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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch


    Firstly, there is no patch to address this limitation for the time being (unless you classify upgrading to WinXP or .NET Server a patch ). Second, Norton's Defrag util (Speeddisk) is the only one that will do what you are looking for. Personally, I would just backup all the data, delete the partition, then format the drive again but in 4K clusters, then restore the data.
  2. clutch

    battle of the computers

    16*150 to get 2.4GHz and right now it's sitting at 38*C (no more than 45* or so under full load) with a GF4 Ti4600 at stock speeds. But I had this bus speed a while back, screw the slow 133 spec coming out... Alyssa [*]P4 1.6A@2.4GHz (16x150MHz FSB) Northwood with stock heatsink and HSF running at default VCore [*]SOYO Dragon P4S Ultra (SiS 645 Chipset) [*]1GB PC2700 (DDR333) Mushkin DDR-DRAM (Running in DDR333 Mode) [*]WD 100GB ATA-100 HD w/ 8MB Cache [*]Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive [*]Plextor 40/12/40A CD Burner [*]GeForce 4 Ti 4600, 128MB [*]Onboard C-Media 6-Channel Sound [*]Onboard USB 2.0 with 5.25" Drivebay I/O [*]Onboard Highpoint UDMA/IDE RAID Controller (33/66/100/133) [*]Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT) [*]MS Natural Keyboard Pro [*]MS Intellimouse Explorer [*]SanDisk USB Compact Flash Reader [*]Spacetec SpaceORB 6DOF Game Controller [/list:u]
  3. I use MBM 5 and Coolmon as well.
  4. clutch


    It's a limitation of the MS API that's being used by the defrag apps (Norton's defrag app isn't affected since they use their own APIs, but it is sensitive to service packs and patches from MS) and not the apps themselves. WinXP and .NET server don't have these issues because they have an updated API. Until you can go to either, I would suggest you stay with 4K, it's what I do.
  5. clutch

    Sharing Internet Within a 2k Domain

    AD is great and can be setup just fine with one server if need be. Why do you not care for it?
  6. clutch

    Win2k SP3 Indefinitely Postponed

    Yeah, while I'm a big fan of WinXP Pro, I still like Win2K as well (especially for p2 400+ midrange PCs where you have to dull down WinXP to get the same feel as Win2K) and would really like to have a nicely slipstreamed CD for my Win2K installations.
  7. clutch

    Win2k SP3 Indefinitely Postponed

    Yeah, I posted that over here as well (and I think Philipp got it a day earlier). Kind of a pi$$er eh?
  8. clutch

    Necessary or Just a War?

    It comes with it, so I would be surprised if that was the problem.
  9. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    The more current versions shouldn't be too hard, especially with the SWAT configurator. I would also suggest sticking with encryption whether or not you plan on running a *nix box on any NT network.
  10. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Ack, you disable password encryption? Seems like a dangerous practice, even in low risk networks.
  11. clutch

    Geforce 4 Ti4200 64MB/128MB or Ti4400

    I like the 4200 w/128 because they can usually be clocked up the performance of the 4600 without the added cost (and as I stated before, I like my 4600) and you are going to see some heavy-duty games coming in where the extra memory will be useful.
  12. clutch

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Quote: .NET isnt out yet tho I do look forward to giving it a thorough run down too Funny you should mention that as I just got my email confirming my address to ship my .NET Server RC1 Kit. This should be fun...
  13. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    It goes on the Linux box, sparky... It's pretty sweet, but earlier versions required a fair amount of setup and tweaking to get them to work at all (and in some cases people were forced to make NT repeatedly transmit credentials in clear text, ick!). It should be rather straight forward now, and the module is *probably* already loaded on your distro. So, check out www.samba.org and they should have more info for you (that's where I went, even though I wound up getting a book on it anyway).
  14. clutch

    Necessary or Just a War?

    The JavaVM from MS? Whenever I do a fresh install of XP, I see it there all the time. Maybe yours is up to date for the moment.
  15. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Quote: allrighty then, you do the search for it, i was just copying and pasting, but i do know what i read. Nahh, I just wanted to see the articles and experience that you used to base your claims, that's all. If you happen to come across either, let me know.
  16. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Quote: Just installed Mandrake 8.2, runs great! Anyone know what the h@ll I need to do to connect to my server's shares on my lan? Other than that it's nice, but Win2000 is still my No. 1 HO. You need SAMBA, and you might as well get friendly with SWAT (an html-based editor) to make it nice and easy to configure your shares. Domain authentication wasn't bad in NT4 domains (and I imagine AD mixed-mode would be the same), but I don't know how it would connect to AD domains running in native mode.
  17. clutch

    Geforce 4 Ti4200 64MB/128MB or Ti4400

    Ti4200 with 128MB, definately. I have the Ti4600, and it kicks a$$.
  18. clutch

    FTP server and XP's IIS

    Quote: Thanks, CUViper - it works... nice hint... Clutch - yeah I believe it's because of security reasons... but actually I am not logging in locally when I try to logon to my FTP server from some other computer in or our of my LAN... Thanks, No, I know what you mean, it's just as I wrote however; the security policy considers logging on through FTP as logging on locally, just the same as using WWW. Accessing a machine via network would be like connecting to a printer, using shares, etc.
  19. Nope, but I'll have to keep them in mind.
  20. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    OK, you are referencing a benchmark comparison for NT4(SP4) with an old Linux box? This isn't the comparison between Win2K server and RH7 that you mentioned earlier (unless I missed it in the link to the "unbiased" test). I would imagine that they would only bench NT4, as the article was dated OCT '99. And btw, why not use SP5 or SP6 at that time? I could have sworn SP6 was out by then, but that's been a while back...
  21. Smirnoff Ice, SKYY Blue, and Screwdrivers. So, I guess you can say I dig vodka...
  22. clutch

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Quote: I read about the tests on slashdot.org, there was a link to where the tests were actually done, if i get the time ill post the links. The company that did the testing is a known MS lackey LOL Slashdot eh? *nix lackies unite! Sure, if you get the links I'll check them out as they might be interesting.
  23. clutch

    change time on W2k

    After doing a brief search on our boards, it looks like you have this problem regularly: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=20335&highlight=time+sync http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=14902&highlight=time+sync It sounded like you were able to get it working in the first post, but not in the second (earlier time frame). Has it worked at all for you? Also, in the first post, I named several sources on time management, how did they work out?
  24. clutch

    change time on W2k

    First, you have to assign the "change system time and date" right to all the users, or you will get a permissions error in that script. Second, if you specify the time server in your DHCP parameters it *should* be picked up by the client and then synced regularly. You can also use this utility on clients and servers (w32time, don't both with Timeserv if you don't have to): http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q246145 There should be documentation links there to get you going, and the service should allow you to have proper time sync without modifying user rights.
  25. clutch

    What is your all time favorite movie?

    The Lost Highway by David Lynch.