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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Questions on moving from WINS to DNS

    Cool, let me know how it turns out. I have some links on DNS setup info, but I don't want to flood you with redundant info if you don't need it.
  2. clutch

    Questions on moving from WINS to DNS

    Hmm, I think I have a decent idea of what you might want to do. First, since you have DNS running, do you have all of your necessary servers listed in there? Also, do you have a reverse lookup zone enabled? Do you have WINS lookup setup as well? This can permit clients that are not registering properly in DDNS to have dynamic records as well. They register in WINS, then when there is a DNS lookup the DNS server will scan its local DB, and then move to WINS if it can't find it. If it finds the same host name, it then tacks on the domain suffix that's being used. The same can be applied to reverse lookup zones. Now, onto replication. Assuming you have solid lookups going, you can simply restrict DNS replication to servers on the name server list. This is what I do, and it works quite well. HTH
  3. The Audigy does require less CPU overhead, but the change might be minimal (<10fps) and not worth it. Mine did go up when I went from a SB Live MP3+ to my Audigy Platinum, but it was around 8fps or so if I remember correctly.
  4. clutch

    Messaging across a LAN

    Go to the command line and type "net send /?". This will give you the popups.
  5. clutch

    This forum is deader than roadkill

    Hooray! A thread to respond to! Actually, I had a chance to blow the dust off of my Linux box at home and fiddle with it a bit more. I am hoping to start using simple desktop apps at first, and right now I am looking for a decent way to rip MP3s. I haven't started the hunt yet, but I'm gettin' there...
  6. clutch

    SLK-800 Heatsink

    It seems to compare favorably, but you can check out the mega comparison right here http://www.dansdata.com/coolercomp.htm with the SLK800 right here http://www.dansdata.com/coolercomp_p3.htm#slk800
  7. clutch

    Athlon xp 1800+ wont boot on true clock speed...

    Is this a new system? Is this a fresh install? It could be a poor voltage condition, bad memory, etc. See if there is a "PC Health Status" function or something similar in the BIOS and see what it reports for your voltage rails, fan speeds, and temps.
  8. clutch

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    Actually, there are several responses where people have actually done such, yet other persons (referred to as "morons") don't read or pay attention to these responses and simply ask for someone to hold his or her hand all the way through.
  9. clutch

    logon script

    Yes, it will copy the file right over it again. You could also try an IF EXIST... statement to see if the file is already there, and if it is then to skip it. I think (trying to remember here) it would be something like this: if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER2! GOTO END net time /DOMAIN:asysttech.com /set /y if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER3! GOTO END if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER4! GOTO END IF EXIST c:\qadcli\producti.pf GOTO PROG copy \\server2\netlogon\producti.* c:\qadcli :PROG IF EXIST c:\qadcli\progress.svg GOTO END copy \\server2\netlogon\progress.* c:\qadcli :END I'm quite rusty at this, so if someone wants to clarify/correct a screw up on it have at it but I think that it's correct.
  10. clutch

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    Quote: Don't mean to preach... Then don't.
  11. clutch

    Explorer like Win2k in XP?

    I like them both, but XP has more of a future in AD management than 2K, so that's enough reason for me. But hey, I also dig RedHat 7.3 so I am getting used to all kinds of interfaces...
  12. clutch

    Win2K LAN setup NOT WORKING, using ISA NIC's

    Can they ping each other?
  13. clutch

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    Just email it to me!
  14. clutch

    logon script

    Here's a snip from mine: if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER2! GOTO END net time /DOMAIN:asysttech.com /set /y if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER3! GOTO END if %COMPUTERNAME%!==SERVER4! GOTO END copy \\server2\netlogon\producti.* c:\qadcli copy \\server2\netlogon\progress.* c:\qadcli You would be looking at the portion starting with "copy" for you file deployment. I keep a few files for our ERP system on there in case I have to modify them, that way if I do I can just have the users logoff and then log back on again. There are only 3 or 4 files on there, and I can just REM the statements when everyone is setup to alleviate any extra logon traffic issues. Make sure that the user has the proper permissions to copy the files to the client machine, or you will simple get errors as the script runs.
  15. clutch

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    This is EXACTLY what GLSetup (anyone remember that?) was for. A 40MB download of all the recent drivers and OpenGL MCDs, ICDs, and wrappers for all of the most common cards. It's a shame that it didn't stick around for distribution with these games...
  16. clutch

    Apple is getting desperate

    Would you have rather they simply stated stated "DDR-SDRAM", or added "Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory" to the end of the description? http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/DDR_SDRAM.html
  17. clutch

    Outlook takes too long to retreive mail

    I have seen users with 700MB+ PST files, and what you will normally see is a delay in launching, moving around from folder to folder, and closing Outlook. My current Archive PST (I use Exchange for my current stuff) is over 500MB and my box is fine. What email system are you using? Have you tried asking all of them to send an email to the same address at the same time? Then, have that address reply to all of them at the same time as well.
  18. I kinda had that impression, it's just so lame.
  19. clutch

    Leadtek GF3-Ti500

    Quote: but maybe SiS and Via will be swapped around in the near future It has for me ever since the 645 chipset...
  20. clutch

    What am I doing wrong?

    First, are you sure the local built-in firewall is disabled? Second, install NetBIOS if you plan on browsing or using UNC paths to get from one machine to another at all (this includes pinging by name).
  21. As for me, I don't mind the file news. I just hate the pop-ups (like the one for the Smart-Certify place), and if it keeps up I will have to start using my banner ad/pop-up killer again.
  22. clutch


    It depends on the issue, in many cases the application designer should be keeping file and registry key placement in mind when the application is created, but many are in fact too lazy to do this. This particular issue that Catdog is illustrating is along the same vein, but is slightly different. The problem stems from more of a "hiccup" during installation than anything else, and the key permissions were not set properly. This is common in upgrade scenarios, where an older application did not require R/W access to a key, and the upgrade installer did not take permissions into account. Some of the worst offenders are major application vendors like AutoCAD, that seem completely incapable of moving their crappy files into their own directory (R/W access needed), and not allowing for registry permission configs in typical NT networks. Again, a simple matter of just being too damn lazy.
  23. clutch

    Recovering Outlook 2000 data from files

    Just look for her PST files, and then you can import them once you have her new client setup (it's easier that way). You might have both Outlook.PST and Archive.PST files to work with, so keep that in mind.
  24. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    Here is a simplified but useful description of the PASV and PORT modes from MS with respect to IE: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];Q309816 It illustrates which system initiates the port selection, and why some firewalls aren't setup to accept it. Some heavy duty firewalls (like Checkpoint and ISA) are "active", and follow the traffic for a given protocol and will open and close ports as needed. In our case, we are speaking of simple port forwarding for the Linksys (which has always worked for me using PORT mode), but I am not familiar with the other NAT/Firewall system he is using. Have you tried using PORT mode at all with your BSD system? Does your firewall allow outbound traffic on port 20?