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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    My RH8 and MD 9 experiences

    hehehehe I was wondering WTH you were doing. In any case, how's the framerate been in Q3/UT?
  2. clutch

    My RH8 and MD 9 experiences

    I am not sure I know what you mean by not finding "init". Would you like me to lay out how I installed my drivers in RH8?
  3. Does anyone have any suggestions for a cd burner app that can use my Plextor 40x24x40 burner? When I open the app, there are no recorders listed to select from, so I am assuming that it doesn't "see" it properly. Thanks.
  4. clutch

    Gnometoaster doesn't see my Plextor burner

    Hehehe, nice timing.
  5. clutch

    Gnometoaster doesn't see my Plextor burner

    Scratch that, I "discovered" www.xcdroast.com" and the app xcdroast. It works very well, but you have to install cdr-tools (it tells you where to get them) firstly from a tarball, then from 3 more rpms. Afterward, you can install xcdroast and start it as root (su) so you can setup the configuration with parameters such as "allowable users/hosts" and the image directory. Just thought I would pass this along. Oh, and another thing, according to their site the version that comes with RH8 (mine didn't install it, go figure) it out of date and the recommend getting their most current rpm.
  6. clutch

    new to linux

    Can you try using a generic 1024x768 display setting for it? My Radius monitor wouldn't get picked up either on my main system, so I had to define the timings manually (no biggie, I have the manual) after I installed my nvidia drivers for my GF4. During a Red Hat install, you can pick out the monitor manually if you like, or leave it at the probed settings (mine showed up as "unprobed monitor"). I just picked a generic 1024x768 monitor and it worked fine until I could get the drivers setup after reboot.
  7. I was installing RH8 on my main system, and when I got to installing UT2003 I ran into something unusual. The system would scan *every* drive and try to mount all of them while copying files during the installation process. Now, I never noticed this on my other system as it only has a harddrive and a CD-ROM, but this system has a CD-RW (with UT2K3 CD1 in it), a DVD-ROM, a floppy drive, and a SanDisk Flash card reader. While trying to scan all of these drives, the installation was running ridiculously slow, so in order to alleviate it I just put media into all of the drives, and the install ran at normal speed (pretty fast). Any idea as to why this would happen?
  8. There's a couple of methods to get them to work in OpenOffice. First they can be imported using "spadmin", and second I read of a method where you setup a path in your XF86config file but I can't figure out how that works yet.
  9. clutch

    UT2003 Installation Tip

    It should be fine if you are hosting with a cap of about 8 people or less. My upload is only 384K on my cable line, so I would more than likely not fair much better than you.
  10. clutch

    Redhat 8 ?!?

    It would seem to me that a "Windows Killer" could be just about any OS out there, it just depends on what you are looking for and why you want to get away from Windows. For me, RH8 just did it. I will be installing it on my main box tomorrow, but keeping my servers on Win2K server at home for the time being. However, I do have the luxury of installing Win2K/XP on my secondary machine just in case I need something that I can only find in Windows (and will not work in WINE).
  11. clutch

    UT2003 Installation Tip

    Oh, and one more note of interest. The game, once installed, will not ask you for your CD in order to play. So, for people that bought the game but still have to get no-cd cracks to keep from scratching their CDs or just being annoyed at having to dig them out, this is great. I just thought I would pass this along...
  12. clutch

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Quote: I have not tried to install it yet but it seems like the Linux binary is on CD3.... /Toby Duh. Dude, you rock! I am giving it a shot right now! Thanks.
  13. clutch

    3000th Post!

    I am the lead spammer, hurray for me...
  14. clutch

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Bummer. I did think it was odd that the game stated that the serial number was on the jewel case when the game didn't come with one. It does run really well though, and I am hoping that they release Linux executables for it soon since the demo ran so well on my Linux box.
  15. clutch

    Not Terribly Lively, Are We?

    You don't see any hardware/software info on the www.linuxcompatible.org main page?
  16. Umm, your price seems a bit high for a used unit. You are free to charge whatever you like for it though... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005B6QX/dealtime-dac/103-3556148-2525451
  17. clutch

    1000th Post

    Just under 3000 more to go to hit the 4K mark!
  18. clutch

    HTML Question

    Like a JavaScript popup box when you click on it?
  19. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that by having "Illinois" in the title, "Honolulu" just *might* be out of the question. Damnit Inferno get your monkey a$$ over here and make clearer posts...
  20. For RedHat and other RPM-supporting users, give this a shot: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/ It works really well, and while they tested it in 7.3 I found it works in 8.0. Also, there is "supposed" to be a way to simply drag and drop your fonts into a directory named ".fonts" in your user's root dir (at least that's what I assume they mean by stating "~/.fonts" as the new directory to make for the fonts) and then restart X server. This doesn't seem to work for me, while using this other RPM-based method does seem to according to the test at the bottom of the page where you list the available MS fonts on your system. Let me know what you guys think if you try it.
  21. clutch

    Mandrake 9.0 my though on this OS

    Are you getting a good download rate?
  22. clutch

    Can You Host RH 8?

    Can you host a local mirror of RH 8 so that forum members can get it a bit quicker?
  23. clutch

    Mandrake 9.0 my though on this OS

    My USB Intellimouse (rev 2) works fine with RH 8, even during setup. I haven't installed a USB keyboard though since I don't have an extra for that box. I'm running an ASUS CUSL2 mobo.
  24. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    Yep. I used these: GLX http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86_40/1.0-3123/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123.tar.gz Kernel http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86_40/1.0-3123/NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.tar.gz As I stated, make sure to run NVchooser just to be on the safe side, but these have worked great in RH 7.3 (with the rev 10 kernel) and RH 8 (rev 14 I think). I just played both Q3 and the UT2003 demo, and they worked well with my GF2 Pro card.
  25. clutch

    Best Email client?

    I used to use Outlook Express, but over the last few years I've been a fan of Outlook (mostly since Outlook 98 came out and was stable).