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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Mouse/Soundcard problems

    Umm, this is a response to both of your posts; I would suggest that if you are completely new to Linux that you try something a little easier to get operational, such as Red Hat, Mandrake, or SuSE. These distributions will auto-detect more of your hardware and make it operational, plus it has more GUI-based configuration controls. Slackware is more "geek-ish" like Debian and Gentoo, and as such requires a bit more knowledge of Linux. As for info on Linux, I get most of it by hitting the places that I get my distos from (i.e. www.gentoo.org, www.debian.org, www.debianhelp.org, www.redhat.com, etc.) and Google.
  2. clutch

    Work computers...

    Dual 2.0 GHz Xeons with 1GB RDRAM and a Quadro (Dell system). I'm a network/DB/web admin, and I also do some graphics/brochure work occasionally.
  3. clutch

    Slowest mainstream site on the 'net

    But you have to admit, with such poor support of CSS it's no wonder that webmasters still stick to tables for formatting. At least they are better than frames...
  4. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    I don't know if they will hit you on this survey, but you would probably get picked up on the next one. I am fairly sure that they rotate amongst those that are signed up.
  5. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    So you think that there is only one survey program going on with MS? If you do, then you are sorely mistaken.
  6. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    Actually, I think you are referring to a different program (as in your previous posts). This one has been around for quite a while, and has allowed for online participation rather than going anywhere. Also, in the past the software was a bit more limited (I got a free copy of Win2K Pro out of the blue from doing a survey), but this one has a lot more options. This link basically puts you on a list for future surveys.
  7. clutch

    Browsing MP3s

    Is there a way to have KDE (or GNOME, or anything else for that matter) list MP3 metadata in the file browser so that it can be sorted by album, artist, etc? I am used to this ability in Windows, and I sorely miss it in Linux. I have RH8 and Debian Woody 2.4 running, and I am currently running KDE on both. If this isn't possible in the file browser, is there another app that would provide this function?
  8. Well, they shouldn't be an issue since the point of the temp directory is that its contents are to be temporary. But what you describe is a classic issue and the first (and only) thing I do is clear out the temp files when I see it.
  9. Empty out all your temp files, both in IE and in your normal directories (you can use the "cleanup" wizard to help you do this). You are more than likely getting this issue because you have a large amount of files in those temp directories.
  10. clutch

    Free Software from MS

    Ummm, these are just online surveys to determine software usability. You aren't limited to actually driving to a specific location.
  11. clutch

    Asking a Favour

    Actually, under the .NET initiative, there are a few .NET servers that will replace Windows 2000 Server. Right now they are at the RC1+ phase, soon (hopefully) to move to RC2.
  12. clutch

    Is Office XP that much better than office 2000?

    Access XP has a lot better integration and support for SQL Server 2000 (Access 2000 had to be patched, and that wasn't the best performance), Outlook XP lets you setup group calendars for use with Exchange, and you can export tables from webpages into spreadsheets with a simple click of the mouse using Excel XP (I can't remember if that was available in Excel 2000). These are all things that I commonly use that make the upgrade worth it for me. But then again, I have an MSDN subscription and I am getting another copy (dev edition) for free...
  13. clutch

    USB boot question

    I managed to get Debian installed on a workstation at home, but my USB mouse doesn't work unless I run modprobe hid and then modprobe mousedev then it works fine. So, how do I get it to do this auto-magically at boot time by itself? I am running Woody 2.4. Thanks.
  14. clutch

    USB boot question

    Thanks a ton bud, that was stupidly simple.
  15. clutch

    Received an error when "submitting" a message:

    I saw it twice a couple of days ago, but after waiting a bit and refreshing it seemed to work again.
  16. clutch

    Slowest mainstream site on the 'net

    I get around 160-200KB/s to Windows Update, while I get 230KB/s from debian.org (using apt-get) and my ISP's news server (using PAN and NewsBin Pro). Your speed limitations will also vary with your OS and time of day. One thing you could consider doing is just testing downloads from your ISP during various time of the day, and see if they are the reason for the problem or not. In addition, the sites that you listed having problems with are also more interactive than the ones that you state are fine (the first 2 require a bit more 2-way conversation, while the last one has higher download demands and relies on feedback from an activex control).
  17. clutch

    Software for System Administrator

    Actually, he did NOT originally post this in the selling forum, he actually posted twice into both application forums. The first reply was made while it was still in the application forum, and I moved it here. I also deleted the redundant one. While it would seem like common sense to post an "ad" for something in the Buy, Sell, or Trade forum it still seems to evade a few people.
  18. clutch

    Linux Half-Life...

    I guess that would depend on the amount of time and patience you have on your hands, and how low your bar on acceptable performance is. Since you are playing HL, you might have Q3, UT, or UT2003 as well. All of those can run natively in Linux and have at *least* the same level of performance as in Win2K/XP provided you are running nVidia hardware.
  19. clutch

    Why are you running Linux?

    Which version of Windows and which version of Linux are you addressing? NT4 will run just fine on that box, as I have had several servers in the past running file and print servers (as well as Domain Controllers) on that class of box. I would imagine that running a fully loaded Mandrake 9.0 on it would probably crush its will to live.
  20. clutch

    Javascript problem that no one can figure out

    Do you have any popup blockers set to block "unrequested windows"? While it seems that you are, indeed, requesting the popup I know that the pop blocker perceives the reply window in Outlook Web Access 5.5 to be unwanted and kills it every time.
  21. clutch

    Bit of problem with RH7.2....

    The permissions are set properly on the fonts directory AND the font itself? Remember that unless you used a "-R" to recursively assign the permissions all files and subdirs will not be affected by the chmod. The only reason why I would think that permissions are a cause is because your font works in "root", correct?
  22. clutch

    How do you post images to the forum?

    While the standard calls for case-insensitivity, there are some old Name Servers out there that might have issues with it. Also, I was under the impression that UNIX web serving apps had the host-header resolution ability as well (I haven't had a need to run them too often). However, IIS does not care as it will resolve either way. This can be seen when a NetBIOS name is used to point to a particular site, and while the computer name is in all caps the entered URL may use sentence capitalization, while the host header could be in all lowercase. It would still work. Pretty simple, eh?
  23. Check it out, I think I found one. It seems to depend on what interface you are using (primarily KDE/Qt or GNOME/GTk) and I am kinda learning about them, but I thought I would pass along what I have found: http://chicco.homeip.net/ktraffic3.php If I find more, I'll put them up here.
  24. clutch

    wierd networking problems

    Got any hardware sharing an IRQ with it? Modems used to exhibit this behavior constantly when in the same machine as a NIC or a sound card that required multiple IRQs.
  25. clutch

    How do you post images to the forum?

    While viewing the options you selected, you choose "disable UBB Code in this post". Well, UBB Code is what drives the URL parser and allows for the images to be shown.