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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Programming Languages

    C# is a .NET language developed by MS, and turned over to a standards body (I can't think of which, but I remember it being funny that MS did something with a new language that Sun couldn't be troubled to do). It did receive final approval, which is something I am pretty amped about as a Linux user since now you will see more widespread use of it. I had a Java class and tried doing some of the same stuff with C#, and C# is much nicer to work with, and kicks out faster code even while using a heavy duty IDE like VS.NET that "helps" you out a great deal. I was using BlueJ and Sun's Java compiler in Linux and Windows while using the VS.NET compiler for C# in Windows. It was depressing to run any Java apps in Linux or Windows, since you had to hoist up the great weight of the Java VM in order to run anything. Plus, general issues with JVMs in Linux makes Java work a bit of a hassle. I did, however, like the language and it was much simpler than I thought it would be (I was, at best, a VB gimp with all my ASP code work). It's just slow. So very, very slow.
  2. Quote: Just looked at the new cycle world, and it happens to have a turbo charged NOS kit in it. The bike is pretty sick...I'll try to grab the mag on my lunch break and scan the pic. It's pretty ruthless. Does it come with a matching coffin?
  3. Quote: Quote: * Hey, do they still make cycles w/ turbos on them, or is that outlawed now? I have seen those & they were FAST! Ready for this?! There is a company out there that specializes in turbo charged NOS kits for bikes. Yes I said turbo charged AND Nitrous. I'll try to get the name of the company later..I'm at work now. Could you imagine that? The bike in the article is a Suzuki Hayabusa and has 367 horsepower on the rear wheel! This bike can spin the tire even when at 150mph. Now THATS scary heh I saw "Ghostrider, The Final Ride" and at the end of it was some psycho doing wheelies at around 200mph on one of those bikes, but I don't know if it ran nitrous or not.
  4. clutch

    Programming Languages

    I dig C#, and VB.NET is pretty easy to pick up if you want to fiddle with it. Plus, if you use the .NET languages you can write webpages in ASP.NET with them as well which is pretty nice. The debugging and server integration ability of VS.NET is quite nice. However, I haven't ever seen the free .NET IDE that's shown so I'll have to check that out. The comments on Delphi seem to ring true from what I have heard, and that there is very little to moving the code from Windows to Linux other than a recompile in many cases. However, I *thought* there was a C# compiler for Linux already, so in that case the language should have cross platform support.
  5. Quote: Quote: I just have a RS 2.5 myself, but I am hoping to add a "-T" at the end of it once I move back to AZ Clutch, if you ever consider doing an SCCA Solo II (autocross) DON'T DO IT! The 2.5RS is a great car for the STS class (kind of a street prepared class allowing many mods but on real street tires), and most of the time so far, are beating us in STX (the class the WRX is in). A guy name Hiro Sumida has near the entire USA STS class shaking in their boots with his 2.5RS! Sure the turbo in the WRX gives us a ton of hp - but at the cost of lowend, low rev grunt. Just go look at www.scca.org and look under Solo II and PRO Solo. Then see the results of the national events. Instead of more hp - work on the suspension! Amen brother, I am already picking out the replacement parts for the suspension. Mainly, I want solid droplinks and then replace the sway bars. I am also going to make sure that the sway bar in the back is dialed in a little firmer with respect to the front so I can get a little more oversteer. It has a slight amount of understeer right now, but with new sway bars, strut braces, and the eventual replacement of the wheels and tires I should be good to go. I don't mind the ride height and the suspension has a decent ride on rough roads, so I am not in a hurry to switch out the springs. The turbo conversion will be last, once the car is stable enough to handle the power. With respect to running in SCCA tourneys, I am just gonna go to have a blast, and not compete seriously. I want to run hard, but mainly have fun.
  6. WRX, nice rides. I just have a RS 2.5 myself, but I am hoping to add a "-T" at the end of it once I move back to AZ (there's a speed shop in Phoenix that does turbo conversions for the 2.5L motors). At first, I didn't care for newer cars either since they had a ton of sensors and crappy ECUs. But the newer engine management systems are much more flexible and can deliver a great deal more power by just tuning or swapping out the ECU to adjust the fuel maps. Basically, once you get familiar with the systems you find them to be much nicer than fiddling around with jetting at different altitudes and such. I like having the car manage itself.
  7. Yeah, he's a programmer by nature, and I believe acting as a consultant right now.
  8. clutch

    The moment - ATI or Nvidia?

    The only reason why I would consider getting an ATi card would be to get an All-In-Wonder unit for TV support, along with its wonderful DVD playback ability. As a gaming card, I wouldn't touch it no matter how fast it runs something right now since they have proven over and over again that they will drop support for a previous generation product as soon as they come out with something new. Now, while I am sure that they are making many changes in their architecture with each release of chips (while nVidia's share many similarities in their lineage) they should still have a driver team that tries to tweak and tune their older stuff, even if it's just the previous generation. I would like to get the 9700 AIW, but I wonder what will happen when the 9800 AIW comes out and if they will be different enough for ATi to stop working on drivers for the 9700. Hence, no drive to buy the card right now.
  9. Quote: Car eh? Try a motorcycle! I ended up buying a brand new ZX6R sportbike 4 years ago. This thing will do 170mph in seconds PLUS I can go about 200+ miles with $4 - $5 in gas I'm a car person myself, and I favor AWD vehicles (Subaru Impreza, Mitsubishi EVO, Nissan Skyline GT-R R34, etc) since I want max performance in all weather. After that, I dig RWD cars as they're more fun to drift.
  10. Quote: ...Dude... Do you have a job? LOL, not the answer you thought you would get, eh? Oh, and he's notorious for incredibly long posts. It takes a bit to get used to (and many here still haven't). Also, there was another thread on comparing XP and 2K, but it got buried somewhere when APK decided to dig up a ton of old posts and bumped them all up to the top (some of which were 3 years old). Maybe if APK was industrious enough, he could dig that one up as well...
  11. The tricked out Escort looks almost like a Cosworth, but it doesn't have the flared fenders and super-dramatic spoiler like so: You can see the rest of the pics at www.wrc-cosworth.org. They have a ton of pics with the car in rally trim, but I was looking it up after watching "Getaway in Stockholm 2" (which had a Supra and a Cosworth racing around Stockholm pissing off police).
  12. Where do you live, are you in California? I am in Wisconsin right now (near Chicago), but I'll be moving back to Tucson soon where the gas should be cheaper than this.
  13. Well, I just paid $1.75/gal for 93 octane ("Premium" unleaded in this area) last night, while regular unleaded goes for about $1.50 right now. It seems that the areas in the world where cars are needed most have better fuel prices, or at least have governments that aren't taxing so heavily. We frequently have people that go to Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland and they not only speak of the higher fuel prices, but they also note that things tend to be closer together and allow for bike riding or walking. These areas also seem to have really nice public transportation systems as well.
  14. clutch

    NTFS Theory Guide Article

    From what I remember, Win2K/XP can format an NTFS partition natively at boot time, and doesn't need to be formatted in FAT first, and then converted (as was the case with NT4). If this were true, the boot-time partition setup would have a much smaller cap on it. Doesn't Win2K/XP have a 40GB cap or some such with FAT32? I have formatted 120GB partitions using NTFS, and this wouldn't fly following this person's statement.
  15. clutch

    NTFS Theory Guide Article

    Well, the original article was just someone stating that the harddrive had to be formatted as FAT first, and then converted to NTFS during installation in Win2K and XP. While this happened in NT 4, it isn't the case with 2K and XP.
  16. clutch

    Group Policy Scritps

    And they will not let you TS in to the server, or let you export the template so they can import it? Basically, the system isn't friendly to your scenario at all. I did something like that once, where I setup one policy that set a path to pick up future policies (back with NT4) and it was spotty at best.
  17. clutch

    Group Policy Scritps

    What are you looking to control? As DS3 mentions, policy management is something that AD was bred for and it works wonderfully (especially with XP Pro as it has many more options for management than Win2K does out of the box). When you mean that you are looking to not lockout someone, what are you afraid of locking/unlocking? I think we are just missing what you need out of this.
  18. There is a high failure rate at making screens of that size and resolution, hence the higher cost of the finished product. Remember, all those units that failed have to be financially accounted for somewhere, and what better way then to pass that on to the consumer.
  19. clutch

    Apology from Canada to Americans

    Quote: LOL - ^^^^^ flame you, not worth it - since u really provide not backing or facts and simply spouted out what a "typical arrogant" american would, frankly to me it is people like your self that make so many people not like many americans. That sounds like a flame to me, so much for avoiding that. Quote: P.S - one of the greatest known civilizations would more be along the lines of the egyptians or romans - as they did more for this world and it's begining then the US or any other country could ever imagine. Yes, they made great strides in slavery, torture, and attempts at world conquest through the slaughter of a great number of people. As for me, I would have to say that the Chinese contributed more, but their desire for peace and knowledge might have been their undoing. One classic example is gun powder. They use it for celebration and religous ceremonies, while the europeans quickly made weapons out of it. But hey, without guns we wouldn't be that great at mowing people down, right?
  20. clutch

    Win2k and XP wars END NOW

    IIRC = "If I Recall (or Remember) Correctly", and the first time I saw that was something that DosFreak posted. I was like "WTF is he talking about?", and then starting taking apart his sentence for context.
  21. These flat panels should cover your 1600x1200+ request, but come at a fairly heft price: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/produ...ategory_id=5194 The Dell Ultrasharp units are very, very nice indeed. But I like the Samsung unit that I have (1280x1024 tho) and the NEC/Mitsubishi units as well since they have very slim frames and work well side-by-side.
  22. clutch

    Apology from Canada to Americans

    Honestly, I am just sick of all the sh1t I have to listen to about the war, and about what all these other wonderful little countries think about us even though they take handouts from us left and right. I thought the forum would be one place where I could stop seeing it, but I guess not. If you don't like the US, fine, just keep your stupid little comments to yourselves. Many of us (that's right, there's a lot of American, British, Australian, and other coalition members families and friends that post here that are probably in the same boat as I am and watch for more developments on this war) have grown tired of information overload on the tv and radio, and want to come here for other topics of interest. I mean, even if our president is a dip$hit (I never claimed to like him, but the group of people setup to babysit him has been pretty good), you should note that we are NOT the only ones over there. The Brits, Danes, and many other countries are sick of Saddam's $hit too and want to put him down. But it's ok, everybody points the finger at the US for starting everything, and I guess these same people must either not see that there are a lot of other countries involved with us, simply overlook that fact, or just think that these governments can't form a thought of their own and blindly follow the US lead (and that sure as hell isn't the case, right?). So here's a thought, how about having a *little* respect to the sensitivity of this issue when posting about the war on this board, or maybe, just maybe, save the brain power and bandwidth for NT issues here and just drop it altogther?
  23. clutch

    Apology from Canada to Americans

    Quote: You guys do realize that show is a parody and joke driven telecast right? There are Americans shows that do the same thing, except to other countries. Take a pill. Actually, if you watch American TV, you would see that we tend to make fun of ourselves more often than anyone else. The reason being is that we have so many different nationalities represented that it's easy to offend some large group of people, who in turn throws a great big fit and has protests (anyone remember the Seinfeld episode with Kramer and the Puerto Rican flag?). Many Americans are getting tired of foreign governments coming to the US for handouts, I mean "aid packages" while their people burn our flag and tell us to pi$$ off. Personally, I would love to not deal with anybody else's issues (well, except for a few core governments, such as the Brits, we seem to have a good thing going with them) and just focus on internal problems. But hell, if we do that then more people b1tch that we *are not* helping and just standing idle as we did at the beginning of WW2 since it wasn't "our fight". We can't win with the world community no matter what we do. So basically we just sit around and try to figure out who we'll irritate this week and then play it by ear.
  24. clutch

    the new virus

    Kapersky is supposed to be pretty good, but I haven't messed with Antigen before. Well, that's probably because I don't recall hearing much about it . How long have you used it?
  25. clutch

    Apology from Canada to Americans

    Quote: Clutch, you wanted an inflammatory response? Let me give it a shot... I hate everyone! Of course that's such a farce... But Adam, you're American, and we Americans hate everybody...