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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Ugh... need help again guys... =(

    You are putting way too much effort into this configuration. So, either you are doing something astronomically wrong, or the router is defective. You have seen many of the suggestions from the previous thread, and these are from people that have set many of these up (like myself). You might want to swap yours out for a new one at your retailer and see if that's the issue. Then, once that's done, ONLY set the workstations to DHCP, and just plug the router in. The unit should work just fine in 95% of the setups with the defaults.
  2. clutch

    script for automatic dns updating?

    I have been using TZO for my domain name for more than 2 years, and it works great.
  3. clutch

    Just saw Episode 2

    Just saw it, and Yoda kicks ***. 'Nuff said.
  4. clutch

    New CD Copy Protection Cracked?

    Quote: ...and the next generation of markers will only work when connected to your mobile phone so they can call home and check if you are authorized to own one. H. ...but at least it will be Bluetooth enabled, so that will bring the total number of Bluetooth devices on the market to "3".
  5. clutch

    stability and reliability

    Buy XP Pro, as the license is backward compatible with 2K anyway. It's a waste of money to buy Win2K unless it's less than $100US for the full version (which I doubt).
  6. clutch

    Virus question.

    Have you applied the IIS patches? The Novell admin for a sister company that I work with kept having the same type of issue with CodeRed2, and what was happening is that she would apply the patch while the system was online with the Internet (hosted Outlook Web Access and Exchange) and would then reboot. Well, it would always reinfect the box since it was never cleared from memory. I went out there and took the box offline from the firewall (no Internet access, and no local systems were trying to infect it), rebooted it, and then applied the patches and rebooted it. Once that was done, I installed and configured URLScan and there hasn't been an issue since for her.
  7. clutch

    Dell Monitor bad?

    Look for the newest drivers on the Dell site first, and if they don't work try the manufacturer of the video chipset for you laptop.
  8. clutch

    Problems... very frustrated!

    Quote: Congrats Hykster! Maybe the routers LAN subnet mask is applied to the WAN port as well? Can you change the two independently or is there only one subnet mask you can set that applies to all ports, lan and wan. At least it works. I wouldn't screw with it anymore unless MSN tries something else to prevent you from actually using your connection. I have the same unit, and the two are independent. Not to mention that I would imagine his WAN port would be set to use DHCP to get IP info from his ISP.
  9. clutch

    Problems... very frustrated!

    Honestly, I don't see why the LAN IP subnet mask of the router would make any difference since you are crossing over the router (the LAN IP of my router has a subnet mask, while the WAN/modem side has and uses 24.160.x.x for the moment), and getting DHCP info from the modem to connect online. Just beware of disconnects because your ISP issues you a new IP and the router doesn't update properly.
  10. clutch

    Problems... very frustrated!

    Quote: Okay, I can access the router setup broswer page, but I am unable to access the internet connection with both computers. Both of them won't work now. Here's my current setup: DSL Modem into phone line, ethernet port from modem connected to WAN port on Router. Port 4 ethernet cable from router goin' to my desktop computer ethernet card... port 3 ethernet cable from router goin' to my laptop ethernet connection. Router says that it recognizes both port 3 and 4 and they are functioning correctly with the LED's on router. Click on Internet Explorer... "Cannot find page requested" error. Spiffy, you're moving forward. Now, can you ping from one system to the other? Have you tried that? Also, can you ping by NetBIOS name from one to the other? Are the clients getting all relevant DHCP info from the router (like gateway and DNS servers)? One more thing, when the router gets the info it needs from the DSL modem, it has to pass on some info to the clients, so what you might want to do is the following to ditch any old information still cached on the clients. From the command line, use: ipconfig /release (to release DHCP information from the NIC) ipconfig /renew (for a new subscription) ipconfig /flushdns (to get rid of old DNS name resolutions that might be giving you errors).
  11. Odd, I guess I missed the "I have proven..." bit myself the first time as well.
  12. clutch

    Problems... very frustrated!

    I kinda figured he had something jacked on it. Do this; can the USB adapter in the network settings of the laptop (and make sure that it's unplugged), and disconnect the modem from your router. Now, try the IP again and you should hit the router. I bet that your USB installation is taking precedence over your NIC install and it's going out to the modem directly. You should *not* have both the USB and NIC connected at the same time to reach the Internet. You use one OR the other.
  13. clutch

    Problems... very frustrated!

    First, do the PCs talk to each other properly across the built-in switch? If not, make sure they are set to use DHCP as the router will host them. Next, it sounds like you don't have the DSL modem plugged into the right port. Are you *positive* that the ethernet port from the modem is connected to the WAN port on the router? The reason why I wonder about this is that your router should sit on and yet you are getting the modem stats. Next, if you are sure about the connections, try using the reset button (with a paperclip) on the router to clear any settings it may have. Also, did you have to give the MAC address or any stats for your laptop to your ISP? Sometimes they bind your account to your MAC and that would make the default setup not work properly (although you would still see Linksys router).
  14. clutch

    OK to write on CDs?

    I have used them in the past, and they worked fine. I don't buy them now but I have burns from back in '97 or so that still work and the program names were written with Sharpie markers. The most recent burns that I have used them for were probably about a year ago and they still worked then.
  15. Partition Magic will do it, but you will have to pay for that.
  16. clutch

    Just saw Episode 2

    Quote: "SPOILER" in the topic would have been ok, we're sorry Well, the original post merely stated that Yoda kicked a$$, and had no spoilers of any sort (hence no need for that heading in the topic). However, it would seem logical that there would be much discussion about the movie itself amongst people that have seen it in the thread, so I don't understand why anyone would be too mad about it to begin with.
  17. clutch

    W2K or XP?

    Yep. Just format the system and do a fresh install of the older OS.
  18. clutch

    W2K or XP?

    If you buy XP Pro, you are allowed to install Win2K Pro in place of it as the license is backward compatible; all you need is a media kit (CD and serial number) to install any of the previous NTx operating systems. Basically, unless you can get a great deal on an earlier version of an OS, you should always get the current one from MS, as this license backward compatibility carries over to most (if not all) of their operating systems and applications.
  19. clutch

    Just saw Episode 2

    A friend of mine bought tickets for 8 of us on Thursday, and we showed about an hour before showtime. We didn't have any problems getting tickets and we were about 12 people back from the beginning of the seating line. It was a lot better than Episode 1, and it actually made Episode 1 worth getting once this second one hits DVD.
  20. clutch

    Firewall IP address

    The only thing I would suggest is connecting to the firewall and asking it directly via its mgmt software.
  21. clutch

    Firewall IP address

    That is going to be the IP that your network gets to connect to the Internet. This would be similar to the IP that you get when connecting from home with a modem. As for why it's different, I don't know. I am not familiar with the specifics of your network, so at best it would be vague speculation (like NAT pooling, DHCP from your ISP, etc).
  22. clutch

    Firewall IP address

    As in external to the Internet? There are a few utilities to do it, but an easy way to find out is to go to http://visualroute.visualware.com and you should see your external IP listed on the button next to the IP entry box.
  23. clutch

    what settings for NIC ?

    It's gotten better, but there is still a bit too much hand-holding with it. It's fine for what it is though; an entry level editor.
  24. clutch

    Access to registry files from DOS?

    No FrogMaster, he was just referring to the misspelling of "regards" in your signoff, hence the laughing smilie. I don't believe he (nor anyone else) took offense.
  25. clutch

    2k Advanced Server account question

    Kinda sorta. You can remove the ability to control local access via both the "Log On Locally" and "Deny Logon Locally" local policy settings in the system's policy manager. You can access this by running "Secpol.msc" from Start>Run, and then going to Security Settings>Local Policies>User Rights Assignment. However, you can't add machines directly to this (to get around this, create a new group for the intended machines and add them to it) and most attempts to get at shares are done using the user's credentials. What are you trying to do? Are you simply attempting to share out files, yet not allow people to logon interactively (using the console)? In order to access anything from the server, the credentials have to be valid and permitted in the security policy. But that also allows someone with the same credentials to logon if he/she is in front of the computer. Try using "Deny Logon Locally" for the users, and just make sure that they are still in "Access This Computer from the Network".