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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    What you guys think of this buy?

    Wow, it seems like a good deal, even if it *is* an AMD...
  2. Actually, I am saying that it's ridiculous to blame the company that helped *standardize* the PC platform by being so popular to begin with. It's quite moronic to hold them responsible when you really can't prove either way. They have software on over 90% of the workstations and PCs on the planet, so it seems to me that they had to be doing something right. Now, if you want to proclaim something about "it was their marketing that made me use them" or "I had no choice", then you are either a spineless wonder or a liar. Get over it, MS was biased toward Intel, but *never* made themselves exclusive to them. Other platforms that are so "stable", such as Sun's Solaris, have the main advantage of having all of the hardware controlled by the same manufacturer as the software, thereby assuring integration. Intel had the cash to make every effort in getting their hardware to shine with MS products, while AMD was still maxing out 486s just to keep up in the speed war. Intel made sure that when you think of using MS products, you can feel confident in getting an Intel-based product (and it worked) even without being strictly regulated by the software manufacturer (unlike Sun, and to some extent Novell). Hell, how many times have you actually seen drivers *TRULY* be certified by MS to work with a given OS? What about software? How many apps have you worked with that are "certified" rather than "compliant"? There are too many naive people out there that aren't even remotely in touch with how things work in the PC world, yet they have the biggest mouths to "share" their wonderful insight. Imagine that.
  3. clutch

    #1 Security rule: TURN IT OFF!

    Just don't run with those puppies...
  4. Actually, I saw this little bit right here: Quote: No, what I was saying is that MS is the cause of the majority of computer headaches, not VIA. And again, you lay claim to another ridiculous statement. ;(
  5. Quote: You know now that you mention it, it could be MS, the old Wintel alliance striking down VIA before 2K's release, this would impact VIA just like it is now. No, what I was saying is that MS is the cause of the majority of computer headaches, not VIA. My point being that if it is a "headache" to double click a driver-set and reboot you shouldn't be jacking with OS installs or what have you to begin with. Um, right. Sure thing bud. That's why MS deliberately decided to make Via's memory controller one of the worst in the business. Oh, and they deliberately stepped in to make AMD's life miserable and re-engineered the Via southbridge so that it would suck. Hmm, I could continue, but there's no point.
  6. clutch

    #1 Security rule: TURN IT OFF!

    I would have gone for "unplug it" myself...
  7. clutch

    lycoris and usb optical mouse

    I don't know about the mouse, but the screen shifted right a tad because of your drivers. If you install the newest drivers (check my post here for more info) you should get nearly identical line up with an XP install on the same monitor with any given resolution/refresh rate.
  8. clutch

    Nvidia GeForce 4 under Mandrake Linux 8.2 or 9?

    Wow, I would have figured with a name like "Linuxboy00" you would have been all over this OS by now. The following was done in RH 7.3, but I think that since I was using the source code the process should be the same. Also, in the compiling routine, my kernel source directory was not /usr/src/linux but rather /usr/src/%linuxbuild%, and while some routines recognize that, these drivers didn't (I am guessing that the makefile didn't use a var path like that) and I just put in a symbolic link to the source in that directory to get that path. In any case, go here for the drivers, and here for documentation on installing them. You should read the page from top to bottom, so that you will note the order in which they ask you to get the files. The first file that you will get is the GLX driver, and I always get the source TAR file. Next, you can run the NVchooser.sh file to see what kernel version you have and mate that to the kernel driver you need. However, I get the source tar in this case too. Next, I run "make" *FIRST*, and I do *NOT* run "make install" as the readme suggests, since you might have a snag once or twice in the compile, and then you could have issues if for some reason you reboot or try to cycle the X-server. Once both compiles are clean (no errors, though you might see one talking about the GNU license, disregard it) I edit the XF86Config-4 file just like the readme says to, and once I am sure that the file is ready I run "make install" on the kernel driver, and then the GLX driver. After they are ready, I logout (I boot to the command prompt) and log back in, then restart X. You should now see the nVidia logo, and then your normal desktop. Good luck.
  9. clutch

    Kazaa and my ISP

    Slowing down is easy, just use QoS (Quality of Service) aware hardware and software. Certain firewalls and switches allow you to prioritize traffic, so while certain DB application traffic may get high priority, guess what drops to the bottom? Now, have you tried other applications (such as FTP) to see what bandwidth you are getting? Do you have any friends using the same ISP in your area? Maybe they can test it for you. You could also try newsgroups and see if they are capping those (those are usually the first to be capped).
  10. The ftp sites have TONS of files in them in the 2.0.2 release directory, so what do I need? I don't really need all of it do I?
  11. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Ohhhhh, I get it. "x" is insane while "8" is merely "wacky". Gotcha. Now, of the listed services, I can only think of 2 ("Windows Audio" and "Themes") that would not *necessarily* apply to a "corporate" environment. Now, if you can't see how the other services would be used in a professional environment then you probably haven't administered (or at least toured) many networks. The smart card readers are brilliant, and we have thought about using them ourselves on the production floor; wireless zero config is intended to make wireless configuration and administration easier (I use my iPAQ and Intermec handhelds wireless, but not workstations as such); System restore is self evident; etc.
  12. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Quote: IIRC, the list of services between 2k/xp are pretty much the same.... Yeah, I know. The few differences are mostly additional support for newer devices (like the smartcard reader) that don't have any perceivable impact on system performance anyway. I was just wanting to see what qualified as "insane"...
  13. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    The list of services is "insane" eh? I am assuming that you mean XP Pro has many, many more services than 2K Pro does, right? Why don't you list them, and list why they are bad or potentially performance robbing for the new users here. You seem to have an opinion on this, so share your data with the group...
  14. clutch

    Warm fuzzy tube sound.....

    I thought Abit did something like this already, and it's a novel concept. Also, video reviews are lame.
  15. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    We have the MKS Toolkit, which is a Unix command interpretor/shell for NT at work. We got it for our EDI program, as it was initially developed for Unix and they have been too damn lazy to write one natively for NT (and because of this, it has many odd problems). Honestly, I'm not so sure I would want to install many of those utils on my system, but I have thought about looking for a version of EMACS and vi for Windows since I will be using those in school. Oh, after a quick check on Google, I found this link that you might, in turn, find interesting... http://worldwidemart.com/mattw/software/WindowsNT/miscutil/
  16. Glide (like 3Dfx) is dead. Besides, 32bit color is really nice to have...
  17. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Actually, I am running RH 7.3. I haven't used Mandrake since 6.x. This version is pretty nice, and I am just trying to get used to the differences in getting around (amending my PATH in BASH was fun, as I was trying to include my java installation). However, after going back to command line mgmt I am starting to catch myself performing *nix commands in Windows every now and again (like ls -a and things like that)...
  18. clutch

    Can cable and DSL co-exist?

    I actually like that Linksys you have, and I have recommended those to many people. Bummer that yours didn't work out for you. As for the Netgear, at one time they were using both telnet and HTML mgmt options but I think they are now using a single HTML interface. If that's the case, then I would give that a shot. Also, check out www.linklogger.com for a logging utility that I think will work with it. I use it on my home network, and it's pretty nice.
  19. clutch

    Can cable and DSL co-exist?

    A dedicated hardware solution is *almost* always better than using an OS with an application to do the task. The Linux box will have multiple points of failure (the OS itself, the firewall app, drivers, other applications installed by default, misconfiguration of either the OS or the app, etc.) while the hardware solution simply has the firmware that is the OS and app in one ball of wax that can be configured and upgraded via one interface all at once without fear of an OS upgrade screwing the app and vice versa. Plus, the device will be specifically tuned for this one task out of the box while the OS/App config has to be setup and maintained, which can be a headache for many.
  20. clutch

    Error - Must be Adim to run program

    If you're still there, what you might have to do is give the user account that you want to run the game under admin right temporarily, and install the game under it. Then, make sure to run the game at least once. Afterward, remove the admin privies and try to run it again. If you still have problems, make sure that the directory has "everyone:modify" permissions, and that the registry keys for the game have similar "modify/change" permissions as well.
  21. clutch

    Can cable and DSL co-exist?

    Read the reviews on the router, as I am pretty sure it will multilink the connections as well as support failover.
  22. clutch

    What CD-RW do u recommend?

    I love my Plextor 40x24x40 drives (I have one at home and at work). Great units. Yamaha makes some nice stuff too.
  23. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Quote: I used to love XP, but I'm getting sick of it. I'm falling for Linux, I'm a sick man...
  24. I bought RH 7.3 Pro for work (just in time to hear about v8.0 coming out, oh well I'll get that too if it's worth it ). It's a pretty nice box set, and has quite a bit of documentation and a bunch of CDs.