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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    Quote: PORT MODE. Try using pasv... Also... it looks to me as your client is behind a router that performs the ftp translation. In other words it allows you to use port mode even though your behind the firewall. Not all routers do this.. And this is the exact reason the ftp server must be capable of doing PASV. For the users behind a firewall that doesnt convert the lan ip's when using PORT. I understand that, but I did post earlier to NOT use PASV mode. Hence, my comment about following my earlier instructions. I connected to my system at home from behind my Cisco PIX 520, and can do the reverse using IIS 5.0 on both ends and either IE 6/5.x or SmartFTP. Also, I notice that you seem to think that MS is "silly" with their implementation of FTP, and to some respects they are (no resume for upload, which sucks). However, upon looking at your link it seems that other FTP server apps have issues with this as well. FTP is effectively a broken protocol to begin with, and has been patched together over the years to keep up with today's demands. Hopefully it will be canned altogether, but not anytime soon...
  2. For those looking for q3bench, here's the link: http://www.g256.com/guides/Q3Bench/
  3. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    Quote: Quote: Quote: Ms makes great software... however they seem to forget about certain features that make our lives easier. I have ran into a couple of these things when programming ms-sql server. I figure they think that a small hosting company should invest 5000 dollars on a cisco firewall to use their ftp server. Maybe its a conspiracy against free software Well, it works with our $6500 (at the time) firewall along with my $100 Linksys NAT router. Oh, and it also worked with my Eicon DIVA ISDN router when I was using it before. So far, yours is the first situation that I have heard of where it flat did not work. Seems like it should though, but I haven't had occasion to work with FreeBSD. Which linksys router? I have befsr somethin or other. It does the same exact thing. It tries to connect to the internal ip of the ftp server. A quick search on google will show people with the linksys having the same problem.. And of course the suggested solution is to use an ftp server that is capable of specifying the pasv ip and the pasv port range. silly microsoft.. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=Linksy...;rnum=3 Welp, I don't know what to tell you or them, since mine works perfectly fine doing what I mentioned earlier. I have the BFSR41, and I simple forward port 21 (TCP and UDP) to my hosting box. As a matter of fact, I uploaded the screencap you see here with it. In this screen cap, note the external IP resolution of my domain name, and the local IP of this workstation at the office of xxx.1.1.100:
  4. clutch

    This needed to be done...

    Quote: I'm sorry MCSE CNE Umm, sure...
  5. clutch

    NV30 performance level hints ;)

    Quote: Does it also make tea and make you a better person? Well, coupled with this system it could make you coffee, and some people need the caffeine to feel better... http://www.pimprig.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=72
  6. My specs: P4 1.6A@2.4GHz (16x150MHz FSB) Northwood with stock heatsink and VCore Intel HSF SOYO Dragon P4S Ultra (SiS 645 Chipset) 1GB PC2700 (DDR333) Mushkin DDR-DRAM (Running in DDR333 Mode) WD 100GB ATA-100 HD w/ 8MB Cache Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive Plextor 40/12/40A CD Burner GeForce 4 Ti 4600, 128MB Onboard C-Media 6-Channel Sound Onboard USB 2.0 with 5.25" Drivebay I/O Onboard Highpoint UDMA/IDE RAID Controller (33/66/100/133) Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT) MS Natural Keyboard Pro MS Intellimouse Explorer SanDisk USB Compact Flash Reader Spacetec SpaceORB 6DOF Game Controller
  7. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    Quote: Quote: I hope MS fixes this in IIS... it is a pretty large shortcoming to be made aware of... I would have thought for sure they would have a fix for that, maybe with their own security firewalling stuff, who knows? Ms makes great software... however they seem to forget about certain features that make our lives easier. I have ran into a couple of these things when programming ms-sql server. I figure they think that a small hosting company should invest 5000 dollars on a cisco firewall to use their ftp server. Maybe its a conspiracy against free software Well, it works with our $6500 (at the time) firewall along with my $100 Linksys NAT router. Oh, and it also worked with my Eicon DIVA ISDN router when I was using it before. So far, yours is the first situation that I have heard of where it flat did not work. Seems like it should though, but I haven't had occasion to work with FreeBSD.
  8. If it's an app that I have to install (as opposed to run as a simple EXE), then no thanks. I don't care for benchmarking utilities that I have to install and I only fiddle with them if I am going through a *major* jump in hardware at the time.
  9. I was, and I made a couple of passes with what I *think* is my old stock q3config file. So, at 1024x768x32bit@85Hz I get about 230fps+ with everything turned on and set to max. But as I mentioned it would be better to come up with a common one that everyone can get and bench with. My normal file runs closer to 400fps if I remember correctly since I have everything turned off and a fairly high contrast setup (plus a 110*FOV).
  10. Spiffy, now does anybody have a basic config file (or at least one that everyone can agree on) to run the benches with? Mine is so modified that I can't remember what I would need to do to bring it back to stock (modified FOV, no gibs, gamma, etc).
  11. For those that see these kinds of posts, just report them (as was done in this case today, thanks bud) and they can be fixed. Some of us have full time jobs and don't have the time to scan through every single thread.
  12. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    Quote: Quote: How about just not having the clients use PASV mode? It's what I do for the IIS FTP boxes that I run behind firewalls. Some client apps default to PASV first, then run normal while others (like IE) will run in the opposite. If you need a good client for connecting to IIS boxes I recommend SmartFTP (www.smartftp.com). It's fast, and free. You can disable PASV mode globally or simply bookmark the servers that you want to connect to and set the mode individually. The problem with this... if the client is on a firewall then they cant use port mode. Specifically some routers have this problem. THe linksys in my office will do ftp translation to modify the port string to allow port mode. HOwever not all firewalls do this... the problem with ftp... is the addresses are sent in the packets... like the ftp client will send a port command PORT 10,0,10,1,20,486 meaning connect on which is the internal ip. Which the server cannot connect to. Good firewalls will translate this. But not all of them do. So hosting companies must allow pasv mode for clients behind a firewall. What are you using? I have setup a couple of Linksys routers, a Cisco PIX 520, ISA Server, and helped others with Netgears and these NAT systems seem to work just fine in this mode. I also believe that Checkpoint allows for this as well. I am interested in hearing why you can't get yours working.
  13. clutch

    Windows XP Pro and Java Virtual Machine!

    Run a search on this board for "virtual machine", and you should find a couple of threads about it. You can either get the JVM from Sun (which works quite well) or the MS one from independent hosts.
  14. clutch

    Adobe Products

    Are there any sites for getting Adobe products such as Adobe Type Manager, Photoshop 7, and InDesign 2.0 running in Linux? Thanks.
  15. clutch

    How do i get Army Operations to work on windows xp?

    That is really odd, as it runs great for me as well under XP Pro. I have a GF4 Ti4600 in my box.
  16. clutch

    ftp passive mode with iis behind firewall

    How about just not having the clients use PASV mode? It's what I do for the IIS FTP boxes that I run behind firewalls. Some client apps default to PASV first, then run normal while others (like IE) will run in the opposite. If you need a good client for connecting to IIS boxes I recommend SmartFTP (www.smartftp.com). It's fast, and free. You can disable PASV mode globally or simply bookmark the servers that you want to connect to and set the mode individually.
  17. clutch

    Looking for some apps...

    I haven't checked McAfee's corp site yet, but I was wondering what you guys recommend for AV scanners in Linux, along with any fav MP3 players.
  18. Check out this utility to do it. It also appears to be free, so that's handy. http://www.mcdev.com/outlook.html
  19. clutch

    MCSE Accreditation - is it worth the hype

    Whenever applying for a job, it doesn't hurt if you go for one that you might have some missing qualifications for. As for having the MCSE; yes it helps in many cases and they are probably asking for it because there are so many more tech workers looking for jobs now that have experience and education/certification since the dot-bomb layoffs.
  20. clutch

    Why Mac=Gaming

  21. Make sure that you are sending email in HTML or Rich Text Formats (HTML would be preferred). Also, if using HTML, make sure to have a good email virus scanner as that's how the newer control-based viruses and worms are coming in.
  22. clutch

    Handy Application

    I found this after getting a link to the same site for a inf creator. It's a directory listing creator (much like this awesome little TreePrint util I used to use) that not only creates listings but also has a listing manager that can search the created txt files for file/directory names listed during the scan. Check it out, it's free. http://www.leeos.com/cdrom_list_creator.html
  23. clutch

    Looking for some apps...

    The idea that because there only seems to be a "handful" of viruses out for *nix there's no reason to run an AV product is a fairly dangerous notion. If I see anything I'll post it.
  24. clutch


    Another victim of having too much time on one's hands... http://bigmouth.here-n-there.com/billy-intro.html
  25. I have followed this out http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html and it states something about setting up a symbolic link to the plugin once it's installed. Anybody know what that means?