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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Quote: Permission handling is also much improved. Being able to force permissions down a directory tree is great. I don't quite follow on this one, as the permissions architecture in NTFS is the same (except the GUI looks a little different). If you want *real* control over NTFS permissions, use cacls.exe in the future.
  2. clutch

    IIS 5.1 help?

    Quote: ...and make sure that you are up to date on your patches. Yeah, you might want to start download some of those patches.
  3. clutch

    Remote Desktop on .Net Server

    Then is the Remote Desktop service started? I installed one beta of it, and didn't have any issues connecting. You might want to try the beta newsgroup for more information.
  4. clutch

    Xp Amd & Comfy

    Wow, I have seen some wacky keyboards before, but I haven't seen a parallel one. However, it is possible that the unit simply doesn't like the motherboard/chipset or its respective BIOS revision. Some SpaceORB controllers do the same thing, and are not picked up properly or completely by some chipsets, or they are dependant on the combination of the controller's revision as well as the motherboard/chipset revision.
  5. clutch

    Remote Desktop on .Net Server

    Did you install Terminal Services? Does it show up as an installed component?
  6. clutch

    pcAnywhere 10.5.1 on .Net Server

    Since Symantec loves to write their own APIs for just about everything, any revision in the OS will generally cause both the application and the OS to fail. You were testing out a beta, and now you know that it doesn't work yet. Until MS goes to at *least* beta 3 (more like the RC series) on .NET server AND there have been some updates to PCAnywhere, I wouldn't bother trying to force it.
  7. Check 'em out: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/downloads/powertoys.asp
  8. clutch

    DDR Memory Question

    To expand on Sampson's post, the desire to use ECC is really limited to certain functions. Mostly, you see this in database servers with large amounts of RAM that tend to keep most of the memory used. Also, I am under the impression that you can't mix ECC and non-ECC memory even if the motherboard supports it. Now, whether the effect ranges from simply disabling the ECC functionality all the way to not booting at all would depend on the components.
  9. clutch

    Best FTP Client?

    www.smartftp.com It's free, and works really well.
  10. clutch

    IIS 5.1 help?

    OK, but did you do the other things I mentioned in my previous post? Post the your findings here and maybe we can come up with something.
  11. clutch

    New system, what to get?

    Quote: I would say...go cyrix!!! cos as everyone here well knows, they rule! Also you are extremly lucky to not have any via problems, i havent been so lucky and i certainly wouldnt recommend them to anyone else. This was the latest that I could find on Cyrix worth mentioning, but if this doesn't float your boat then go with a Transmeta unit.
  12. clutch

    Xp Amd & Comfy

    What port does this keyboard plug in to? You might just need some newer drivers for your motherboard, or if it's USB enable legacy keyboard/USB support in the BIOS.
  13. clutch

    New system, what to get?

    Quote: Might as well get a P4$ or say you are getting one. If you go AMD the forum will shred you to pieces as I have learned. Nah, you just got shredded because you like to troll a bit too much that's all.
  14. clutch

    IIS 5.1 help?

    Have you ever written ASP pages? What was the code? Check the event logs and see if the ASP service has started properly, and make sure that you are up to date on your patches. Also, was there any other text in that error, or an error code?
  15. clutch

    New system, what to get?

    First, I brought up SCSI as an alternative to ATA, not SCSI as an alternative to ATA/IDE RAID combinations. And of course, there is a major price difference, but if you want optimal performance (which is something to consider in this department) then SCSI is the way to go. Next, the purpose of RAID is to increase the "performance" of the disks/disk subsystem, not necessarily be limited to redundancy. While the "R" does stand for "Redundant", RAID 0 is an option and a pair of disks can be installed separately from the system partition (which would be ideal with either ATA or SCSI) to handle streaming duties.
  16. clutch

    New system, what to get?

    Quote: SCSI is nice, but a 2 or 4 disk IDE raid is much faster and cheaper. I don't see how, if you get a good SCSI controller and configure the disks in RAID 0. Highend SCSI is faster than highend IDE/ATA, period. However, it costs a helluva lot more. But if video editing is your bag then a good disk subsystem is what you'll need, and the options should be researched. If you are going for "X" amount of money, then you can get more for the money going ATA, but (as I would do) I have "X" amount of performance that I need, so I buy accordingly.
  17. clutch

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    I don't play CS at all, therefore I wouldn't host it. Too many people (kids) take that game way too seriously. Also, I am not much for violent games that require thought and/or teamwork.
  18. clutch

    New system, what to get?

    Northwood w/RDRAM for power and compatibility, and SCSI for your harddrives if possible so as to reduce CPU overhead (although the newest generation ATA controllers come very close to SCSI in that regard as well).
  19. clutch

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    I might host a Q3 server on my cable modem (I like simple FFA games), so post your pings to me. www.driventechnologies.com
  20. clutch

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    I only play with people I know anyway, so I don't get too worried about playing online anymore. Cheaters will always be there making aimbots and whatever, and it's just to the point where I don't care anymore. It bothered me before, but now with broadband being so prevelant, servers keep popping up and you can just go somewhere else. But yeah, it sucks.
  21. clutch

    Adding public holidays to Outlook 2000

  22. clutch

    Adding public holidays to Outlook 2000

    Would this be what you are looking for? Tools>Options>Calendar Options...>Add Holidays... I know that this is in Office XP, but I am pretty sure it's nearly the same in Office 2K. It imports a basic template of holidays for whatever region you select from a list.
  23. More group policy options, remote desktop, and a different UI for me. It also seems to scale slightly better than Windows 2000 on faster boxes (1GHz+).
  24. clutch

    The Motherboard Thread...

    For client use, Intel only. For personal use, I favor ASUS. I have a SOYO right now and it has worked really well, but I have a friend that has had really spotty performance with his (Athlon with Via chipset). I don't really have a strong opinion about any of the others.
  25. clutch

    cd copy question

    If you want to do "On-the-Fly" copying (writing to the blank as it reads from the original) then you would either want to put the original in a different CD-ROM or find one of those revolutionary units that DH was referring to. Also, if you were to do OTF copying you will probably need to have the units on different channels if they are both IDE drives. Now, if you have a disk that is proving hard to copy (sometimes this happens with game CDs and disks that have been inadvertently scratched), then your best chance might be to have original read from the burner to a temp file on the hard drive, and then burned back to a blank once the read is done. Nero Burning ROM gives quite a few options in this regard as well, and I have used it for some of my trickier reads in the past while a friend of mine used it to make backup/traveling copies of his Playstation games.