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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Network shares, network neighbourhood

    That's pretty cool, I just haven't had a need for something like that before and wouldn't want to generate the extra traffic for that. Kind of a spiffy solution for your problem though.
  2. You can get the 3Com Network Supervisor here, along with SP4 for it: http://www.3com.com/products/en_US/searc...ame=&os=all This will also let you sweep for any devices, let you know if they have SNMP enabled, and will let you launch into their HTML interfaces if they have any (like for print servers and WAPs).
  3. clutch

    win98SE VPN problem

    Odd, for my guys I made a simple executable using Win2K's RRAS that the person just runs and it does all that work for them. It looks like you might be seeing one of two things: 1. You're just not getting in, or 2. You're getting in but not running the logon script which gives you your mapped drives. However, I haven't had a need to fiddle with 9x based OSs in such a long time that I really have nothing more to offer. You should just have your IT personnel resolve it for you since they are the ones that implemented it.
  4. clutch

    Network shares, network neighbourhood

    DH, use nbtstat -R (case sensitive) to purge and reload the cache on the local machine, then try net view again.
  5. Umm, wow, I didn't even see this until just now. There's a utility from 3Com that's free and it might be what you are looking for. It's a network administrator app that normally comes with their switches and can do a full scan of a given subnet and return all the devices on it with their names. Also, you could use some VBScripting to interact with WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to update those for you if I remember correctly. Check out www.myitforum.com for details on the WMI part, and I'll see if I can post a link to the utility.
  6. The last set of boxes that I got for the engineers here have been 1.5 and 1.7GHz dual Xeons that were running WinXP. For some reason SW 2001+ acted oddly with them and CosmosWorks (theywould crash out on mesh creation) so we wound up going to Win2K, installing SW 2001, go to SP14, then upgrade to SW 2001+. So far they haven't crashed in the last 4 months or so. All these boxes have Quadros in them, mostly because they don't have the shared backplane buffer issue like the regular GF2/3s did where running multiple models simultaneously would give the flashing and freezing you mentioned. I thought about trying softQuadro to make the drivers "think" they were Quadros, but I was concerned they would do more harm than good.
  7. Most of the machines running W2K that I work with are servers, and since they have been running great I haven't had a need to try out the new SP. Maybe I will at some point, but not right now.
  8. clutch

    Wow! Netscape doesn't suck anymore

    Java is a pig that can't deliver on many of its promises, and the company (Sun) that claims it's so "portable" wants to have absolute control over how it's handled at everybody else's expense. Hell, the pig is even having issues with handhelds and wireless web browsers. It's a great concept, but it's execution is still lacking. It will need all of those 10 years to be a decent language to begin with, let alone reign over all...
  9. Matrox makes some sweet cards for 2D graphics and they tend to go out of their way to get their drivers certified for apps like Solidworks and Pro/E. What don't you like about it?
  10. clutch

    Server Attacks Stump Microsoft

    You worked "at" MS or as a beta tester for MS products? I am a tester for IIS and SQL server, and I have received several updates when bugs are submitted and a fix is made. Many times issues are resolved in the beta newsgroups as well, and weren't necessarily bugs to begin with. I am curious as to your extent of work with them and what programs you worked with to form this opinion.
  11. clutch

    My comma separated text data is corrupted !

    You could check with Windows Update to see if there are new drivers for it, and maybe just take a look at the card for its manufacturer, make, and model and go to their website for drivers.
  12. clutch

    SP3 and winlogon.exe

    The last time I saw that problem it was because a version of PC Anywhere that was *supposed* to be Win2K ready wasn't *quite* so ready afterall. Good luck with the link.
  13. Quote: Quote: DS is a wind bag, but I have to agree with him on ATi. I was a long time user of various products, and I was hoping they would put together a good driver team that would be similar to what nVidia has. Maybe that's asking too much... It may be asking a bit much... there's not alot of guys that code that get into that section of things really, it's not "visible" & useable to most folks is why! APK Then don't make half-a$$ed products. If you can't support them properly, then stay out of the biz. I don't see why they can't manage to get a decent team together, since they have made a ton of money over the years with their Mach and Rage chips in low-end PCs and Servers.
  14. clutch

    XP & Links Router

    That's pretty much how most do it.
  15. clutch

    Need information on building and running an Email Server

    Quote: Also, the cost of Exchange vs mDaemon vs argosoft is also negligible, so go for whichever option suits you best! Rgds AndyF I would love to know where you shop, as a free one from Argosoft vs. the cheapest baseline MS Exchange is about $3K US never seem to be negligible where I go...
  16. clutch

    Need information on building and running an Email Server

    In order for me to get MS Exchange Enterprise Edition (this edition to support larger databases) with 50 CALs, it will cost us about $10,000US. So, you might want to make sure you are getting what you need and everything with it.
  17. Yeah, I have 2 of those Belkin units, but with USB and PS/2. They are a lot better with high resolution/refresh rate than KVMs used to be. The WAP looks cool, and I am thinking of getting one for home to use with my iPAQ. Toys rock.
  18. clutch

    XP & Links Router

    Spiffy. Now, got a password?
  19. clutch

    Network shares, network neighbourhood

    net view shows all systems on the network, and then DF's command will give you the shares on a given system. You can also pipe the results to a text file.
  20. Hey DF, which KVM model is it? Also, what kind of range do you get on your WAP? Does it support 128bit encryption?
  21. I don't see the correlation, and neither did the USPS. Maybe you're the one that's over-sensitive here...
  22. clutch

    win98SE VPN problem

    Have you spoken to your IT personnel? Can you post the directions in question?
  23. clutch

    XP & Links Router

    I didn't even see that he was using blank passwords, I must have blocked that atrocity from my sight. And do you know what the best part is? Someday someone on a network that's similarly configured will complain about how easy it was to "hack" in. Oh well. The guest account will not even prompt you for a logon, while having it disabled will at *least* make the person go through the effort of typing in a user name (but still no password). Ack.
  24. clutch

    XP & Links Router

    Be sure to disable the Guest account immediately, as it is a major hole in and of itself.