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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    How do you post images to the forum?

    First, you should avoid non-standard characters in your URLs anyway (the hex version of a space character is "%20") as many legacy apps will probably not function. The second one you listed looked correct, and here it is presented properly: I would suggest that you simply use the "IMG" button next to the font selection for your post to put in the right tags, and use all lowercase characters if possible (UNIX is case sensitive, while NT is not, so strictly speak www.christianblackburn.com would be a different URL from www.ChristianBlackburn.com so make sure of what you are entering).
  2. clutch

    Bit of problem with RH7.2....

    Are you using a font that you added on your own (not a normally included font)? If so, check your permissions on the directory that it's contained in.
  3. clutch

    Distro-specific forums?

    Any thoughts on having distro-specific forums? I am getting Debian right now via jigdo, and with the rapid crash-course I had to take to get it working the idea kinda just came to me.
  4. clutch

    ultra newbie

    Look for an option to burn "images", but I thought that EZ CD Creator was bound to the .ISO extension anyway and would open when you double clicked on the file. Check the help documentation on it, and it should be fairly easy to find.
  5. clutch

    ultra newbie

    What OS and burning application do you plan to use? If you use something that can burn a CD from ISO (and not simply copy the ISO to a blank) then the first disk should be bootable.
  6. clutch

    Best 3rd party back up software for a small buisness ?

    No, not your credentials, but that of the backup you are configuring. It has to run under a set of credentials as well. I would suggest reading over the help file to get up to speed on it.
  7. clutch

    Best 3rd party back up software for a small buisness ?

    Did you check the log? Do you have the proper logon credentials?
  8. Of course you can get multiple scopes working within a single DHCP server! We're just keeping the info from you...
  9. clutch

    Best 3rd party back up software for a small buisness ?

    I've used Arcserve/BrightStor, Veritas Backup Exec, and the little guy NTBACKUP (the one that comes with NT/2K/XP). Veritas is awesome when it comes to overall network backup, and I like using NTBACKUP for Exchange server backups. I hate BrightStor, but it's currently what I have at my main job. It doesn't seem to like Terminal Services very well, and remote management through consoles installed on admin workstations is sketchy at best.
  10. clutch

    Fear of formatting...

    Quote: argh! it scares me the amount of people who have NO!! clue about computers and how they work. frustrating really. What do you mean? Do you know a great deal about every single thing you use? Can you repair your TV if it fails with a bucket of parts and a soldering iron? Can you rebuild the transmission of your car? Do you know how to build an addition to your home, including pouring the foundation, wiring it, and making sure that it passes all local building codes? It's impossible to know everything about every major item you use, let alone *everything* you use.
  11. clutch

    Can't get MP3s burned

    I only got to read briefly about it, but it looks like a KDE app, and I am running GNOME. It seems like most of the burning apps are KDE-based, while I have more luck finding anything else I want in GNOME. Is it possible to simply have KDE installed, but run the app while in GNOME?
  12. clutch

    Need help with IIS 5.0 bandwidth throttling.

    First, QoS relies on QoS-aware applications and hardware to monitor network traffic (and yes, if Internet traffic hits any machine on your network then it is "network traffic" as well) and allows you to assign priority levels to the traffic being monitored. The idea would be to assign a higher level of importance to something like, an ERP or DB-driven client/server app and a low importance to something like RealPlayer. Now, as for assigning the bandwidth caps, I have only seen the setting for the WWW portion of IIS, and frankly I haven't seen it ever work. Then again, I have only fiddled with it twice since I have no need to use it.
  13. clutch

    Can't get MP3s burned

    Alright, I installed the app, found out that I needed to get mpg321, and now I am having more issues. So, it comes down to this; does anyone know of a *GUI* based app for burning MP3/OGG files in CD-A format discs? This is a major issue for me, as I deal with command-line BS enough already at work and would like a simple GUI app for something that I do a lot of, and that's making CDs for my cars, work, and friends. I miss Nero very much, and as I have never had much in the way of problems with Windows XP Pro anyway I am wondering why the hell I left...
  14. clutch

    win2k jumps!

    Alright bud, you might want to limit your post on this topic to one forum, so that way everyone can see each other's posts to it and you will have one central location to work with.
  15. clutch

    Can't get MP3s burned

    Just as an update, I was checking out the Lycoris site today (I'm gonna give it a shot) and I found a post talking about this other app for burning CDs http://ogre.rocky-road.net/cdr.shtml It's called SimpleCDR-X and can rip CDs to WAV/MP3/Ogg Vorbis and seems to be quite capable from the what the post mentioned. If anyone else has other suggestions let me know. Also, I did get the update before trying X-CD-Roast, and it still doesn't support a direct means of getting MP3s onto an audio CD. I do like the app, however, for burning ISOs and duplicating CDs.
  16. clutch

    NV18 & NV28:NVIDIA Chips with AGP-8x Flavor - a waste?

    Quote: Brian ISA's have not bit the dust as long USB 1.0, 1.1 and Floppy and PS/2 are still aorund oh did I forget about bios hehehe. Why would you say that?
  17. Check it out: My wife and I were at Toys'R'Us looking for a present for our friend's newborn child, and I saw this badboy on display. I stated that we *owed* it to our child to get him/her this. She replied that it would "always" be there and not to get it now. However, I told her that if the day came when I would be "allowed" to get it that it better be there or I'd never let her live it down. Well, this weekend we were looking for something for our soon-to-be child (she's 12 weeks now) and we were at Toys'R'Us milling about. While looking around, I didn't see the big wheel anymore and my wife started getting worried. However, I found a small group of them burried in a corner and grabbed the display model. I rolled around the store with it (yep, I stood on the back of it and it didn't even bow under my 270lbs). My wife then "authorized" me to get it (didn't want to live that fear again of me annoying her about it ). If you have kids, you should check these out. They will probably wind up selling quite heavily this Christmas (they just came out in July), so you might want to get them early.
  18. clutch

    UT2003 Gold includes the Linux Client

  19. clutch

    The Coolest Bigwheel, Ever...

    Quote: Remember those ones called Green Machines? I had one, I was too big for it Cracked it in the middle, would scrape my ass when I rode it It still rocked tho, didn't it? This thing is chrome steel baby, so I think it would hold up better...
  20. clutch

    source CD download redhat 8.0 don't work !

    Try the HTTP link in my post over here http://www.linuxcompatible.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=68
  21. clutch

    Counter-Strike on SuSE Linux 8.1???

    Have you tried running Q3 in native Linux mode? It runs at least as fast as it did in Windows, so you'll probably like it a lot better.
  22. (yes, all three of us), is there a way that we can have new posts show up on both of them without having one forum affect the other? If I go to LinuxComp, then come here, all my posts show up as having been seen even if there were new ones that I haven't looked at yet. Thanks.
  23. clutch


    Quote: a good standard that i have seen around is all sigs must be under either 40kb or 30kb. Umm, it should be less than 10kb, as any decent page should be less than 80kb total for fast, stable loading to begin with.
  24. clutch

    HPT372 Boot Time Support

    Am I to assume that 2.4.19 should be the first to properly support boot-time installation using RAID on this ATA-RAID controller?
  25. clutch

    The Official UT 2003 thread

    I was never a huge fan of UT, as it wasn't as smooth as Q3 was. However I like this one a lot more (even more than Q3). It runs quite well on both of my systems at home, and runs well in either WinXP Pro or Linux so I'm happy.