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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Felix, why are you so hung up on the possibility of war with Iraq, and posting anything you find that only deals with the US on this forum? From what I have read, at *least* the UK is siding with us along with another ally (and no, I can't think of it right now) and yet you seem hell-bent on singling the US out for everything. At this time, I interpret this as basically "trolling" for arguments on this topic, and would ask you to stop. Also, I would ask that others who are reading this topic and find it offensive/annoying to *NOT* get into an argument about it here. I am coming to the conclusion that while this is the "Other" forum, religion and politics are still two things that should be left out of it.
  2. clutch

    Slow release of files

    That was what I was talking about. When searching locally (i.e. the DB copied onto the local harddrive) you are limited to the I/O speed of the HDD interface, whereas searching the files across the network limits you the the I/O speed of the NICs and hubs/switches between the machines.
  3. clutch

    Slow release of files

    OK, there's a couple of things you need to know about how a system behaves with a file when it's local and when it's on a network. First, when accessing a file, you are *probably* getting around 4-5MB/s in access speed over a decently switched network over an SMB (network neighborhood/NetBIOS share) connection. Now, compare that to a local access of maybe 30MB/s or greater and you can see why accessing the file locally is going to be faster. Now, couple that with a high incidence of acknowledgment frames (a return frame that's around every 4th or 5th frame that says "hey, I got the other frames, send me some more") PLUS file locking mechanisms that have to interact between the client and the server, and you can now see why your access is so slow. This is why you want to use a "real" client/server DB setup (MS SQL, MSDE, Oracle, Progress, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, etc) where the DB is a "living" system that can handle requests and return records on straight IP via data connectors (like ADO, ODBC, JDBC, etc.) which is much faster. Also, the system can be setup to handle queries locally, rather than having the client scour the DB itself of the needed information. As for the deleting question, Explorer is in effect "downloading" all the files in question, and then gives you the prompt asking if you want to delete them. Then, it repeats the process to delete them. This is why it takes so long, and can sometimes time out or have other errors. While it isn't really downloading them, it is itemizing them and during this process it takes about as long as copying it over to the local system. And remember, downloading/deleting a single 300MB file is a LOT faster than downloading/deleting 300MB worth of 1MB files.
  4. clutch

    Bought a new car today: Opinions?

    I traded in the Grand Cherokee on this a couple of weeks ago. I got a brand new 2002 Subaru Impreza RS 2.5 (Aspen White, like in the picture) and they were fairly "motivated" to sell it. As for any vehicles holding value, that's a thing of the past. The company I work for sells automotive components, and we have been selling a great deal of them due to high demand for new vehicles. Unfortunately, as new car prices have dropped and financing is both easy to get and very, very low (to non-existent), this makes used car sales slow down a lot which in turn reduces the value of these cars. I mean really, if you could buy a new car for a bit more than a used one, but get great payments AND 0% APR, what would you do? The last 3 cars I bought have been with zero down, and the Lancer I got my wife came with low APR and a year with no payments and no interest. So, as stated earlier, now is a great time to buy a car.
  5. clutch

    Possible Forum Changes

    What browser are you using? I am using Phoenix in Gentoo Linux (1.4 rc2) and I haven't had any issues with font size. Also, in Phoenix, when I do get to sites with ridiculously small fonts I can just hold the ctrl key and then use "+" and "-" to increase/decrease the font size displayed.
  6. clutch

    New Linux user, needs install help!

    Is there a reason you want to use amsn? Can you use GAIM instead? I use the CVS (development) version of it myself, and you can either get it from gaim.sf.net or hit freshmeat.net for the source or RPMs to install it. GAIM will support MSN as well as AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, etc. Did you read my intro post here? http://www.linuxcompatible.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=302 It gives an intro to directory setups and what methods there are to installing applications.
  7. clutch

    Installing Programs HELP!

    You will find several different methods of installing software in the various distros. First, you will normally have the source code with can come in .tar, .gz, .bz2, .tar.gz, etc. Think of these as "zipped" files of all the needed files you need. Now, when you see the "tar" in there, that means that it's a tarball (kind of a clump of all the files). When you see ".gz" or ".bz2", those are zipped, but with diff apps (like gzip and bzip respectively). Bzip can compress further, but gzip has been around forever and works well. With tar.gz, it's a tarball that's been gzipped, and you can either unzip it, then untar it, or just do the whole thing in one operation (refer to the manuals on those, or ask specific questions later on). After it has been opened, you can then compile it against your system (kernel source or kernel headers depending on your distro and level of setup) to either install the application or simply make the binaries and copy them to where you want later on. Another method is the RPM, and that is basically a file that contains either the source (srpm I think) or the binary (pre-compiled version) of the app. You can run this, and it will, in theory, auto-magically install the app. The biggest issues with these is dependencies (where something in the RPM needs other files, typically libraries, that you don't have installed yet - think of them as prerequisites) since the RPMs aren't really standardized so authors can have various interpretations on what is needed to install the app, and can vary on the development box that they were created on. There is "apt4rpm", which simulates what APT does for Debian, but it's still sketchy and has limited functional packages that can be installed (plus it took 12 RPMs to get it to install for me, and that pretty much made me quit RH altogether). Another method is a "ports" system, and that's essentially where there's a "tree" will all the apps that are available that you download, and this tree gives you a menu of what you can get (you can still install from other methods, like source if you like, but this is much easier) using a specific command. In Debian, for instance, you can use "apt-get install mozilla" to install mozilla and all its related libraries. You can also use this same program to update and upgrade your distribution, whereas RPM-based distros tend to have problems with upgrades and recommend OS replacement instead (format and reinstall). Now, for a combination of both source and ports systems, you can use something like Gentoo or Sourcerer. In Gentoo, if I want install Mozilla, I just use "emerge mozilla" and it will go out, download all the needed sources, compile them against my specs (which I can tune via a make.conf file using compile flags and such) and the application will be installed and tailored (well, as much as possible) to my system. So, if I have SSE and SSE2, I can have those flags enabled and when the app is compiled it will have any features related to those flags turned on (same for using "3dnow" for AMD boxes). This is the distro I prefer for my workstations, and it has worked well for me. It does many of the same things as "APT" does for Debian, but the system relies (mostly, there are some exceptions) on the use of packages with source code and not binaries. This leaves you with applications tailored to your needs, and not what the perceived needs were of the package author who created the binary. Now, read through this: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.2/ It will explain what the "standard" directory structure is like, and will go a long way toward getting you settled down with linux. One thing that is important is the use of /opt for add-on software (like have C:\Program Files in Windows). Thanks to RH and its wild popularity but lack of standards, you now see apps getting installed in places like /usr/share, /usr/bin, /bin, etc. and they get a bit confusing. Basically, what I do is install an app to /opt, and then make a "symbolic link" (a.k.a. symlink, it's like a super-powerful shortcut) from the executable to a symlink of the same name in /usr/bin. So, let's say I installed "bluej" (a java IDE, www.bluej.org) to /opt/bluej, and the executable is "bluej" in the /opt/bluej directory. The command would look like so... ln -s /opt/bluej/bluej /usr/bin/bluej This would make a new symlink named "bluej" in my /usr/bin directory, and since /usr/bin is in my PATH statement (and is for all users), and can just type "bluej" at the command prompt and it will launch. HTH
  8. clutch

    SQL Slammer Worm - Whose Fault and How to Fix?

    Well, licensing would be nice. Personally, I wish there was better licensing for a lot of things. Take for instance car purchases. I am tired of seeing little old people tooling around in Lincoln Navigators running people off the road and taking up 3 spots to park. My motto as governor (when I run) would be "if you can push it, you can drive it." Then, people hit the dealership, get the customary pushing gloves from their salesperson, and can get approved based on what they can push. Just think of it; companies will want to make lighter cars with smaller tanks (as the car will need to have a full tank of gas for the push evaluation) so they can be sold, and thereby reducing fuel consumption.
  9. clutch

    SQL Slammer Worm - Whose Fault and How to Fix?

    Umm, we are already heavily db-enabled. Didn't get the memo eh? Most of the issues can be avoided by simply eliminating connection to ports that shouldn't be open to begin with. Next, allow *only* what transactions/commands to be executed with a default "off" for everything else (like in URLScan) to prevent new tricks from attacking both old and new exploits. So, did you get t-boned with this one? You don't seem like the type to get nailed on it (yeah, a rarity, that was a *compliment*; you may commence with the "oooohs" and "ahhhhhs") so I would imagine it was before you could catch it, or you were under the impression someone else had it under control. As for me, I can generally count on one hand the amount of ports per IP that I allow through my firewall, so monitoring this is much easier. Also, since I am in charge of these things, I can do whatever the hell I please with complete disregard for others.
  10. clutch

    Best Linux Distribution

    Of those, Debian. But the best one for me is Gentoo. www.gentoo.org
  11. clutch

    SQL Slammer Worm - Whose Fault and How to Fix?

    OK, but do you agree with opening SQL server ports to the Internet? I can see it if there's a secure means of doing it (IPSec or dropping traffic from all IPs other than needed connections) but not just leaving it out there to be attacked. So in that case, it would most definately be the admin's fault.
  12. clutch

    SQL Slammer Worm - Whose Fault and How to Fix?

    Common sense avoids these issues. I was using the IIS security tools before Code Red came out, and when it hit the only thing my server did was count up all the hits to it. As for the SQL server issue, nobody should ever have their SQL box exposed to the Internet anyway, and if they did they should have been up to date on their patches (and there was one long before the worm came out). As long as there are stupid and lazy admins out there, you will see things like this.
  13. clutch

    MSN Messenger Client

    You can't transfer files in GAIM? Is that because of your use of MSN in it? I can transfer files using the AIM portion without any problems.
  14. clutch

    Audigy 2 Platnium in MDK 9.0

    They have different DSP procs, which is enough of an issue to allow support for one while not supporting the other. ALSA is really close though, if not already there, to supporting it.
  15. clutch

    Dare I say....only in America??

    People don't want to take responsibility for what they do or say, so this is why you see bull$hit like this. However, it's easier to tie up courts indefinately in the US since anyone can file a case for anything. It's pathetic.
  16. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    :-) I have been running Q3A in Linux for a while now, but I haven't done anything with Team Arena. In Gentoo, there's this spiffy function where you can "emerge" Q3A and it will install most of the game, and all you have to do is copy over the main pk file and enter your key to make it work. However, I used the previously mentioned bit of copying over an existing Windows install of the game and then patching it with the Linux patch.
  17. clutch

    Will sanity prevail.....

    I see you are into peace, no matter the sacrifice, and that's cool. I have already said that I would love to have the US out of every country out there that hates us, but their governments keep dragging us back in. The only exception that I have seen was Cuba (I lived there, GTMO Bay), and at the time the gov't there was so bent on our staying that when the lease was signed the only legal way it could be broken was if both parties agreed to us leaving. The previous government wanted us there badly, and so we stayed. On an almost daily basis people risked their lives to come to the US, as they do from Haiti, Mexico, and other countries. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's because they hate us? Because we have such a large number of nations represented in our citizenship, we our invaribly asked by our citizens to help out their country of origin when their gov't comes looking for help. Now, as you have said, your own country is *not* large enough to entertain requests for money and military aide, so you really can't judge us since you don't know what you would do yourselves, now do you? Would you turn them away and say "that's your problem, live with it"? Could you? We help other countries; we're good at it. As for news being biased, it would seem that most coverage of the US is of how we are taking over some other nation or letting MS take over the world with bad software. But we are doing a great deal of good things internally and externally, but that wouldn't sell newspapers and bring high TV ratings now would it? Now you bring up the bit about your SAS, to that I wonder "SFW?". The Israelis have the best Air Force in the world, and they are doing it with modified US warplanes and equipment all the while still requesting aide from us. Also, you seem concerned about how WWII is always brought up when talking to us nosey, horrible Americans. Well, I live in a neighborhood in Wisconsin that was setup as low-cost housing for US Vets in the late 40's, and I am surrounded by people in their late 70's and early 80's that still remember that war *very* vividly, and how they had to watch friends and loved ones die while they wondered if they would make it out alive themselves. All of this, while being thousands of miles away from home "helping" some people out in a country they might have never known existed at the time. But then again, we're just a big bunch of a$$holes and bullies right? This is why you will get reminded, and *continue* to get reminded about WWII when talking to Americans. If you don't like it, switch the topic or stfu.
  18. clutch

    Will sanity prevail.....

    Quote: To be honest I don't know. I would like to say "WE wouldn't be in such a situation if we just kept our nose out of others business" however that is a simplistic answer. Now this is a statement that I love. It would be wonderful if we could wash our hands of world affairs, yet we still have foreign governments asking us for help on a daily basis. I have seen the leadership of Egypt come to our soil and ceremoniously pick up aid packages (I was on the White House lawn for one such event with the G. Bush Sr.) while people in Egypt were burning US Flags and effigies of our President. Now please, correct me if I am wrong, but I haven't seen very many countries begging for Australia's aid in either a financial or economic sense in the last 10, 20, or 50 years. So, I guess being able to say "we wouldn't be in such a situation...", simplistic or not, would be wonderful. Personally, I would love to see other countries pick up the slack, as I would rather focus our money and resources on our own internal issues. Yet, hated or not, who's to say that the wouldn't be worse without what we've done in the past? The last war that we delay entry on was WWII, and that's because we left it as "their problem". Then, the war came to us and we had to kick some ass. Afterward, we adopted a policy to get involved earlier to limit the damage that could be done if the threat could involve the US or its alies. Again, I am not for war, or run around carrying a gun like it's thed old west with some people in other countries seem to think we do. However, I don't care for the attitude that many people in the world have about us, and then turn around and have the balls to ask for help. I'm sick of it, and would rather they left us alone. If there's nobody asking for help, then there's no reason to help them.
  19. clutch

    Will sanity prevail.....

    You know, it's always nice to hear a political opinion from a country that throws tons of cash into supporting royalty when they have a parliament while they can't be bothered to infuse a large amount of resources in Ireland or simply get out. Oh, and we will always have the Falkland Islands now won't we? Personally, I think the effort should have been sunk into killing bin Laden. But, for some reason he can't be found (although I think someone in the US or NATO is holding back for some reason, because I would think we could get him). In any case, I have lived on military bases for half my life, and have been exposed to that way of life. However, I do think that it has been handled too agressively in some cases, while in others just flat poorly. So felix, what do you propose? If someone had several airliners filled with people from your country and used them to attack and kill many more of your countrymen, how do you think you and your country would deal with that? We may have gone off the deep end, but it seems that some other countries have been willing to join us... Oh, and if you live in the UK and take offence; don't. This was directed at the author of the article moreso than anyone else.
  20. What did the Xandros people have to say about it? Did you try any of the information I posted to you before regarding setting up your laptop and modem? What were the errors? What steps have you tried?
  21. clutch

    FileSystem You Use Poll

    Quote: Hmmm... I wonder what you guys think about this http://www.pclinuxonline.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4233 I'm not even sure how this rates as news worthy, since people have been doing this forever. I have fixed NT installations with NT CDs, and I have done likewise Linux systems using Linux CDs. If I need to fix a Gentoo install, I can just boot with the CD and mount any partition I would like, then edit any of the files on that drive, setup an SSH server to move files off, or just FTP out anything of importance. I can even chroot into the environment installed on the HD and change the root password and anything else I want to. So, if you want flaws, there's some major ones right there belonging to Linux.
  22. clutch

    Nvidia GeForce 4 under Mandrake Linux 8.2 or 9?

    When you compile something in Linux, it is generally accepted that you are: 1. Using the same compiler that you used for the current kernel, and 2. Running the in most recent kernel that you have compiled, that way the source code sitting in /usr/src/linux is the same base code as the kernel that you are currently booted into So, as such, that option may not have been listed, but you might have been in a non-standard configuration to begin with.
  23. clutch

    NetBIOS over TCP/IP and LMHOST Lookup

    Opening *any* program? Then this hack would have no impact on that at all. This is to speed up browsing between Windows systems on a network when using Network Neighborhood. And as you can see, IE wouldn't be affected in this case.
  24. If I had the interest, I would just reply with a link to "The Giver" from goatse...
  25. clutch

    Can't get MP3s burned

    OK, I am trying to burn MP3s to CD-A in RH8, and I am running into roadblocks here. First, I am using the Gnome interface, which would be great to use eroaster in except it needs the "pygnome-applet" which in turn needs "libpanel_applet.so.0". So, I have been all over rpmfind.net and such trying to find this file but direct installation is only shown for Mandrake, and others installs have it included, but they seem to be the Gnome core libraries and I don't know if they'll trash what Red Hat did to the interface and thusly trash this box. So, for someone using RH8 and Gnome, does anyone have any recommendations for an app/GUI that can burn files and audio CDs? The standard one doesn't pickup my burner for some reason, and the only burning app that I have working right now is "Xcdroast" which has worked flawlessly. Thanks.