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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Futuristic 3D Desktops of tomorrow, here today...

    I run Gentoo linux with Fluxbox almost exclusively at home now, and I would have to agree with DosFreak on using multiple desktops and/or switching them. I have 4 that I use, and I scroll through them with the scroll wheel on my mouse. Here's my current laptop config: Very simple and clean.
  2. clutch

    RIAA.org hacked!

    LOL, losers... www.riaa.org http://www.riaa.org/PR_Story.cfm?id=893
  3. clutch

    RIAA.org hacked!

    Yeah, I posted a screencap over here: http://www.midwestlanparty.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=4179#post4179 at one point they had the Goatse guy on the frontpage, needless to say I was glad to see that leave...
  4. Please don't dup the same the thread into multiple forums. I will remove the other two.
  5. clutch

    Microsoft USB Optical Mouse in Red Hat 8.0

    Have you by chance tried "modprobe hid" and then "modprobe mousedev"? I don't know if you setup has HID and mouse support compiled as modules or not, but that might be worth a shot.
  6. clutch

    SB Audigy 1 - What Distro?

    Hi there yourself. Now, with my Audigy, I think RH8 used it immediately. Actually, I am fairly sure of it but it's been a while since I tried using it on this system. Currently, I am running Gentoo 1.4 on this box (with an Audigy Platinum) and there were some excellent instructions on the Gentoo site on how to setup support for it. As for Debian, there was another set of really good instructions for getting it running as well, but Gentoo was easier since they have a set of drivers already made, all you need to do is make sure that sound is enabled in the kernel (which it is by default). Next, I think that Xandros and Libranet (both based off of Debian) either have support for it directly or it's easily enabled, while Knoppix (another Debian-based distro) might as well.
  7. clutch

    iptables GUI

    Well, a couple of things I might suggest then without having used it myself. One, would remote administration be feasible? If so, could you use something with an HTML-based manager (like Smoothwall, the new version supports IPTables) or just use SSH with -X and use X forwarding to run the frontend from another machine.
  8. clutch

    Happy Holidays!!

  9. Have you tried Racer? It's a fairly decent simulator, and it's free.
  10. clutch

    More than one Active Directory on the same domain

    What you are probably looking to do is create another Global Catalog controller. Check out this article here on how it's done: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q313994
  11. clutch

    T3 Baby...

    I'll be back... http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/t3/large.html
  12. clutch

    Linux Half-Life...

    If you want a quicker intro to how CVS works, get the CVS version of GAIM (Linux instant messenger) from their CVS tree. It's *much* nicer than the regular binary/source releases, and can be easily had. You can also sync and update the sources that you have saved, and then upgrade your version. Just make sure that you have "cvs" installed on your system. http://gaim.sourceforge.net/cvs.php
  13. I have gone through about 8 Gentoo installs, and by far the slowest of anything to get done has been emerging kde on a Dell P2 400. It took more than 2 days to finish it. Now, I just run Fluxbox and get either the libs or base install of Gnome/KDE to suit the needs of the apps I use (I love GDM, and there's some KDE utils I like, but DCOP can have seizures when you try to launch them in outside of KDE). Other notables have been emerges of Sun's Java SDK and Mozilla.
  14. Well, it used to encourage that, but I think that has been changed now for the current releases. In any case, I would recommend Libranet 2.7 or Xandros 1.0 (Xandros somes with CrossOver Office and CrossOver Plugin) for the ones that you would pay for, and you can try out Knoppix by running it from the CD. These are all based on Debian, which is a very good distibution that has a far superior package management system than RedHat (and any other RPM-based distro). Currently, I am moving to Gentoo myself, but it can be a bit of a bear to install and get working, but is much more up to date than even the unstable or testing branches of Debian (which is what Knoppix and Libranet are based on).
  15. clutch

    Saving space

    I would think that any time a compressed file is read, there will be extra overhead in decompressing it. Now, has there been an appreciable loss of performance on my boxes? Nope.
  16. clutch

    T3 Baby...

    It could be worse, it could have been in RealPlayer format.
  17. clutch

    Saving space

    Well, back on the original topic, I use file compression on old NT servers with arrays that weren't setup with large partitions to begin with. Or, in some cases, they might not be large disks (maybe 2 4GB drives in RAID1) and they need to free up some space. So, rather than spend a $1000 on 2 more disks to work with that array (yes, on some servers I come across, the disks that are available are easily that much) we just compress the offending directories. No big deal, and it can either be a band-aid or long term solution. I have used this on one server for more than 2 years now without any issue.
  18. clutch

    About setting up Samba

    I can't remember the specifics right now, as it's been a while since I setup a SAMBA server. But, you really don't need to have it setup as a PDC server for now, so you can get that out of the way. Essentially, you will want to set the "WORKGROUP" to be the same as your NT domain, so it will show up there in browse lists. Also, when creating shares, try a test one by un-commenting one of the "everyone=read only" entries, and then restart SAMBA to see if you can see the share from other systems (if you don't have a spiffy GUI for it, it will probably be "$ /etc/init.d/samba restart"). Instead of waiting for the system to show up in the browse list (which can take a while, especially without a WINS box) just use "\\linuxbox-name" in Explorer to see if it comes up, and then check to see if the share shows up as well. If all that works, you will have to either set your share security to user, share, or workgroup iirc, and workgroup will require some sort of password sync with a PDC which can be a hassle when learning this. So, I would suggest making shares available initially by creating locked down accounts on the server along with a "samba" group (if not already present) and adding permissions to the share via the smb.conf file. Of course, you might want to make sure this makes at least some sense, as I haven't done this in a while and my linux test box here is compiling a new Gentoo install right now...
  19. clutch

    xcopy - doesn't work properly

    As for me, I'm with DS3Circuit on this. NTBACKUP works very well, although it wasn't until Win2K that you could backup to a file. I usually have NTBACKUP run cascading jobs, and then a scheduled single copy for each server to upload its backup to the central backup server. This works out pretty well, as you only have one large file per machine being copied, rather than thousands of smaller files that can get hung up or stalled out during a copy. Also, NTBACKUP is integrated into other MS apps (Exchange for one) and makes restoring a server very, very easy.
  20. clutch

    NT and MDAC update....

    The last time I did was with MDAC 2.6, and it worked fine. I was using SP6a.
  21. clutch

    About setting up Samba

    What are you trying to do, setup a server or a client? If you are simply connecting to other windows machine (acting as a client) try using a nice front end like Komba2 (for KDE 2.x) or LinNeighborhood (it has worked the same in KDE 2.x and 3.x for me, although I don't know what libraries it depends on since I use them in Debian-based or Gentoo systems ). Komba2 is my fav, but I could never get the beta of Komba3 to work with KDE 3.x very well, so on those systems I use LinNeighborhood. Check out freshmeat.net for rpms.
  22. AHHHHH!!!! OMG!!!!! It's horrible! Terrible! Oh wait, it sounds like a site that's using FPSE (Front Page Server Extensions), as those dirs (and the mirroring files included) are created by FPSE to keep track of site changes and other stuff. If you are finding these in your published site, or a directory that was a published site, then don't worry about them. You will probably find some other directories that are hidden and have an underscore in front of them too.
  23. clutch

    sb live! and linux it don't work

    What distro? I have had my SB Live work fine with RH 7.3, RH 8, Debian Woody, Knoppix 3.1, and Xandros 1.0.
  24. clutch

    Best Linux Browser Poll

    I'm a big of Phoenix myself, and I was never a fan of Opera. I run Phoenix in both Linux and Windows. I like that there's no installer, just untar it, move it to /opt, and symlink the executable to /usr/bin.
  25. clutch

    Disable the pagefile?

    It depends on the applications used, but in many cases you can get by without using one (hence having the ability to disable it).