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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    SiS has been putting out some nice chipsets actually, and I would buy them (and have, actually) before I would bother with Via again. Also, don't compare clock speeds (as CUViper was alluding to), but compare what's available. Compare performance, stability, cost, whatever is important to you. I got a 1.6GHz Northwood and I am running it at 2.4GHz with incredible stability with no bump in voltage and using the stock HSF. I am also doing this with a SiS based mobo from SOYO. The architectures are different enough where clock speed should just be forgotten about when it comes to comparisons. Also, the P4 is on a 100x4 FSB, much like the Athlon is on a 133x2 FSB (there are newer versions, but this is the average). This is why you see such huge spikes in performance when the next generation of RAMBUS (hooray, a bit late aren't we?) memory is mated to just about any version of the P4. It has been bandwidth starved for most of the time, and I am hoping that DDR development will keep filling the gap.
  2. clutch

    XP Remote Desktop

    You can't hold multiple simultaneous sessions (a session being an independent logon locally and/or remotely) like that in Windows XP. Windows NT Terminal Server, along with the Windows 2000 Server family offer that ability.
  3. clutch

    battle of the computers

    Nice specs sheet 4&20.
  4. Geocities seems to be making it difficult to show your image, so you might want to use a different host in the future. As to your problem, have you tried installing SP1?
  5. clutch

    What's better NAV or McAffee?

    That's pretty cool, I use the reporting function and installation management of EPO just because it's closer to SMS rather than AD at the moment. Plus, I am just not a huge fan of Symantec stuff as I have been repeatedly burned in the past.
  6. clutch

    What is the MCSE certification?

    I might irritate some people with this, but: 1. A+ and Network+ certs are for beginners (those who want to get in quickly and on the average start off in PC Tech positions) 2. Cisco stuff is always nice to have if you intend to work with it, or just like to have even more letters behind your name 3. Personally, I wouldn't bother with Novell unless you are already employed with a company that uses Novell and they want you to become certified (and hence pay for it themselves) With respect to test focus, I would definately focus on Win2K as XP isn't really an issue as of yet, and .NET server will not be out for a while (good, we need the break). When examining what tests to choose, try to find ones that you are interested in learning, not just the ones that are easiest as that will just rob you in the end. I mean, why bother taking all the tests that you think are easy and not get a chance to really learn anything new?
  7. clutch

    What motherboard companies do you use?

    Asus is my overall fav (owned 4 of their boards myself and worked with a bunch more), but I like the Soyo I am using at the moment. As for the poll, I can't find any option to reconfigure it to multiple choice. Maybe Philipp or SHS can do that.
  8. clutch

    Network Sharing A Scanner?????

    Nice, we are just now taking a look at a Xerox unit but might poke around a bit more. I am partial to Canon though (as I used to work on them a while back), so I wondered what you thought of the quality of your unit.
  9. clutch

    What's better NAV or McAffee?

    I use McAfee Corp 4.5.1 at my work sites, and it runs very well (especially with ePolicy Orchestrator that comes with our bundle to manage automatic installations and updates). However, I don't think you can get a free evaluation without speaking to a sales rep (which is what I think the original request was for, right?).
  10. What error message are you speaking of? I don't see the image you are trying to reference.
  11. clutch

    What's better NAV or McAffee?

    That's in $AUS, not $US, and they are owned by a US company anyway (Computer Associates) so you might be able to find something from them distributed locally. http://www3.ca.com/virus/
  12. clutch

    Network Sharing A Scanner?????

    Network sharing of a scanner is actually quite desirable to some people. We are looking to purchase a photocopier that will allow for network printing/scanning right now that will let many people use OCR functionality and maintain electronic copies of paper that required handwritten information (such as signatures) and can then be converted back to electronic format. This is a better situation than one person having a scanner and people constantly dropping off paperwork asking if he or she can take the time to handle the scan and conversion work. So no, it isn't like "'can I give share access to my mouse?'".
  13. clutch

    McAfee and IE6

    The firewall is probably blocking outbound access. Lower the firewall, and try to get out. If this works, see if there is a setting that you might have accidentally configured (such as "High" to keep all traffic from traversing the NIC in either direction). If so, see if you can lower it for outbound access, or just refer to the documentation for your firewall software for more information. As to why it might work for a bit, and then stop, this can be attributed to any delay the program might have before it can be allowed to come online (waiting for the OS to finish loading, waiting for other apps to finish loading, etc). It could also be a corrupted installation that would cause that behavior. Again, these are basically assuming that you can get out once the firewall is lowered.
  14. clutch

    Looking for a bulk faxing program...

    There was this really cool little fax program from MS that came with Windows 95 (and with 98, but it was buried on the CD). It worked well and was free, and it might do what you are looking for as well.
  15. clutch

    Nvidia Det 28.32's

    Quote: But who cares how quake 3 performs at 640 x 480 with no sound, and everything diabled? Reminds me of Three Fingers and all of his config files for benchmarking Q1 and Q2.
  16. clutch

    LAN Design - Please Reply

    I would say something of a combination of the two; use the central approach (nice look, btw) to maintaining your AD catalog and masters of databases and then have "slave" servers at each site handling local logon and printing duties. This would work well incase of a downed link between a remote school and the central office. You might also have several options for maintaining localized copies of your databases (for your library catalog as an example) depending on the DB app that's used. In this manner, you could probably get away with backing up your servers locally OR at the main site depending on the method and application used. This would also permit for administration at the top level and/or delegation depending on the AD model at the lower levels without having "the computer guy" at one school being able to install applications at another.
  17. clutch

    Default network protocol in XP

    I don't have anything else to offer at the moment, and I can barely remember anything in 9x anymore . Maybe somebody else has a good idea for you.
  18. clutch

    so what are you listening to at teh moment?

    This is what I have currently playing at work:
  19. clutch

    Default network protocol in XP

    If you go to your network properties (where you see your network adapters listed), select Advanced and then Advanced Settings. You can then adjust the binding order of the protocols. See if that works out for you.
  20. clutch

    Default network protocol in XP

  21. clutch

    Gotta Love Linux

    I have used Stormix, 2 versions of Mandrake, and 2 versions of Redhat. I have used them as workstations and as admin/utility servers, and have configured them as web/ftp servers and even made them browsable via Samba. I find them limiting as workstations since almost no software for what I want to do is available for it yet, and I haven't seen a uniform directory service to cover all of the containers and objects in a Linux forest/domain to make administration easier (if you have, please post a link). Now, having *used* the OS in several flavors I think I can say I don't care for it in its current trim, but hopefully that will change. You mention that students who were not "spoiled" with MS products found the Linux environment to be easier. Well, most people will find the first environment that they learn in easier to work in than any other environments that follow until they can fully grasp it. My first GUI was on an Apple, and I found that very easy to use and hated Windows because it was unstable trash that didn't have enough applications/hardware available for it. And then the tables turned, and now the vast majority of computer systems use Windows (which works quite well now, thank you ) and you can get all kinds of hardware and software for it. Could this happen for Linux? Well, it isn't looking too good, since many of the innovators and distro providers went out of business because (*shudder*) businesses have to make MONEY in order to stay in business. What a surprise. Then, with the infighting that has been going on forever and seems to be getting a bit worse with respect to control of the kernel, it might hamper the future of the OS to some degree.
  22. clutch

    When is your NTCompatible "birthday"?

    Look under your member status, and you will see your registered date...
  23. clutch

    What is the MCSE certification?

    I have a MCSE in Windows NT 4.0, and my MCP+I (due to overlapping test requirements, you may wind up with multiple certs so don't get confused), and they can make it easier to get a job. They also make it much easier to negotiate a better deal when your review comes around (unless you're in an area where you can't easily get another position and you can't bluff them ). You might want to take a peek at the MCSA which appears to be a little scaled down from the MCSE and is geared more toward the entry level company admin, but isn't as basic as passing one test to get your MCP either. http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mcsa/default.asp
  24. clutch

    Dynamic Disks

    It must have been since we were using Beta 3 of Adv Server, and we were advised that this behavior would carry over into the full OS. I tried it on this workstation and the option is still greyed out (WinXP Pro), but it's something that I haven't bothered with in quite a while. I might fiddle with it on my test box at home later.
  25. clutch

    Dynamic Disks

    Were the volumes that you were mounting themselves Dynamic? Because that was what I was referring to, and I cannot mount my other partitions even though they are NTFS. When I was at an Intro to Windows 2000 class a while back, they had use run through this drill and we *had* to convert to Dynamic first before we could mount the partition to any other NTFS partition. But if this isn't (or is no longer) the case, then please let me know.