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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Hmmmm...how about an NTCompatible mailing list?

    I have never been a fan of them myself, just my up-in-yan tho...
  2. clutch

    NTFS Performance

    Alien, his response is simply stating that: A. You are handling the swap file on a logical level rather than on a physical level, so rotational speed will not enhance the I/O of the file by "moving" it anywhere (which you aren't), and B. Having the file in a contiguous state is far more important than fiddle around with the logical location of it. I understand what you are driving at, but from what I have read over the last few years the concept of parking the swap (or any) file on a specific location on a partition is minimal at best, especially considering the I/O of even the slowest systems being released. Personally, I would (and usually do unless an app whines, *cough* Photoshop *cough*) can the swap file anyway if it isn't needed, and not fiddle with it.
  3. clutch

    EAX splash screen with Audigy

    Quote: If it only appears on startup, why bother going to the trouble of removing it? It makes no sense... I have a 2.4GHz box with a gig of RAM, yet I can't stand that stupid thing. That's a good enough reason to be rid of it.
  4. clutch

    EAX splash screen with Audigy

    Nope, the easiest way was to right click on the creative mixer and go to settings, and there was a little checkbox for loading the stupid splash screen. I am not sure if this is *exactly* correct, but it's what I vaguely remember from fixing it before.
  5. clutch

    Refresh Rate Fix

    When an application (such as a game) switches the current resolution in Win2K and WinXP, it defaults to 60Hz unless configured otherwise. Many people may have 1024x768 and up resolutions for their desktops, but might play games at 800x600 or some other resolution/color depth that they don't normally use and hence have never configured the refresh rate for. These utilities allow one to change the lowest default refresh rate to something more comfortable (I see the flicker up to 72Hz, and can live with 75Hz but prefer 85Hz+) so the OS doesn't have to be configured for each option manually. The utilities basically modify the registry entry for the drivers to do this, which is something that used to be fairly easy (until the formatting changed).
  6. clutch

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    Quote: It seems some of our US friends are discovering geography Only when we need to help someone out, or blow them up...
  7. clutch

    dns2go opinions

    I have had the service stall out on the server a few times (I have been using it at one site for about 5 months), and for the last week I haven't been able to get the client to work with the deerfield website and retrieve the current version (not that it needs it now, but the site still gives me errors). I'm a bigger fan of TZO, and I've been using it for about 2.5 years now.
  8. clutch

    (0==== McAfee Manufactures Virus Threat ====0)

    If the AV people wanted to make money writing viruses, they would write them to run in the *nix environment.
  9. clutch

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    I have considered it to be the "Wintel" platform for so long, that I rarely consider looking at other hardware. The PC platform is generally the only one that has such loose structure for software and hardware integration, which is why you see issues with many combinations. If you were to buy a box from Sun, you will get Sun approved hardware (sometimes with proprietary connectors, such as the monitor). I remember working with Novell systems and only getting hardware and software with the "Yes." logo on them to certify compliance with them.
  10. clutch

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    I have Intel processors running on Intel chipsets, and even a SiS 645 with no issues using WinXP.
  11. clutch

    VIA KT333 boards post feedback

    Quote: yes, it is well known that VIA can't make a south bridge that has decent data transfer rates. This was a big problem on the KT133a, and it seems to come back up and bit VIA in the arse again. As much as I like AMD boards and Processors, if the only choice i have for a southbridge is VIA then hell with that. AMD needs to make full chipset boards, north and southbridge. VIA has proven time and time again they can't make a stable processor, or motherboard. Amen brutha, testify! I dig the AMD CPUs, I am just leary of the mobos they run on. Now it's just a matter of time before nVidia gets the time under its belt to make a fast, solid board.
  12. clutch

    performance probs

    That's a pretty spiffy site. My work system (P3 733 w/ 512MB RDRAM) got a 416 with all checkered flags (but one yellow for my upstream b/w). Kinda cool.
  13. clutch

    Linux/FreeBSD/Windows NT... Opinions needed plz ppl

    First, you are in the right section as far as I am concerned. Second, I would think that a Linux disto might be better suited for your needs as many of them are more desktop friendly, while the xBSD variants are more server/appliance oriented. As for which Linux distro, I am going to guess that RedHat will have more support and is easier to work with than some of the others at the moment.
  14. clutch

    Venting here

    How do dual monitors game? I have been thinking about running one of my 17" units with my 19", but I would like to know how most games work in it. I wouldn't mind just having the game/app run in one like you mentioned, and the desktop and lesser apps running in the other.
  15. clutch

    Will my PSU handle it all!

    First, the original offensive line has been addressed in the previous post and I don't expect anymore problems. Next, the PSU choices that are available have good reason to be. Most systems are matched to their respective power supplies when they come from OEMs which explains why they: A. Have lesser component cost as they don't need the juice, and B. Tend to be unstable when multiple drives and heavy duty graphics cards are thrown in (or better yet a bunch of fans). There can be rare times where if components are unfortunately matched, that they might exhibit issues even when there doesn't appear to be a good reason. For instance, if a motherboard had incredible amounts of power filtering and stabilizing control (denoted by the numerous, large capacitors on the mobo) then it will probably work with just about anything and not have any issues. However, if the mobo has mediocre power management and it's matched with a not-so-hot PSU, then you might see problems when you start loading it down with more devices that draw directly off of it. It all comes down to voltage stability across the rails. I have been using my PC Power and Cooling 300W unit for a while now, and wouldn't have repalced it with my Sparkle 350W PSU had it not been for the revised ATX standard that I needed to support my new P4. The larger units that have been mentioned, like the 400W-500W ones, tend to inherit this stability because only the better manufacturers would bother to make this level of PSU and those makers will use components that can maintain the high level of line voltage integrity needed by today's high demand systems. So, to wrap up, get a good PSU and it will power just about anything within reason. But, the more gadgets you want to power off of it, the greater demand that you are expecting of the unit.
  16. clutch

    Venting here

    Fixed. Friends don't let friends post drunk.
  17. So, what kind of hardware you got there sparky?
  18. clutch

    stability and reliability

    Quote: Another thing about XP is the security is f^^ked. My girl has XP on her machine and she was able to get into a triple X site members area just by repeating a made up login and password several times. When I tried this on my 2K machine I got "not authorized" the first try. Well, from what you have written it sounds like it has more to do with the site's security than with the workstation's security. The presentation might be different, but I don't see how you made the logical link between the local security of the PC and a prompt from a website. If you can explain further please do so.
  19. clutch

    stability and reliability

    Most (but I think all) MS licenses are backward compatible, so there is rarely any good reason to buy an older version of an OS or any of the applications that they sell. There are other software vendors that permit this type of usage as well.
  20. clutch

    Venting here

    Quote: Uykucu, I'm disappointed on your attitude. If we would have a sys admin who would try to restrict access to changing background images and such he would find himself outta work and fast. Imagine a cleaning lady restricting access to the garbage bin because she doesn't like to empty it... This is the kind of '80s attitude, the users are there to serve the network and the sysadmin thinks he is some sort of semigod issuing corporate policies. People have PC's and the P stands for Personal. The more they enjoy it - the better they work with it. If they want to ICQ in a hotel room instead of having beer in the bar its their business. H. Unfortunately, when you let personnel make these machines more "personal", there are enough of them that screw them up. Like the background for instance; there have been enough personnel here that I have had to make a special group in my domain and then apply a policy to it that removes access to the display properties control panel applet. They liked jacking around with resolution and kept trying to set a 17" monitor to resolutions/refresh rates beyond its capability. I also restrict the use of programs like WebShots and news streamers, but unfortunately their installation routines are designed to get around NT's default security (these flaws seem to have been corrected in Win2K, and further refined in WinXP). If they want to use existing software that came with the system for what limited entertainment it might provide, then fine. However, I am not going to open the door for more help requests because someone's news streamer isn't getting the most current weather.
  21. clutch

    Venting here

    I've been doing it too long to help most people anymore. I am tired of muddling around 3 year old installs of Windows and explaining why their newest gadget will not work with their old POS Packard Bell system. What's even better is when people want to keep piling the newest versions of Windows and yet not invest one dime in hardware. I generally help close friends only, and either avoid conversations about computers entirely or simply tell them "no" when they ask (and boy, you'd think you shot their dog when you see their faces to that response).
  22. From what I understand, it sounds like he wants to migrate a bunch of files and directories from a current server to a new one, and would like to keep his permissions (perms) in tact. If that's the case, I think robocopy.exe (from the resource kit) will do what you are looking for. I haven't had a need for it myself, but it should work. I thought there was another one as well, but I can't remember.
  23. Yep, I used to play it all the time when it first came out on MPlayer, then I moved over to Kali and played it until the bitter end. AccLAME basically gave up on the game, even though it ran very well on just about anything from a p166 on up. Oh, and I used the Spacetec SpaceORB as the controller (my pre-ordered copy came with one), and that too was something killed off by its respective manufacturer. But those were the days...
  24. clutch

    AX4B-533Tube looks so cool

    The tubes are normally reserved for power amps, and not line level stuff that would go out to amplified speakers (which are probably Class A/B hybrids anyway, and would lose any possible gain you could have had). So I would have to say that it's a bit pointless as well, but if it's pimpy it tends to sell.