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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    Alright, let me guide you through this... Remember the post where I put the little picture on there? Well, it had 2 responses on it (both numbered). And then, even though I stated that you *could* manually alter the page buffer space, I later stated that this was the default AUTOMATIC setting. So, there's your answers from me. If you don't like them, fine. I'm fairly sure that I have covered this topic incredibly thoroughly and you are simply continuing this just to have something to debate over. Your initial point was to defend your position on the use of pagefiles, and now it has gone to the use of the tempdb in a version of SQL server that you have never even seen (let alone administered) before. If you want to know more about cutting edge db software, join me on the SQL server beta team and then you can get all the new toys when they come out.
  2. clutch

    Direct3D in .NET Server

    I'm pretty sure the refresh lock utilities will do what you are looking for. Check out www.guru3d.com for some of them.
  3. clutch

    Wow! Netscape doesn't suck anymore

    I like the new Nutscrape in Linux, but I really like Mozilla a lot better. Unfortunately, I was having a hard time getting Java setup with Mozilla in Linux, and with the little time I wanted to devote to figuring it out it was easier to get NS7 with Java all in one.
  4. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    Dude, you're going in loops. The image I posted *IS* the default autotune function. As you can see, there are *MANUAL* functions as well. Now, if you were to restart the db, it would delete the existing file and create a new one. That's it, nothing confusing about it.
  5. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    Ack, I figured the paragraph in combination with what you already knew would handle it, but I guess not. So, here's the long and short of it: 1. You can lock the size (as I mentioned earlier, but was ignored) of the tempdb, which is the same thing that you would do in a pagefile. Also, since it writes the file in a sequential fashion using a B-Tree layout (for faster tablescans) the dropping of the new tables should leave much more linear spots to put new tables in. And, since SQL server regulates the file growth aggressively, can be manually controlled, AND the tempdb is recreated every time the service is restarted most of your comments are moot. This is why some dbas have automated means of stopping and restarting the service occasionally to drop any orphaned connections/sessions, to manually free up any RAM (which isn't too much of an issue with this version), and to can the tempdb and rebuild it. 2. You can adjust the leading buffer percentage to whatever you want. Now, taking a look at all of this, I think this illustrates how using a large amount of physical RAM and proper configuration of a system can lead someone to reduce or eliminate the pagefile in many cases.
  6. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    The tempdb is its own db, and as such has "zero" to do with the pagefile. I am lost as to why you would think otherwise, but that's no matter. It is a separate db, just like the master or any other one and as such can be configured and tuned. You can set it to grow as needed, or lock it down (all of the other maintenance options don't apply as the system handles this one on the fly). For instance, on my main server I keep an IIS Log db that all my IIS servers report to. Right now it's at 3.5GB but the temp db is just under 20MB. Since the tables are built and dropped as needed, it isn't such a big deal. So, here's another quote: Quote: tempdb holds all temporary tables and temporary stored procedures. It also fills any other temporary storage needs such as work tables generated by SQL Server. tempdb is a global resource; the temporary tables and stored procedures for all users connected to the system are stored there. tempdb is re-created every time SQL Server is started so the system starts with a clean copy of the database. Because temporary tables and stored procedures are dropped automatically on disconnect, and no connections are active when the system is shut down, there is never anything in tempdb to be saved from one session of SQL Server to another. By default, tempdb autogrows as needed while SQL Server is running. Unlike other databases, however, it is reset to its initial size each time the database engine is started. If the size defined for tempdb is small, part of your system processing load may be taken up with autogrowing tempdb to the size needed to support your workload each time to restart SQL Server. You can avoid this overhead by using ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of tempdb. How's that? Also, you might want to consider an MSDN subscription so you can keep up with this software if your clients cannot. Because one day you will find someone that is up to date and you will be running on out dated information.
  7. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    APK, It looks like you have several things confused into one single idea. So here's a couple of things for you to think about: 1. SQL Server has changed a GREAT deal since you were working with it directly, especially in the area of memory management. 2. You were developing applications against the server, rather than actually working on the server locally in more recent years. I have been doing both over this time, and it is the job of the developer to limit the traffic that is moved around during application activity (and to limit the damage the user can do, especially with update queries ). 3. Per SQL books online, the server defaults to running as many operations as possible directly in memory. This is why SQL server doesn't rely so heavily on the perception of free memory that the OS has, but rather "thinks" for itself. It handles memory differently in each of the OSs that are supported. For this reason, SQL server can be (and is) specifically designed to reduce and in many cases eliminate the need for the pagefile. Here's a quote: Quote: Having a lot of physical I/O to the database files is an inherent factor of database software. By default, SQL Server tries to reach a balance between two goals: Minimizing or eliminating pagefile I/O to concentrate I/O resources for reads and writes of the database files. Minimizing physical I/O to the database files by maximizing the size of the buffer cache. By default, the SQL Server 2000 editions dynamically manage the size of the address space for each instance. There are differences in the way Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 95, and Windows 98 report virtual memory usage to applications. Because of this, SQL Server 2000 uses different algorithms to manage memory on these operating systems. Also, the topic of VMM (Virtual Memory Management) expressively states not to configure the VMM in SQL Server to exceed physical RAM as the server will take a large performance hit, and states that leaving it to assign memory dynamically is a better idea. However, I have some systems where that isn't possible (such as SQL and Exchange server on the same box as with the SBS edition from MS) and I have to configure the memory usage manually for both SQL and Exchange (btw, SQL's memory manager is a lot better Exchange's; Exchange doesn't know how to let go). So, you might want to try working with the more current products, and then evaluate your memory needs. Also, try using the performance counters with everything installed and running under load for about a week, and then you can close up the pagefile (or add RAM) from there. The pagefile was only used because systems needed more memory to work with than what was physically available (4GB in a regular 32bit environment, not withstanding special memory managers). If a system could run SQL server with 512MB of RAM and a 1.5GB swapfile, then why not drop or greatly reduce the swapfile if you go to 2GB of RAM? Why in the world would you want to *increase* it to 2GB+ since you added RAM? In fact, the only specific need that was listed for a large swapfile on smaller systems was if the Full Text Search Engine was installed with SQL server, which would make sense to some degree. But that's it, and I imagine that can still be offset with proper memory management.
  8. It looks like I am going to be a dad. I just found out this evening, and she is going to the hospital on Monday to confirm it, but we are pretty sure. So I thought I would tell you guys.
  9. clutch

    Well, this certainly qualifies as "Other"...

    Savannah Xev for a girl, and we haven't thought of a boy's name yet.
  10. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    The complication of the join has little to do with it, since many stored procedures are going to dump everything into a temp db and manipulate it then. Afterward, it's canned. Also, the size of the DB would have to come into play, and unless you have 500MB of data being returned on the query (which you shouldn't, as a properly designed and executed query should return relatively few records) you shouldn't have the need for such a huge pagefile. DB servers should have a ton of RAM and be setup to actively discourage HD usage (e.g. proper configuration of the buffers to return somewhere around 80-95% buffer hits). If you were moving anything of that size, it should be done through data mining techniques and then again many of those servers don't rely on swap space as they may have in excess of 10GB of RAM.
  11. clutch

    How to find all static IP addresses in use

    I would have to dig up this Excel spreadsheet that I have that does it. If I find it again, I'll send it to you.
  12. clutch


    In my case it wasn't a few bucks more, but more like $300+ more. In addition, there were no 2.4GHz units out anyway, just the 2.0 with the 2.2s getting ready to come out.
  13. clutch


    I have never thought of AMD procs as being good for overclocking since they were clocked so close to their limits already from the factory. Plus, I'm a big fan of pushing the FSB since that's where you'll get a bigger payoff anyway (faster transfer between CPU and RAM).
  14. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    I have a gig of RAM, and I run SQL Database Server 2K, Progress Database Server 2K, Solidworks 2001 Plus, Outlook XP, IE, VS.NET, and several Adobe products. During this, I haven't had a reason to go beyond 250MB of swap file space. Maybe it's just luck then, because it keeps running.
  15. clutch


    I run my Intel 1.6GHz at 2.4GHz. It rocks.
  16. I want my work PC at home: Dual 2.2GHz Xeons 1GB RDRAM Plextor 40x24x40 burner 16x DVD-ROM Dual 36GB U320 15K RPM SCSI drives in RAID0 1 120GB WD Ultra-ATA 100 HD w/ 8MB Buffer Oh, and dual flatscreen monitors and a good video capture solution for it would be nice too.
  17. clutch

    What's the verdict on SP3, then?

    .NET server is pretty sweet. If you get the chance to install it it's worth the time. Right now I am installing it on my main workstation after an IDE driver issue made XP a bit unhappy (I knew better, but it was time for a reconfigure so I thought "what the hell?" ).
  18. clutch

    Security & Stability

    Well, let's say you happen to get a trojan that makes your computer a zombie for someone's little DDoS army. I bet that would rain on your parade eh? Many people think that viruses and trojans are limited to stealing data, but now your bandwidth and CPU cycles can be just as valuable.
  19. clutch

    VIA chipset issues?

    Via still has the worst ability to make a decent memory controller. Every application that's bandwidth hungry proves it. This is the case with both their AMD and Intel CPU offerings. Also, their USB controllers have been flaky depending on the generation (I got stuck with one on my SiS board that wouldn't detect my MS KB when using the USB connector alone) and they are legendary for compatibility issues. If possible, consider the offering from another vendor like nVidia or SiS (w/o the Via USB controller, of course ).
  20. clutch

    Does the front page bother anyone else?

    I thought you didn't like the NTComp main page as well? I dunno, maybe you are crazy...
  21. clutch

    Question about swap files and XP

    WinXP hammers if you disable (and no, it will not forcibly create one for you) the pagefile. However, Photoshop 6 will not even start if you don't have one. So, what I do is use static pagefiles with fixed min and max sizes that are equal to one another, and then use these equations: < 128MB RAM = 2xRAM for swapfile 128MB-256MB RAM = 1.5xRAM for swapfile > 256MB RAM = 256MB for swapfile Most of my applications tend to run in RAM anyway, and I usually get at least 512MB of RAM for any serious workstations (1GB for the last 9 that I have brought in). So a 512MB or more swapfile would be a waste of space that would simply get excessively fragmented over use.
  22. clutch

    Website software?

    http://www.asp.net/webmatrix/default.aspx?tabindex=4&tabid=46 This is free, based on Visual Studio.NET, and might have the templates (or community support with add-ons) you are looking for.
  23. Yeah, then the bastard BSODs, reboots, and you come home to a garage door opener filled with bullet holes because the dog thought it was talking $hit. I think I'll stick with my German Shepard...
  24. clutch

    This forum is deader than roadkill

    Spiffy, thanks for the further explanation.