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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    IIS HELP!!!

    Make sure to run this: http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/Release.asp?ReleaseID=33961
  2. clutch

    IE6 sp1 picture bug

    That is rather odd, since Galeon runs through the site just fine on my Linux box. Maybe IE is getting hung on the names of the files being pulled down, but that's a wild shot in the dark there. If you do happen to see the site, check out "thecat" on page 25, and see if you can remember what game that was ripped from...
  3. clutch

    UT 2003 Demo

    Maybe, but the full version will come with a version of Maya and a bunch of other programming tools for mods and level design (3 CDs from what I read), not to mention the game itself. I would imagine they just want to demo to look its best (not get jacked with) and make sure that people will actually *buy* the full version (novel concept, I know). Should be nice though, I know I am getting it.
  4. clutch

    IIS HELP!!!

    OK, first, you don't seem to have any idea on how to use IIS, and performing "trial runs" live on the Internet is exactly how IIS got such a bad name for security issues. Now, do you have *ALL* of the patches and updates? Have you read *any* of the documentation? Assuming those are both "yes", go to the properties of the site, and next to the IP address entry select the "Advanced" button. In there, make sure that you only have "default" and port 80 listed, and nothing (like www.test.com or any other value) in the host header column as that will limit what your site will respond to when a URL is submitted. The preceeding will make sure that you are at the base-level installation and setup for the site. So, do you have any firewalls setup on the workstation (like the built-in one in XP) blocking port 80 from the outside? Have you been able to get traffic to your IP from the outside before, such as in hosting games, ftp sites, ICQ file transfers, etc.? Can they ping you?
  5. LOL, I have one site that I manage that use software from "CAU" for their DME mgmt. It's this crappy COBOL-based program that uses a screwball db and can throw up all kinds of wonderful (and cryptic, and worthless) errors. In any case, have you looked at the printer properties for spool settings? Usually under the "Advanced" tab you'll have the option to start printing after it has been spooled, print while spooling, or print directly to the printer. Just try adjusting those and see if they help.
  6. clutch

    repair win 2000 pro

    That would be a good guess. It does sound like you are hardware-related issue. Give that test a shot.
  7. Or just move it to PostgreSQL or MySQL and be done with it for free. MS SQL Server would probably be much easier to use and a lot easier to import the data into (along with link the Access front-end to), but it does cost a bit of money.
  8. clutch

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    You want control? Get Linux. All these complaints about XP being a newbie OS were also layed at the feet of the oh-so-beloved Win2K. Obviously, not many of you remember the hardcores whining about how many wizards there were in Win2K, and how it blocked direct access to almost everything (and btw, it still does). Well, get used to XP kiddies, because if you plan on being in a .NET world (i.e. managing these servers remotely without TS and the like) then XP is the only way to go.
  9. Well, here's a couple of things you could try. First, get the latest MDSC and Jet DB components for the server (if you can do this for the clients, that would be recommended as well) as these dictate the management of data control in the OS. You can get these at www.microsoft.com/data. Next, you could check out this article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q296264& I had a similar issue before with a COBOL-based (ick) application, and adjusting those keys fixed it. For some reason, several workstations would lay claim to the same files/db at the same time and not release, and this addresses that behavior.
  10. OK, get the freebie version of Trillian and use that for MSN IM. Now, all's well...
  11. Looks fine for me in IE6, Mozilla, Nutscrape 6, and Galeon at 1280x1024.
  12. No, there's a better way. Go into Outlook, and go to Tools>Options>Other and at the bottom you will see "Load MS Messenger at startup" (or something like that). Uncheck it, and restart Outlook. This will fix it for ya.
  13. OK, if you happen to see anything just let me know. I will probably scout around a bit to see if I find out anything else on this topic.
  14. clutch

    ATI and Linux

    I have no idea, but I didn't want you to feel ignored... Actually, I do know that all the places speaking of having proper 3D acceleration enabled talk about nvidia stuff. So, while you might get really good 2D performance with it, I'm not so sure about 3D. This link seems to have some good info on ATI Linux drivers, so it might be worth checking out: http://mirror.ati.com/support/faq/linux....p;cmdNext=GO%21
  15. My truetype directory is indeed all lowercase, and here is XF86Config-4 file: www.asysttech.com/otherfiles/xf86config-4.txt
  16. OK, I have been fiddling around with WINE for a little bit, and I think I must be missing the point. I was under the impression that you could install applications using it, and that its barebones installation would at least allow that. But, is that not the case? I just about crashed the box trying to open a simple exe (not an installer or anything), and I am beginning to wonder about this. I went to www.winehq.com, and it led me to another site with the rpms for it, and I picked up winesetuptk and followed the directions for use over at: http://digilander.libero.it/winehqitalia/ So, am I missing something? Should I be dual booting and installing all this crap on a Windows partition and then mounting that in Linux? I was under the impression I could simply run "winelauncher /mnt/cdrom/setup.exe" but that doesn't seem to be the case, as it crashes out (at best) and locks up the system (at worst).
  17. clutch

    What's the point of WINE?

    OK, well I just managed to install NewsBin Pro on my Linux box, and while the install went smoothly (very smoothly) the fonts were all screwed up (surprise) and some of the items couldn't be selected with a mouse properly in order to launch. But, at least I got WINE to do something, so that's a start, right?
  18. clutch

    UT 2003 Demo

    So can mold, doesn't make it any good tho... However, I do like it. No, really...
  19. clutch

    Post your UT 2003 benchmarks

    You're trading a card that does work in UT for a card that is having issues already? Not to mention that it's probably a slower card anyway. Is there a special reason that you are looking for such an old card?
  20. Here's the log file. However, I normally go into the command prompt at boot up because of all my "experimentation" with the nvidia drivers as of late...
  21. I am using RH 7.3, OO 1.0.1, and here is my config file as asked for: Code: # $XFree86: xc/lib/Xft/XftConfig.cpp,v 1.5 2000/12/14 23:03:53 keithp Exp $dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype"# Red Hat additionsdir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"dir "/usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType"dir "/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1"dir "/usr/share/fonts/ja/TrueType"dir "/usr/share/fonts/ko/TrueType"dir "/usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType"dir "/usr/share/fonts/zh_TW/TrueType"## alias 'fixed' for 'mono'#match any family == "fixed" edit family =+ "mono";## Don't antialias small fonts#match any size < 11 any size > 8 edit antialias=false;## Don't antialias wingding symbols and similar types of symbol fontsets#match any family == "webdings" edit antialias = false; encoding += "glyphs-fontspecific";match any family == "wingdings" edit antialias = false; encoding += "glyphs-fontspecific";## Check users config file#includeif "~/.xftconfig"## Use Luxi fonts for default faces#match any family == "serif" edit family += "Luxi Serif";match any family == "sans" edit family += "Luxi Sans";match any family == "mono" edit family += "Luxi Mono";## Alias between XLFD families and font file family name, prefer local# fonts#match any family == "charter" edit family += "bitstream charter";match any family == "bitstream charter" edit family =+ "charter";## Alias older name for Luxi fonts#match any family == "LuciduxSerif" edit family += "Luxi Serif";match any family == "Lucidux Serif" edit family += "Luxi Serif"; match any family == "LuciduxSans" edit family += "Luxi Sans";match any family == "Lucidux Sans" edit family += "Luxi Sans"; match any family == "LuciduxMono" edit family += "Luxi Mono";match any family == "Lucidux Mono" edit family += "Luxi Mono";## TrueType font aliases (disabled - experimental)##match any family == "Comic Sans" edit family += "Comic Sans MS";#match any family == "Comic Sans MS" edit family =+ "Comic Sans";#match any family == "Trebuchet" edit family += "Trebuchet MS";#match any family == "Trebuchet MS" edit family =+ "Trebuchet";#match any family == "Monotype" edit family =+ "Monotype.com";#match any family == "Andale Mono" edit family += "Monotype.com";#match any family == "Monotype.com" edit family =+ "Andale Mono";## Set some sane defaults for Anti-Aliased desktops#match any family == "helvetica" edit family += "Nimbus Sans L";match any family == "helv" edit family += "Nimbus Sans L";match any family == "verdana" edit family += "Nimbus Sans L";match any family == "times" edit family += "Nimbus Roman No9 L";match any family == "helvetica" edit family += "Helmet";match any family == "helv" edit family += "Helmet";match any family == "verdana" edit family += "Helmet";match any family == "times" edit family += "Helmet";# XFree86 default fontsmatch any family == "Verdana" edit family += "Luxi Sans";match any family == "Times New Roman" edit family += "Luxi Serif";## Japanese#match any foundry == "watanabe" edit antialias = false;match any foundry == "wadalab" edit antialias = false;## Fixes a problem in KDE with konsole#match any family == "fixed" edit antialias =+ "false";match any family == "console" edit antialias =+ "false"; I have also been getting errors as Xserver shuts down complaining that certain fonts don't support something. Yes, I know that's a *vague* error, and if you can point me to a log that would keep this kind of info I'll be more than glad to post it.
  22. clutch

    can someone help me with my networking problem. XP...

    Are they in the same workgroup? If so, use an admin-level account and try \\computername\c$ and see what that does for you.
  23. clutch

    Post your UT 2003 benchmarks

    140+ at 1024x768@32bit in flyby 50+ at 1024x768@32bit in botmatch I don't use the other resolutions on this machine, so I didn't care about them.
  24. Wow, I think that these actually work. However, I brought a rather large amount of fonts over from my Windows install, and I don't see even a tenth of them in OpenOffice (which you already mentioned that you weren't entirely too sure how it would behave) and AbiWord will no longer start as it's looking for "Nimbus Roman Regular". Any thoughts on correcting this? I don't even know where the original font would be, and I thought about just reinstalling the app. Also, I didn't have the "mkfontalias.py" file, but I did have the other components installed. So, I put a link to the file itself below for anyone else that might not have it. http://home.c2i.net/dark/mkfontalias.py
  25. This came in my MyITForum newsletter, and I thought I would pass it along. I think someone asked about a free one a long time ago, so, here it is. http://www.theabsolute.net/sware/dskinv.html