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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    How do I delete a OS partition from the Dual Boot?

    Cool, NP. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  2. clutch

    Killing a process.....

    Oh, and it could probably be done with a batch file to launch it... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  3. clutch

    Killing a process.....

    Well, this isn't elegant but it may work. With the NT Server Resource Kit, you get a "kill" command line utility. All you have to do is type; kill <pid> -f The "f" switch forces the shutdown w/o user input. I haven't seen anything refuse to stop yet when using "kill -f". ------------------ Regards, clutch
  4. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    Depends, what kind of hardware you got? If you have a 3Dfx board, you can use Glide (and it should work great). If you have a TNT/Rage128/G400 you should get good OpenGL support in NT to play it as well. I would get the latest service pack for NT and latest drivers for you hardware. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  5. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    You can also use the disk partitioning function of the setup floppies to partition it for you. You can just tell NT setup to delete all the partitions and then create at least one to install NT on. You can wait till later and use Disk Administrator to handle the rest of the free space remaining and make that another partition. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  6. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    NP bud. Do this; 1. Fdisk the HD into 2 partitions (one of which being a little less than 2GB) 2. Run winnt setup from floppies 3. Pick first partition to install NT to 4. Let it format the partition with FAT16 5. Install NT 6. Rejoice in the fact that you have a real OS installed that has almost no native support for games. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  7. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    OK, I think I know what you are trying to do. You want to dual-boot between Win98 AND NT, correct? This is easy with NT. It looks like you have about 4GB to work with, so I would say you can split the drive down the middle so you can have separate and clean installs (You can have NT and 98 on the same partition, but it would have to be FAT16 which would make it a 2GB primary partition anyway). Now, are you familiar with the use of "fdisk"? Because you can use that to make 2 2GB partitions (FAT16) to prepare for your install. Next, after you format the primary partition with your Win98 startup disk, install 98 onto the first (c:\) partition. After you have that up and ready to go, you can either: 1. Use the NT boot disks to install NT; or 2. Run "winnt.exe" from the cd (with the "/b" switch that I mentioned in the other post to go floppyless if you like) to get the files copied to your hd. Once you reboot and get to the point that you can install NT to a partition, it will show you your current setup. You should see an entry for "Windows" on the primary partition and the other partition will should indicate that it's "empty". If you didn't format the other partition it will ask you for the file system type that you want to use. For now, I would suggest FAT16, as this will give you a chance to work with the install from Win98 if you need to. I hope this gets you goin'! Good Luck. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  8. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    It should see it still, but it will ask you if you want to delete and make another. Then you will be prompted to pick a file system (fat16 or NTFS). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  9. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    Oops, missed that part in his listing... ------------------ Regards, clutch
  10. clutch

    How do I delete a OS partition from the Dual Boot?

    If you just want to get rid of one of the options (the old one I presume) then you can edit the boot.ini on c:\. If you are currently booting by default into the OS (fresh install vs. old install) that you want to keep, you can edit the boot.ini to reflect this. First, back it up. It's a hidden system file with read-only attributes. Assuming that you are already cool with that, here is a sample to work with: [boot loader] timeout=10 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect I think this is what yours may look like. One HD in question using 2 partitions. The "default" entry is the one that may be the most current install, and is the one that if you let Win2K bootup w/o intervention, it will go into on its own. Entries in this file are what show up in the boot menu. If you were to remove the entry that IS NOT the one listed in the menu, then not only will you no longer be given the option to boot into your old install, you shouldn't even be shown the menu anymore (with only one entry, Win2K should just skip the menu as there is no need and go straight to default). If you have any questions, ask before you attempt this because it can be annoying trying to fix it if it's done wrong. One other way you can do this is make a test floppy that has been formatted in Win2K and has the following: boot.ini ntldr ntdetect.com You can test edit the boot.ini on the floppy and then try to boot with it. If it does everything you want, then you copy the boot.ini to the HD (or just edit it in the same manner). That way, if you hose the boot.ini on the floppy, you wont hose the system. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  11. clutch

    nt setup/partition

    NT will not install on a partition larger than approx. 2GB. I think that 125MB was the min. for the partition, but in either case it's viewing both partitions as incorrect. Setup one for 2GB and the rest can be one partition. Once NT is up and running with current serivce packs, you can make much larger partitions with the rest of your drives. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  12. clutch

    Assining Real IP's to Network Clients

    Are you using the NT server as a router? If that's the case then you can use IP Forwarding to let the LAN clients go through the NT box. What is you VPN solution? Is it software or hardware? Documentation on that may help you further. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  13. clutch

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    So is whistler really that cool? I love Win2K. The only thing that has crshed it hard for me was PowerDVD (ver. 2.55). It did it once and that's been the only prob I have had in the last 2.5 months. Is whistler faster? Does it have more gadgets? What are we instore for in changes? ------------------ Regards, clutch
  14. clutch

    anyone know of a program like this?

    I have seen what Syncope is talking about and I think they have them at Radio Shack. Though I can't remember if it could discern between PC/Fax/Voice or just Data/Voice. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  15. clutch

    loading nt 4.0

    What OS can you get into? Is it just DOS/98? It sounds like that is what you have to work with at your location. If you can get into DOS with CD support, then run winnt.exe /OX to get your floppies made, or use winnt.exe /b /s:<cd-drive>\i386 to get a floppyless install. It should see your Win98 install and offer you the option of dual booting with it. This same info can be gathered from winnt.exe/? (for 16-bit OSs) or winnt32.exe/? (for 32-bit OSs). Good Luck. Also, if you go floppy-less, be sure to get the path right as my listed one may be different from yours. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  16. clutch

    Ethernet NIC cards ... which one?

    Corless, What protocols are you using? If you are beating the hell out of the NIC with wasted broadcasts that will overheat it (like my previous example). Also, is it close to a large heat source (like a V3 or GeForce)? I usually keep the NIC at the lowest available PCI since I don't use ISA parts. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  17. clutch

    Ethernet NIC cards ... which one?

    I use Intel Pro/100+ Managment Adapters all the way around ($75-$100 ea.). This is because when I was working as Sys Admin at once facility that used Novell 3.12-4.x, cheaper NICs would get fried by the native IPX protocol in about 3-6 mos (this was due to constant 802.2 re-broadcasts in an 802.3 environment). This was the reason that we had to go to better NICs, this and the fact that the cheaper cards (Realtek, Linksys, and Kingston at the time) had drivers that weren't particularly robust. We did have great luck with D-Link NIC in both laptops and desktops, but I have had such fantastic luck with the Intels that I don't plan to drop them anytime soon. BTW, I have heard that the Linksys line has been pretty good lately. But I haven't heard anything new on Kingston and the Realteks always suck. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  18. clutch

    Geforce 2 prices and specs...

    I got this link from VoodooExtreme.com. It talks about the Creative Labs card. I hope this helps... http://www.well-rounded.com/games/news/wednesday/news3.html ------------------ Regards, clutch
  19. clutch

    Win2k + D3D = Lockup

    I have an ASUS P3B-F with my TNT2U and the 5.13 drivers are great. The 5.14s gave me something like an 80% drop in OpenGL perf (so I never got to D3D). I get superb performance in Forsaken and UT with D3D using the 5.13s ------------------ Regards, clutch
  20. clutch

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    Voltaire: "It's harder to do stuff. I know what i'm talking about." Well, I guess I don't. I mean, at least during my MCSE classes, the term "It's harder to do stuff" never came up when talking about the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer-the thing that there seems to be a hang-up on). But, here is what I have gathered from classes and using these machines. It would seem that the only thing limiting NT for gaming was the lack of DX upgrades past DX3 and the fact that the OpenGL drivers were usually not so hot for games (insert MCD vs ICD discussion here ). Seeing as in the DOS days people were programming to the hardware directly via the drivers you needed the direct access. The only problem was that you would have a ton of different hardware/driver combos that a machine could have. But with DX, you could just program to DX, and DX would work directly with the drivers. This way, a programmer would work with a common hardware interface that would work on many systems at one time. I mean think about it, Q3 works great in NT as long as you have SP3 or above (DX3) and a decent video card/driver set. And the main reason was the HAL was used was to prevent errant user mode processes from sucking the life out of the hardware resources with eternal crashing. This is why the NT4 executive loads the HAL in the first of its 5 load phases. I would think that with the X-Box using PC hardware it would use similar PC drivers and therefore be easily ported to the non-gaming Win2K OS. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  21. clutch

    quake 2 crusher demo, and possibly win2k

    Sorry bud, I haven't been able to dig up anything as of yet for you. If I do, I will send it to you. Good Luck. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  22. clutch

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    I believe that there was a question as to whether or not the X-Box would use the NT Kernal (Win2K). Here is a link that may help clarify the situation: http://pc.ign.com/news/18330.html and here is another: http://www.msxbox.com/faq.shtml I think this should end the debate as to whether or not Win2K is a gaming OS. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  23. clutch

    Win2k install FREEZES on blue setup screen!

    Umm, is the BIOS setup to autodetect the drive? I know that I have occasionally forgotten to reset the drive parameters from old drive settings on a mother board in the past. If you setup Win2K on one hd/hd controller combo and then try to run it on another machine, it will have a fit (I know, because I was able to upgrade my server with a new motherboard and the Beta of Win2K AS had a fit and I had to reinstall the OS). I have done mobo/hd changes with WinNT/9x in the past w/o problems, but Win2K is a little different. It seems to like to stay on the hardware that it was originally setup on. Go figure. ------------------ Regards, clutch
  24. clutch

    Quake2 CTF laggy in win2000. help!

    I played a little Q2 and I would have to say that my connect was more stable in Win2K than not. I am a much bigger fan of Q3, and it's a ton more stable with a stronger connect than in Win98. I have an Eicon Diva LAN ISDN modem (router). ------------------ Regards, clutch
  25. clutch

    quake 2 crusher demo, and possibly win2k

    Oh, and np. Don't mind helping those who help themselves. ------------------ Regards, clutch