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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Works under XP Pro with IE6/SP1 and Debian 3.0 with Konqueror.
  2. clutch

    MicroSizers rock.

    Yeah, but I already have 2 4x4s and a Mitsubishi Lancer (OZ Rally Edition), I can't fit anything else in the garage!
  3. clutch

    MicroSizers rock.

    Yes, my apologies if it flew completely over your head and ruffled your hair. As this is "NT Compatible", I thought I would list its "compatibility".
  4. clutch

    Win2k, Forsaken 1.01 and DirectX

    I still have my Orb (well, 3 of them), and I got my first one with my pre-order of Forsaken as well. There was even a T-shirt that came with it all. I used my MS Sidewinder FFB at first, because the Orb was too hard to control (I later found out it was broken right out of the box, and they sent me another). Later, when I started playing on Kali, a guy I would play with named "Krybaby" got me into using it. Once you mastered the controller, it was easy to dominate the game with it, and triple chording was a snap. BTW, if you want to start using it in Win2K or XP (Spacetec died a while ago and never made NT5 drivers) you can get some being made independently over at Birdman's site: http://www.planethardware.com/spaceorb/main.html
  5. You will also need one helluva power supply for that amp. Something with a good steady 12V rail minimum, although the amps *usually* run optimally at 14.4V. Just check your manual for that along with its amperage rating, and then hit the electronics supply stores (it's gonna cost ya).
  6. clutch

    Windows Xp and Linux

    NTFS can be read by Linux, although I am not sure how well it works (only used it on a boot floppy once) in regular use. There is write support for NTFS as well, but it's still listed as "experimental". With respect to dual booting, I always put on NT-based OSs last regardless of the other OS since it always seemed to work (Win9x, OS/2, Linux), but to each his own.
  7. http://people.freenet.de/sDuke/index.html
  8. clutch

    Looks like someone was trying to hack my IIS4

    Right, so you have to look for a way to tell OE not to launch MSMessenger anymore.
  9. clutch

    Tell me winrar does not rule!

    WinRAR is da bomb, baby. It's fast and light, yet handles very, very large extractions in single and multi-file compressions (usually ISOs and large AVI/MPG files in my case). It also makes archives that work smoothly between Windows and Linux, albeit RAR for Linux might take a bit of getting used to for some people.
  10. clutch

    Looks like someone was trying to hack my IIS4

    I thought that SP1 reinstalls MSMessenger if it wasn't there. Hence your seeing it now. The delay behavior is consistent with Outlook when it is setup to launch MSMessenger and it isn't able to.
  11. clutch

    Win2k, Forsaken 1.01 and DirectX

    Woohoo! Forsaken rocked! I used to run it with my SpaceORB constantly. Oh well, in any case, when I installed it in Win2K and WinXP, it just worked. What you might be able to do is try the compatibility tool kit and see if that helps you along. I don't know the link, but if you do a search around here I am sure that it will turn up (try searching with DosFreak as the poster name).
  12. clutch

    Looks like someone was trying to hack my IIS4

    If there's a delay opening Outlook Express, then it might be the same issue that affects Outlook. In Outlook, you can disable its ability to launch MS Messenger from within Tools>Options>Other. You might have something similar in OE.
  13. clutch

    Kindly help me understand!

    Spiffy. I remember them being out for v98 and 2000, but didn't know if 2002 came out.
  14. clutch

    Windows Xp and Linux

    IIRC, it would be better to install Linux first, and get it setup the way you like it. Then install Windows XP and let it create a new boot menu option for you. That should work for you, and be a little easier to digest when setting it up. As for the OS choice, I would recommend RH8 as there seems to be some issues with Mandrake and its USB support (along with other things).
  15. clutch

    Kindly help me understand!

    Firstly, Bursar has a point. Secondly, I believe that there were FPSE (FrontPage Server Extensions) that were released for *nix boxes a while ago, but I don't know if they have continued up to FPSE 2002 where the current ones are at. Also, I haven't heard of this "NT Call", so I don't know what it means.
  16. clutch

    A Script / program that will..................

    Nice one! That's pretty cool.
  17. clutch

    P3-650MHz System

    I dunno, with the gig of RAM, the drive, and some of the other stuff I could see getting $350 for it.
  18. clutch

    A Script / program that will..................

    How many systems are you talking about? I do that very same thing with SMS in a couple of different queries, although you can create a single one to return all that info at once. However SMS is pretty expensive and requires a SQL Server license as well.
  19. clutch

    Is this how your Windows install performs?

    Must have missed it from back then, but you can rest assured that it's still funny...
  20. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    If you go here: http://www.microsoft.com/usability/jump1.htm you can sign up for surveys, and some of which give you various software packages to choose from. I just finished up one (almost an hour and a half!) and it gave me various client OSs, Applications, X-Box game combos, and some other stuff. I opted for the Office XP Developer's Edition box set. Just thought I would pass this along.
  21. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    Quote: I tested Windows 98SE and 2000 internally for Microsoft in the Windows Consumer Hardware lab. And... Sounds like you trailed off and didn't get to the point, or was it the point?
  22. And now I will move this post to the "For Sale" area, as that would be most appropriate, don't you think?
  23. clutch

    Fatal Error

    Sounds familiar... http://www.ntcompatible.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23007
  24. For some reason, all "mount /dev/flash" does is simply stall out the command prompt, and I just get ignored when using the disk management util in KDE or right clicking on the desktop and selecting to mount the flash drive. This is the first time trying to use it, and I currently have a USB mouse working with my system. Anybody have any suggestions?
  25. I rebooted and it worked. Man, that reminds me more of Win98 than of a stable OS...