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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    America's Army: Ops RECON

    Pretty much, although Sniper School and a bunch of other stuff isn't available in this released version. I wonder if the scores do carry over when the full version hits the streets (was reading at www.americasarmy.com that it's going to be fall of this year). I am at 35/40 now, which is even more frustrating than before...
  2. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    First, in your post you claimed that you had "heard nothing but hporry stories", so that would lead myself (and others I would imagine) to believe that there were several times you have been told/have read about problems with this software but the only thing you offered was something about writing to the boot partition (which sounds more like a virus than the application) as your reason why the software was poor. If you have evidence, or personal experience, or something more than rumors then great, but if not why bother? You do state that you can show this, so what version was it? What engine version? What OS was it? Tell the person asking the question more useful information if you have it, that's all I ask. Quote: (typo?) Plenty, but we have worked around it.
  3. clutch

    Installation over LAN

    This covers the remote deployment methods available. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...bc_cai_rzfk.asp
  4. clutch

    America's Army: Ops RECON

    Yeah, nice harmonica playing in the background, eh?
  5. clutch

    America's Army: Ops RECON

    So, how are the shooters doing in it? I got to "sharpshooter" (33/40) in my 3rd attempt, but I would like to get expert (36+ out of 40) if I can. Has anyone done it yet?
  6. clutch

    America's Army: Ops RECON

    Quote: HAHAHA USA TAX DOLLARS !! HAHA I PAIDED O CENTS FOR this game ! i'm glad i live in Canada Then you got a helluva deal for the "O" cents that you "paided" for this game. Congrats. Right now it would appear that many more servers are being setup, and that players actually have to qualify for online play before they can just go out there and become targets. Should provide some interesting balance in multiplayer gaming.
  7. clutch

    Xp2100 512 Ddr

    I have my P4 1.6 GHz Northwood running at 2.4GHz (150x4 Quad FSB), and it smokes. Even in stock trim, the Intels have been running extremely fast and stable.
  8. clutch

    battle of the computers

    Quote: 1) A7M266-D with 2 2000MP 4Gb Ram , 2 80Gb drives & dvd+rw drive 2) A7M266-D with 2 2000MP 2Gb Ram , 1 80Gb Drive & dvd-rom 3) A7M266-D with 2 2000MP 2Gb Ram , 1 80Gb Drive & dvd-rom Runing linux redhat 7.3 with mosix clustering to bind them to a cluster 1) is master with 2&3 slaves O and one A7M266-D with 2 1800MP 1Gb Ram , 80Gb Drives & dvd-rom (for winxp) What do you run on this cluster, some DB app?
  9. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Quote: Why is iy always me who brings up the name Sophos? has anyone even bothered to try Sophos Sweep for NT? Actually, if you go to the 7th post, you'll see this: Quote: Also, you might want to check out Panda or Sophos, or just do a search on antivirus on this forum as some have posted links to different applications you might have interest in. So, while I haven't used it, I did mention it.
  10. clutch

    Service Pack 3?

    It will be out before Duke Nuke'em:Forever, how's that?
  11. clutch

    Klingon Google

    Hah! The hacker one is pretty sweet, and you gotta love the chef...
  12. clutch

    Really weird internet/LAN problem - Help needed

    If the system isn't being rebooted, and you want to delete all the resolved entries from the DNS table, then use "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command line and that will do the trick. Then, you can try hitting sites again without the need for a reboot to clear the table. Also, check the network config in IE to see if some sort of proxy config was setup by accident.
  13. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Perfect. Now *this* is useful information! Several people have now posted their own experiences with the various software packages, rather than merely repeating what he/she has heard from others. So many of these rumors (yep, that's what many of them are) get so exaggerated that they serve no other purpose than to simply propogate themselves further. I mean honestly, would anyone want the opinion of someone on a given item when he/she has never even used it? At least Mr. Guvernment did preface part of his post stating that he heard some of it, so that does let the reader know. But in other cases, persons have declared that a given product is horrible only to find out later that it was a really old version still being used and/or it was improperly installed/configured. Opinions can be valuble, but all I ask is that they be somewhat based in fact.
  14. clutch


  15. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Quote: Hey Clutch, I didn't know you were a P2P-er! I've been at this game for quite a while, and you could say that I have dabbled here and there...
  16. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Quote: 5. Mcafee is easier to find on "*****" sites. Simply because as far as I know their Corporate Login/Password is still working as it always has for the past 5 years running. Using this pass you can download ALL of their AV software (why you would want to I do not know). As far as I know their is no Norton AV Corp Pass/Logon that has been leaked ever. I remember what you are talking about with their old download site (4 or 5 years ago though), but I *always* see Norton AV Corp on P2P applications and newsgroups. The only time I see McAfee anything on these sites is the full "Office" ensemble (which is total $hit, like SystemsWorks from Symantec). Occasionally, I do see both retail versions, and they both suck. Hell, I get freebie disks of the home version of Norton AV constantly, but I had a few installs stall out that I couldn't repair (last year), that I decided not to waste my time on that anymore either. The last bit of anything from Symantec that I have respect for is Ghost, but I have PowerQuest Deploy Center instead.
  17. clutch

    Really weird internet/LAN problem - Help needed

    Sounds more like a DNS issue than anything else. Have you tried using another DNS server temporarily to see what happens? When pinging MS, do you resolve to an IP, only to not reach it or just not get an IP at all? Here's one to try out:
  18. clutch

    P4 System??

    Quote: You may want to consider the SiS 645DX based boards like the Asus P4S533, they support DDR333 and are damn fast. Plus they are cheap. They lack some newer features like USB 2.0 or Firewire onboard, but you can easily add these features, if you need them, with an add-in card. My SOYO P4S Dragon Ultra has the SiS 645 (no DX), but it did come with USB 2.0 and ATA133, along with onboard RAID controller. You can get some pretty good deals with these boards, and they're quite fast and stable (though the RDRAM boards do kick a$$).
  19. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Quote: Honestly, it's truly amazing how "they" seem to have all these problems with McAfee software and "they" seem to never have a name, nor can back up anything with hard evidence. But man, "they" have the biggest mouths out there and can share their "knowledge" with everyone. I pretty much expected a huge influx of Norton fanboys coming in, but I figured I'd post anyway So it's nothing to do with the fact that we've used the software, cannot fault it and for that reason highly recommend it? It was a pretty general question "which is the best anti virus software for XP?" a question that I cannot answer. However I can simply give my opinions based on four years of using Norton/Syamntec products at work and even longer at home. It's the best I can offer. However if you feel you've got some "hard facts" as to why McAfee is the best then I'm sure we'd all love to be informed on these. I'm sorry if you feel that we are "fanboys" but I always believe that if you have a good experience with some software/hardware manufaturers then you should shave that experience for all to see as nothing is better than word of mouth. I don't think that you are quite following here, as it wasn't directed toward everyone. Did you seem whom I quoted? He stated that he "heard nothing but hporry stories" about this software, and you will see the same sentiment in other threads about this same topic. Many people are posting their distaste for a product, when all they are doing is merely repeating what someone told them about someone else's experience. If people have hard facts and good reasons why they don't like something, and could even post examples, then I am all for laying it out there. I just don't care for bashing products on foundless claims. Besides, I think you and I both know that Norton AV seems to be easier to find on w4rez sites, and that alone can make it more popular.
  20. clutch

    P4 System??

    Pick your memory sub-system (DDR or RDRAM), and then work from there.
  21. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Quote: McAfee single user ihave heard nothing but hporry stories. Supposedly it write s ALTO fo file to your boor sector, which cna evntually mess your comp, then u got to format. i have only "heard" this, but one of my works hosts did experience this issue So i stick with Norton, never had a virus with it in the 4 years i have used it. Honestly, it's truly amazing how "they" seem to have all these problems with McAfee software and "they" seem to never have a name, nor can back up anything with hard evidence. But man, "they" have the biggest mouths out there and can share their "knowledge" with everyone. I pretty much expected a huge influx of Norton fanboys coming in, but I figured I'd post anyway. Also, you might want to check out Panda or Sophos, or just do a search on antivirus on this forum as some have posted links to different applications you might have interest in.
  22. clutch

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    I use McAfee Multiplatform VirusScan 4.5.1 (Corporate), though it might be hard to get for a single user.
  23. clutch

    License fees.

    Quote: Why in the hell would you ***** about the cost then say the software is a POS only to steal the damn thing? LOL
  24. clutch

    License fees.

    Umm, I wasn't compromised by CR or CR2 either, but that was because I had the HiSecpol template in effect, and then later I started using URLScan. Either of these negated the effect of these lame attacks. In addition, both were available from MS for free AND before the attacks happened. Not to mention that the documentation repeatedly stated not to install components that weren't needed, and to disable ISAPI filters that were not used (both of which wound up having the problems). It's just a shame that MS made their server OSs so easy to administer, or else we wouldn't see so many poorly administered systems out there that can be exploited. Much like you got hit once with CR, and not again, MS got burned on this as well with IIS being installed and not managed (along with other components) and .NET server will have everything disabled by default, and will guide the admin through proper configuration by assuming the person has no idea what he/she is doing. Kind of a step back for those of us who know how to administer these boxes, but I can't blame them.
  25. clutch

    Need to find an old Tip for WinXP

    Ahhh, I see grasshopper. Many different applications can use "policies" of some sort to do various things, and it seems that you haven't had a chance to use them but you have been told that these mystical settings exist. I guess it would be kinda hard to recommend the use of one app over another when you haven't worked with either, eh?