Q3 in dedicated mode just fine and have it connect." So I was wondering what you meant by it. Q3 is a great game, let's get you up and going... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch

    AOL 5.0 for Windows 2000

    Closet AOL users unite! Do you think AOL has support for my ISDN router? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. Cool! So we could talk about "lusers", broken cup-holders, and business card dispensers that cause "invalid boot disk" errors... That would rule. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    Which is fastest, NTFS or FAT32?

    Here is a link to check out; http://www.microsoft.com/TechNet/win98/Reskit/Part2/wrkc10.asp While it compares FAT16 to FAT32, it illustrates the clutser concept a bit better than has been posted here. If you look at table 10-1, that is where the quick-and-dirty is on the comparison. Now, from what I have seen with NTFS, it can retain a given size cluster in even larger partitions than Win98. This is a primary reason why I use it at work on machines that have less than 30% free space available. Due to the large number of small files that a machine can have, I have regained as much as 200MB on a 2GB partition going from FAT16 to FAT32. Now, here is a NTFS vs. FAT16 link; http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q140/3/65.asp You can see that over 2GB, NTFS goes to 4KB and can be changed to various sizes by the user (you wont see that with FAT32). Now, as far as speed and noise, I would imagine that surfing a 12GB partition that has an extreme amount of 2K files would take an eternity with NTFS and cause a lot more noise than a FAT32 partition would. But, I prefer the superior integrity, efficiency, and security of NTFS (plus, it's still faster on my machine ). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    Which is fastest, NTFS or FAT32?

    Umm, I thought that the cluster size dropped with partitions size (i.e. 4k clusters in Fat32@2GB vs 16k clutstersin Fat32@9GB) and that NTFS could run lower cluster sizes at a given volume size vs. FAT16/FAT32. Plus, I thought that NTFS didn't access FAT32 like in the last post so much as the OS loads a driver to read the partition. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    nt in reverse/w2k going forward?

    The link that I sent you in my email should give you what you need for Service Packs. But if you lost it, here it is again... http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/nts/downloads/default.asp Pick a pack, any pack ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    Help with Win2K and TNT 770 Ultra

    I have a custom setup; P3 550 256MB RAM ASUS P3B-F Viper V770 Ultra Win2K Pro and UT, Q3, Forsaken, HL, etc. all run great. I use the 5.13 driver from nVidia. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    nt in reverse/w2k going forward?

    I love Win2K. I used to love NT 4.0 (and still like it a lot) but Win2K Pro is a mjor improvement. I don't know what it will be like for you with a 300MHz AMD proc tho, but everything else should be great. If you keep NT, just use the Service Packs that I told you about and you will be fine. I have Office 2K on a few machines here at work and they have WinNT 4.0 SP5 on them. What kind of mobo do you have? I have heard of the nightmares that others have had with some mobos so you may want to check that out. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    Shut down problems!!!

    Well, this is what I do to figure out the reason for eternal shutdowns. Go to task manager (ctrl+alt+del popup-> task manager) and look at what you have running. I usually shut one thing down and then try to reboot. If it still takes forever, then I shut down something else, and so on until I find the culprit. I have found that most Symantec products (namely WinFax Pro) cause my shutdown/reboot hangups. Good Luck. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    Quake3 too dark

    I had to do what MarksmanX wrote. Once I got the 5.13 drivers, I could use the ingame brightness again so I had to reset those same values back to stock. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    Ethernet NIC cards ... which one?

    I use the Pro/100+ Management Adapters. I used this same NIC in DOS 6.22, Win9X, WinNT 4.0, Win2K Pro/Adv. Server, Linux Redhat/ Mandrake 6.0. As a matter of fact, these NICs and my SB 64 AWE are the only two components I own that have always had support. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    NTFS advantages?

    It runs faster for me. Plus you get file and/or folder specific compression. Plus I have had a lot less file corruption using NTFS. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    Ethernet NIC cards ... which one?

    Intel. ------------------ Regards, clutch