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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    A good P4 chipset?

    Quote: Try running some real games and check the fps, something that isnt 3dmark 2001, it seems to worship intel. I dont see how a 1.6 p4 can be better than a 1.4athlon (speed wise) when using sdr ram. Ditto.
  2. clutch

    A good P4 chipset?

    The Fire Dragon runs on the Intel i845D chipset I believe, while mine runs on the SiS 645 chipset.
  3. clutch

    Best AMD Motherboard?

    Quote: clutch CyberGenX sent me message saying he want it change Abit to nVidia nForce Weird, since he originally asked me to change it from nForce to Abit. Oh well...
  4. clutch

    How long have you owned a computer?

    I had a TRS80 (Trash80) back when I was 12 or 13, and learned BASIC. I have been using/owning computers of various types since. I would have to say about 18 years.
  5. I think that they are pretty cool myself. Usually the onboard audio is enough for me on most of my systems, so all I am ever concerned about is the NIC and video. While I am a major fan of Intel chipsets (and SiS isn't doing that bad recently), I generally see only Via setups (or worse) as the backbone of these little boxes. However, I wouldn't make one of these my main workstation anyway so as long as it was stable and not needing a ton of updates I think it would be worth trying out.
  6. clutch

    Best AMD Motherboard?

    Odd, I know that I changed the nForce entry to Abit, but it came back again. I just changed it back to Abit so we'll see how long that holds out.
  7. clutch

    IP Address Question For Small Network

    Whenever possible, I use DHCP. Not only is it good for reusing IPs, but you can change the other IP-related values (DNS, gateway, router, MTU, etc) at one location rather than going to each machine or finding/building an application to do that for you.
  8. clutch

    Best chipset maker poll?

    ServerWorks kicks a$$, but I voted Intel because it applies to both consumer and commercial level products.
  9. clutch

    P4 with SDRAM

    PC1066, that's it. I was too lazy to do the math at the time...
  10. clutch

    P4 with SDRAM

    Quote: I would have agree 100% not to long ago with you on this clutch. RAMBUS in general or their desire to keep the cost of their memory inflated for so long that it killed any real chance for commercial success. But that not the case now at lease not this yrs after all 512 stick of memory only cost as low as 0 to high side 0 depend on where live and if you getting it from local computer store online you can get them as low 2+S/H. Absolutely, but when you get a product out to market the *initial* acceptance goes a long way in deciding the fate of the product. RAMBUS was milking the royalties for everything they could get for such a long time, that it just got a bad name. I can see recouping the initial investment over the first 2 or 3 quarters, but they were holding the cost up so high on an already expensive design (the chips have to be really fast to begin with, thus more expensive to make) that acceptance was bound to fizzle. After seeing the benches on the newer PC1033(1050? something like that) bring new life to all the P4s, it will be interesting to see what the price tag is going to be.
  11. clutch

    P4 with SDRAM

    RDRAM pimp-slaps SDRAM and DDR-DRAM in everything but latency, hence the major desire for DDR makers to go multichannel to catch up with RDRAM's performance in the bandwidth department. Ever notice why the P4's performance climbs with RDRAM? Well, that's it; the P4 gets strangled by memory bottlenecks and just needs faster memory (and more info moving per clock as well) to show its true prowess. As for the testing, I usually see the bench-marketing apps running synthetic numbers (and RDRAM wins), but I usually look for Photoshop and 3D rendering numbers as my guide. RDRAM generally takes those as well, but I just don't care for RAMBUS in general or their desire to keep the cost of their memory inflated for so long that it killed any real chance for commercial success.
  12. clutch

    Best AMD Motherboard?

    If it were going by chipset, then yes that would be the best way. However, I *believe* that he was looking for a "Best Vendor" poll instead and thus has those particular options.
  13. clutch

    Best AMD Motherboard?

    Quote: Maybe 1 of the moderators/admins can change it for you? I just did...
  14. clutch

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    I am not going point for point on all the parts you listed, but the first one that drew my attention was (probably because I skimmed it) the last point you made about the video cards. This was *intentional* as the new boards are dropping support for the older voltage rail on those AGP cards. So, that isn't a problem at all. We also covered the MTH issue (the chipset was initially designed to support SDRAM, not RDRAM and Intel footed the bill to not only remove the faulty component but to also replace the SDRAM with RDRAM at no additional cost) previously, and the driver references that you speak of are basic as opposed to the ones that I usually mention. I have seen ones that enable "suspend" and "hibernate" even though these are things that have been working solidly since the release of Windows ME/2K (up to 2 years before the motherboard with the chipset) when they *should* have been working out of the box with these features. Oh, and if you are going bring up anything about NT4, you might want to remember how old that OS is and pretty much any new feature in hardware will require the use of a service pack (which they stopped shipping at SP6a). So yes, there is a big difference between the performance of Intel and Via with respect to chipsets, whether you know it or not.
  15. clutch

    post your system specs- XP ony computers plz

    She (the Mrs., nor Alyssa AFAIK) doesn't mind, and I would imagine that this forum doesn't support uploading because it can be a haven for junk after a while, even when using automated self-pruning methods. The PC was originally named "Big Blue", but while doing some work with Active Directory I had to rename it during a fresh install (the object took longer than expected to be purged from the AD DB).
  16. clutch

    post your system specs- XP ony computers plz

    I guess you missed this post from a while back then, eh? http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=20501&pagenumber=1
  17. clutch

    What is the MCSE certification?

    Not entirely correct if you are just providing a generalization. I have seen many people getting CCNAs that don't know anything, and there are several high school programs that are supporting this cert as well. I wouldn't consider them to know any more than an average MCP in many cases, *especially* when it comes to server configuration (such as DNS), in which the concepts should be a given with this type of cert. Now of course, if you go get a CCIE then that would be a different story, however there are probably only a handful of companies in the world that could pay what you're worth as a networking architect let alone have a need for one.
  18. clutch

    post your system specs- XP ony computers plz

    Alyssa: P4 1.6A@2.4GHz (16x150MHz FSB) Northwood with stock heatsink and VCore Intel HSF SOYO Dragon P4S Ultra (SiS 645 Chipset) 1GB PC2700 (DDR333) Mushkin DDR-DRAM (Running in DDR333 Mode) WD 100GB ATA-100 HD w/ 8MB Cache Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive Hercules Geforce 2 Pro, 64MB Onboard C-Media 6-Channel Sound Onboard USB 2.0 with 5.25" Drivebay I/O Onboard Highpoint UDMA/IDE RAID Controller (33/66/100/133) Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT) MS Natural Keyboard Pro MS Intellimouse Explorer SanDisk USB Compact Flash Reader Spacetec SpaceORB 6DOF Game Controller Night: P3 933@1085, 1.75v (155x7, runs at 29*C at idle, and 41*C while gaming) Vantec CCK-7035D HSF ASUS CUSL2 i815 512MB Crucial CAS2 PC133 RAM WD 40GB ATA-100 HD Mitsumi 32x CD Drive GeForce SDR 32MB Creative Audigy Platinum with Audigy Drive Intel Pro/100 Mgmt Adapter Generic 17" Monitor MS Natural Keyboard Pro MS Intellimouse Pro Spacetec SpaceORB 6DOF Game Controller
  19. clutch

    Firewall for Win2k Server

    Try asking the connecting clients to use PASV (Passive) mode when connecting to your FTP site.
  20. clutch

    A good P4 chipset?

    I would think so, yes. It should be just fine running at that speed.
  21. clutch

    how do I take off screen saver lock delay?

    While I have nothing useful to add, I do have to say "LOL"...
  22. clutch

    My website!

    I agree with pretty much everything Alien stated, though I can see you have a work in progress. Do you plan on having the parts database (if you will even have one) searchable? Will the catalog be broken down so you can just look at memory or CPUs? Just listing the all at once would be confusing, slow to load (all the images), and annoying to anyone just trying to find one thing in the mix. Also, have some sort of navbar (could be an include) that will carry over to all the pages so the user can get to his/her cart, back to the home page, etc. And you might want to consider the use of CSS for managing site colors and fonts incase you register either or both of these as trademarks (if applicable).
  23. clutch

    What would you do with 10.000 dollars

    The housing market isn't too bad in Phoenix right now is it? What, about $110K for 1200sq ft on a decent lot (new builds)? When I was in Tucson, it was a bit cheaper, but as usual real estate goes up in price. We are trying to close on one at this moment, just the house appraisal and inspection to go...
  24. clutch

    Can't see my own domain from inside...???

    He's fine; he had both domains performing reverse WINS lookups on the same server, and it was trashing his ability to browse (weird, I know). He's all set now.