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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    How do I get Sun's JRE to run in Mozilla?

    Scrap it, I got NS6 (which has Java 2) and it has much better font handling and supports my mouse wheel.
  2. clutch

    Netscape & Mozilla display awful fonts

    The fonts are a good deal better than they used to be, but I would like to find out more about Admiral's suggestion. Anyone else know if RH can do this?
  3. clutch

    Might as well be me...

    First post to the networking forum using my new RH 7.3 installation at home. :x
  4. clutch

    First Post

    Quote: Had to get a first post in here somewhere!!! I currently have Red Hat 7.3 installed on a test box of mine and hope to dig deep into it soon. I want to learn! Nice to see Linux Compatible. I'll be here often. As often as NTCompatible?
  5. Thanks guys, but I think I figured out the problem. In my version of SmartFTP, there seems to be a cap setting in the Global Queue that is apparent in the regular download settings. I had been to 12 or so mirrors on the RH site before I gave up and came here. Now, I have been getting them at 160KB/s or so. One thing I would like to mention is that the GUI setup on 7.3 is actually quite nice, and I like the explanations on all the packages (and package dependency validation) that it provides in custom mode. So far, so good...
  6. clutch

    New Forum

    Philipp, would you post a link to the main NTComp page on the main forum page? There used to be one at the bottom, and since the *nix forum has one I was hoping that you could do the same here.
  7. clutch

    NT networking problem thats been bugging me for years

    Quote: Up until Windows 2000 came out DNS was static and did not change a great deal. Now with W2k DNS can be set to be dynamic also and it can take a hit also but I think that it is a little more effecient than WINS. You could (and still can if you don't have dynamic updates enabled) use reverse lookups from the DNS service to WINS in order to resolve computers on a network that are not static. So, it would behave like a dynamic DNS service, but with little complication to it.
  8. clutch

    New Site?

    I dig it.
  9. clutch

    stability and reliability

    Quote: I didn't know the license applied to ealier versions of windows NT (well, 2000 and NT) as well. When I asked MS, they said you need a separate license for each OS. Both license consultants that I use (one at CDW and one at Dell) tell me that they are backward compatible. So, that's what I go on.
  10. clutch

    New Forum

    This is *much* faster. Nice job.
  11. ...or has *nobody* noticed that DosFreak is a moderator now?
  12. clutch

    Am I missing something here...

    You know, after looking at that picture, it seems odd that he only weighs 175lbs. I'm 6'1", and I weigh 265. He should weigh at least 210 to look like that. Oh well, just a passing thought, now I'm off to bed...
  13. clutch

    .NET in Linux?

    I thought this was pretty cool: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,390910,00.asp Basically, you can compile and run C# apps in Linux, and there are a couple of other languages they are working on as well (one for GNOME GUI apps and another named Vorbis#). I would love to see .NET support in Linux, and I am really hoping that ASP.NET in Linux will work out well.
  14. clutch

    .NET in Linux?

    Here is what I found on the site (is this the right site for it?): http://www.delphizine.com/opinion/2002/07/di200207jc_o/di200207jc_o.asp I haven't seen an article yet, but it does look interesting.
  15. clutch

    Windows 2000 SP3 is here

    Nice link either way. I guess I'll have another push via SMS in the near future...
  16. clutch

    Java Virtual Machine no longer available for XP?

    Umm, it appears so as I just installed it on my new box and I have it. I just poked about through the applet and I can't find anything about hiding the systray icon. But, I can tell you that it's worth it since it handles many more Java implementations smoothly (like the Lights-Out console on one of my Compaq servers).
  17. clutch

    Windows .NET 3663 Server

    Well, seeing as you get one activation of the OS it would be surprising to see many people install it on a home system. In addition, the users of an OS of that level will probably have other systems with client-type OSs (Win9x/2K/XP) to play games on. Not to mention that in this version MS has gone through more effort to let everyone know that more things have been disabled/removed from it to for stability and security's sake. Knowing all this, I wouldn't be surprised that the majority of people asking questions regarding gaming on a server OS have indeed downloaded it as w4rez, and many people (like myself) may share Bladerunner's perspective on it.
  18. clutch

    Java Virtual Machine no longer available for XP?

    Quote: Isn't that the purpose of a licence agreement? Had the situation been reversed M$ would have charged like a bull at a gate so why do all the M$ fanboys make Sun out to be the bad guy? There was a contractual obligation, and Sun stated do it our way or take it off. So, MS called their bluff. I say so what, let them make their own (since they update it I imagine it will run better anyway) and you imply that I am a fanboy? Well let me tell you something, I am. Get over it. I like MS, I get stuff for free all the time to make my job easier, and I can manage many servers on many networks with no problems using their products. However, I do like the idea of them letting Sun simply provide their own JVM and stepping away from it entirely. They licensed the Java tech at one time and added some extra crap to it to support their own Visual J++ (or whatever the hell it was) and Sun cried foul. Screw them, they can provide their own since they can probably do it better and make a faster running interpreter than MS would be will to spend time on.
  19. clutch

    Printers And Winxp

    I do remember that my mother had a Lexmark printer that had no Win2K or XP support at all, and Lexmark's stance was that it never would. However, the HP should work. Quote: Did not realize that writing in caps was considered by some to be impolite. Sorry. Generally it is considered to be yelling, especially with the larger font. This is why we bash the hell out of COBOL programmers...
  20. clutch

    Handy Application

    Yeah, I know about them but you have to check out the environment this thing provides. It's pretty nifty.
  21. clutch

    Java Virtual Machine no longer available for XP?

    Sun wanted it *their* way or no way at all, so it's no way at all. Personally, I am glad it happened. Sun's JavaVM is fine but does take a bit of a performance hit when it first loads. http://java.sun.com/getjava/download.html
  22. http://www.microsoft.com/windows.netserver/preview/default.mspx That was posted from Philipp, and I have seen other postings about it. I was just wondering how many have signed up so far.
  23. clutch

    NT networking problem thats been bugging me for years

    Well, first your Linux box is emulating the WINS service, and there *might* be some reason as to why it isn't resolving your clients properly (in NT there really isn't anything to configure in a small network unless you have static mappings). Besides, NT Server ran fine on the same box you are describing (provided it has 32MB of RAM or more, I never did care for anything less than that in NT). As for the reg key, that is correct. Just the NT-based boxes are affected by this scan issue, so you shouldn't need to adjust any keys in Win9x.
  24. clutch

    NT networking problem thats been bugging me for years

    I had only used Samba in Linux for a little while, and even then it was 2.0.5 (so it was a while ago. I would just go with the reg key trick and try using the LMHOSTS file if you have static IPs. If you have an NT/2K Server on your network, simply install the WINS service and have the hosting server point to itself as a WINS server, and all the clients point to it as well. If not, use the aforementioned tricks.
  25. clutch

    NT networking problem thats been bugging me for years

    Samba for Linux does have the ability to shadow the behavior on a network of a WINS (Windows Internet Name Service for those who didn't know, this is the MS service that maps NetBIOS names like PC1 and PC2 to their respective IPs) box, but all the clients still have to be pointed to it in their network properties to register their names and addresses. WINS is like DNS in name resolution, and but is quite simple to install (but only available on NT-based Server OSs), so if this option is available it would be the proper way to go. If the addresses are static, you could map them manually using the LMHOSTS file in %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc, and them *removing* the .SAM extension from the file. Using Terminal Server, I dug up the keys. These will remove the scans for "Scheduled Tasks" when a client is connecting to another client: For NT4 and higher: REGEDIT4 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace\{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}] @="Scheduled Tasks" OK, for those that haven't made reg keys before, simple make a new text file, copy and paste all of the bold text above to it, and then save the file with a .REG extension (making sure not to retain the .TXT extension). You can then either double click on the file or right click on it and select "Merge". Give that a shot and see if that helps.