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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    The kernel rev is a *very* touchy subject, so you really should run "NVchooser.sh" to determine the specific drivers for your setup. Also, just wanted to mention that the drivers installed perfectly on my new RH8 install and I am installing Q3 right now.
  2. Umm, I think he's looking to trade that system *for* a hard drive of those specs...
  3. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    Nope, the RPMs for the nVidia Linux drivers.
  4. clutch

    Can You Host RH 8?

    Actually, hit the HTTP link from my last post above, as you can get some REALLY nice bandwidth from it. I got 230KB/s from it for all 5 ISOs since they didn't (or can't) cap the upstream from their webservers.
  5. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    It's pretty simple, and works rather well. Oddly enough, I could never get the RPMs to work right so I have had to compile from source every time.
  6. clutch

    A BIG! Problem

    Does your video card seat completely at the far back? My current case has a slight alignment issue with my Soyo mobo, and if I do just about *anything* in my case it's enough to make the video card come out of the slot and keep the system from powering up. Oddly enough, it "should" beep that there is a video card failure, but the connection must be good enough to show that it's there, but not good enough to let it run.
  7. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    Actually, it appears that Linux just didn't like the box being overclocked (933@1084). I ran it back to normal and it seems fine after 10 minutes or so of gameplay. I had been overclocking it for so long in XP, that I had forgotten about it.
  8. clutch

    Can You Host RH 8?

    Man, getting this is a pain in the a$$. Check this out from the site that I am currently getting it from (it was listed at www.redhat.com/mirrors.html but it looks like they won't be anymore): we are sorry, but according email we recevied from redhat, ovh has been removed from mirror program, because we allow download of rh8 before the annonced time. you can download the last image from ftp://mir1.ovh.net/ftp.redhat.com.NO.MORE.MIRRORED http://mir2.ovh.net/ftp.redhat.com.NO.MORE.MIRRORED Octave
  9. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    OK, it seems that after about 5 minutes or so Q3 just craps out on me and kicks me back to the desktop. The last time it did it I didn't have mouse control, so I alt-tabbed to my console and launched the game again so I could exit. Once I did that, I regained my mouse by the acceleration was heavily reduced (restarting X corrected it). So, anybody have any insight? This same box ran Q3 just fine under Windows XP Pro, and runs the UT2003 Demo as well. I am running RH7.3 and the newest nVidia drivers for my GF2 Pro.
  10. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    Well, it worked. It looks and runs wonderful, however it did kick me out after about 5 minutes in. However, after running several passes at four.dm_67 (runs at 95fps, where I got about 110 in WinXP so it's REALLY close) it seems quite stable. Thanks for the info!
  11. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

    Sweet. I'll have to give that a shot. I haven't uninstalled it as of yet from my Windows box so I'll just ftp the bad boy across my network.
  12. clutch

    Should i jump the boat?

    My SiS was cheaper than either the Intel or Via-based options for my P4.
  13. clutch

    Should i jump the boat?

    Ditto, the last 2 boxes that used Via parts were nothing but trouble. One that supports a P3 is still about 15%-20% below what an i815 would do even on its best day, and another for an Athlon XP had a Via southbridge that was responsible for a motherboard swap (and the second one brought on a whole different set of issues). Not to mention they can't get memory controllers to work worth a $hit. Oh, and I *have* been doing this for quite a while, so yeah I do know what I am talking about AND there's validity to the rep that Via earned. AMD is doing a great job with their procs, and it's up to nVidia and SiS to keep them alive.
  14. Yeah, EB, Software Etc., and Best Buy all said that as well, but Software Etc. got their first batch in today and didn't even know that it was coming.
  15. clutch

    AMD Athlon XP 2700+ & 2800+ with 333FSB

    My P4 rides 150MHz already, and it's quad-pimped (yeah, I meant "pimped" biznitch ) so I don't worry about what they are putting out. Besides, my newly purchased UT2003 runs amazing on my box at 1024x768@32bit, but that's another story...
  16. clutch

    Email Viruses

    Depends on the virus, but if you have preview enabled and you come across an email with HTML enabled that has a hostile ActiveX control, then yes you could get infected. The safest bet is to view everything in txt mode (there's a reg key for this) and to pay attention to whatever attachments you get. Also, might as well disable the preview mode so that all you see is the subject.
  17. I just got UT 2003. Does that count?
  18. clutch

    Visual Basic Programming Site

    The first app that many people write is one that tracks their music/movie collection(s). Atreyu wrote one a while ago that used an access db as the back end and ASP/JavaScript for the front end. I myself wrote an ASP app to query IIS logs in my SQL Server db. In place of ASP/JavaScript, you could do something similar with a VB/VB.NET front end. However, if you are actually learning a language, I would recommend that you move away from that and go to something with a future, like any of the .NET languages or Java (even C++ as that is going to be around for a while to come).
  19. clutch

    Nvidia GeForce 4 under Mandrake Linux 8.2 or 9?

    I don't imagine that they can be installed "during" your Mandrake installation, but could probably be configured in the manner I described above once you have it installed. You can also try using the RPMs, I just prefer compiling from the tar files myself.
  20. I use NewsBin Pro normally for newsgroup binary downloads, but I would like something for my Linux box. Any good recommendations?
  21. clutch

    Good news binary downloader?

    Pimp Ass Newsreader? I can dig it...
  22. Quote: Rephrase: Most headaches come from regular users misunderstanding of Windows and how to use it. Bingo. This is another reason why you see Linux doing so well as far as stability goes. Many, many users of this OS have gone through Hell and back trying to get most of their basic things to work on it, so they know it inside and out. I have crashed many a Linux box trying to get it working (and trashed them to a point with a system driver install that I had to reinstall), so I know it can be done . As its popularity grows (along with its porky avg installed size), you can count on reports of it crashing more and more coming out. I still find the OS interesting and worth learning, although WINE is turning out to be a bigger pain in the a$$ than I thought it would be...
  23. I checked out this link http://franksworld.net/wine/modules.php?...=153&page=1 in regards to the successful installation of this application listed in the compat db on this site, but I get the "failed to create empty document" error that was mentioned on this page. I got the reg file it mentioned, but I would like to know how to install and configure it. Thanks.
  24. clutch

    Ok best anti-virus for WinXP?

    I'm a big fan of McAfee corp, but you might not be able to get that. You could also check out Panda AV and Kapersky Labs.