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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Problem with Intel Pro 100 Management adaptors

    Hit Ctrl+S I think, and you will get into the BIOS menu for the NIC. You should be able to turn off the Intel NIC's BIOS splash in there.
  2. clutch

    Making a boot disk

  3. clutch

    Don't say WINS !!!

    Installing NetBEUI is simply a patch job at best. I would strongly recommend not digging up that old protocol for use in a production (or any other) environment. Now, what was the KB article you found that you used in the first place? I am interested to see what the original fix was that got you into this predicament.
  4. No idea bud, I don't mess with this one.
  5. clutch

    Google Tool Bar

    In general, it's %userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files (such as "C:\Documents and Settings\clutch\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"), but sometimes you can find it in %userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp as well depending on the application. One more thing; "search" doesn't usually scan these directories, even if you are directing it to them. I usually just sort by file size and then take it out from there.
  6. clutch

    Anyone here use Linux as 2nd OS?

    Boy, that would be fairly awkward for the Aussie government if they were ever involved in some MS anti-trust action eh?
  7. clutch

    battle of the computers

    How many coats of paint are you doing? You might want to consider doing a few, and maybe even wet sanding in between to get a nice, deep color to it. Also, if you have garage (and want to hold on to the whatever braincells you have) you will want to keep that puppy outside for as long as possible. The parts for mine sat in a storage room for about 4 days between sessions, and another week until I brought the bastard inside (I learned this from the headaches I got on my first one ).
  8. clutch

    Remote Shutdown

    Here's what you get when running "shutdown.exe /?" at the command prompt in WinXP: Code: Usage: shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]No args Display this message (same as -?)-i Display GUI interface, must be the first option-l Log off (cannot be used with -m option)-s Shutdown the computer-r Shutdown and restart the computer-a Abort a system shutdown-m \\computername Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort-t xx Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds-c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)-f Forces running applications to close without warning-d [u][p]:xx:yy The reason code for the shutdown u is the user code p is a planned shutdown code xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256) yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536) And here's what you get in the old school version that comes with the NT/2K resource kits:
  9. clutch

    Remote Shutdown

    There is the "Shutdown.exe" file that you can get from the NT/2K resource kits (comes with Windows XP), and I think there is a freebie version at Download.com named "Shutdown32" or something similar. I use them regularly for shutdowns, reboots, and logoffs.
  10. clutch

    Gotta Love Linux

    It will be interesting to see how smoothly a patch rolls out that addresses this problem, but affects so many other applications and processes.
  11. clutch

    Need a automated backup program (FAST)

    Or just type "ntbackup" at Start>Run or the command line. That's even faster...
  12. clutch

    How to get rid of Audigy splash screen?

    Plus a "white box" (or OEM unit) can be had for less than $50US, which would be inline with what whoisurdaddy stated.
  13. clutch

    Don't say WINS !!!

    Are all the clients setup to use your WINS server in their respective TCP/IP properties?
  14. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    It was misunderstood; what I was saying is that I would rather not have the cost of some crappy cable (that you know damn well they will mark up another $5-$10US for, no matter what their cost was) when I could get my own. I was also stating that I have made my own, along with having many cables made in the past, and have yet to see one come in even remotely as low as what you were indicating (which I am sure was an exaggeration in the first place, right? ). This is paying for something you didn't want in the first place, but you can't get out of it. Like Windows XP, some people don't want the burning software, the movie maker, Windows Messenger, etc. but it was all bundled together and priced according to the developement cost for all the components (wanted or not) and adjusted for what MS thought they could get for it. I mean hey, if I could get a slimmer corp version without movie maker and this extraneous garbage for work, it would sure make it easier when I have to make a sales pitch to upgrade some workstations.
  15. clutch

    RAID 0 in XP?

    Windows NT/2K/XP doesn't support using its own software striping (software RAID) function on the system partition. Also, you would have the added overhead of processing all the info back and forth to the harddrive through the CPU. It wouldn't help overall bandwidth performance too much, and that is all RAID 0 is for.
  16. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    OK, forget the cheap data cables being sent with printers, now HP can't even send decent powercords... http://news.com.com/2100-1040-854969.html?tag=cd_mh
  17. clutch

    Never going to buy a Canon again

    Quote: further more, nearly all Canon products cant run on the Linux operating systems- which doesnt give ppl a lot of variety (esp if Micro$oft already owns over 90% of the home user market)- this forces ppl to stay with Windows if they own ANYTHING from Canon. YET my BJC-5100 cant run on winxp. i'm fed up with canon. It sucks that it can't run locally on WinXP, but the part about Linux stems from other issues. The driver model that is being used is "similar" to that of a Winmodem. The OS takes up a fair amount of the grunt work, and then passes along very little for the printer to think about. This carries over to HP Deskjets (many of which are made by Canon), Lexmark, Epson, etc. so it isn't limited to just one maker. There are some brilliant programmers that have written drivers to let Linux emulate the behavior of Windows when it comes to spooling the print job out to the printer. If you are still interested in using the printer in your fav Linux distro, hit the newsgroups and message boards. Also, a lot of the newbie sites are great for that kind of info since it is usually newbies that are looking for info on stuff like that (which was where I learned about the "support" (*cough* *cough*) for my HP DJ722c a few years ago.
  18. clutch

    OCZ Ram

    So it isn't PC2700 eh? That's still a nice price though (not as nice as a couple of months ago, but oh well ). I got a gig of PC2700 RAM from Mushkin for about $220 a stick, and it works great.
  19. clutch

    How to get rid of Audigy splash screen?

    OK, I remember this setting from before but unfortunately (well, that's relative I guess ) I don't have the software installed anymore. I think all you had to do was right click on the icon on the tray, go to "Properties" or "Settings" and there's this small checkbox around there reading "Display Screen at Startup" or something similar. Sorry I can't be more specific.
  20. clutch

    net time and user rights

    I know what Ryoko is talking about, but there are a couple of other quick and dirty solutions. Doing a quick search at the Technet KB, I found some articles that should help. Now, one easy way to do this kind of synchronization is the setup the DHCP server to distribute the IP of the time-keeping server to all the clients. This is the way I do it on my mixed NT4/2K/XP network at work, but if for some reason this isn't an option (or some workstations still like to give you issues), there are other methods. First, you can always alter the logon script to manually sync the time to whatever server you like. Now, you are doing this, but you are getting a rights violation. This can be handled by going to the user manager and opening up the rights of your workgroup/domain users to change the time on the local machine. However, for a much more solid solution, having the workstation maintain a time sync on its own would work a lot better. So, how does one do that? Well, here are some links that I have to cover this: Get the "Timeserv" utility here, along with a great description on its configuration and use: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...ads/W32TIME.asp Setting up a Domain Time Source server, and initial description of syncing clients to that server: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q131715 OK, so you have a Time Source, but how do I know that it has the right time? Well, you can get that info here (assuming you are in the US and all ): http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/ntp.html And you can validate it here: http://www.time.gov/ Defining Time Sources in a NT4 domain: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q174557 Syncing Win2K clients in a NT4 domain: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q258059 Syncing WinXP clients in a NT4 domain: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q314345 This should pretty much nail down your time syncing issues in your domain. One other thing, in a pinch (and using SMS as mentioned before) you could actually have your network management software run the simple "NET TIME \\SERVER..." bit for you on the clients and servers, but just under an admin's credentials so you can get an initial sync if it's just a one time deal. I had to do this once, and it worked fine. But that would be assuming that you had SMS (I have 2.0), or some other network mgmt software like Tivoli or ZenWorks that could do this. HTH
  21. clutch

    Anyone here use Linux as 2nd OS?

    Quote: i just believe that children and teenagers at high school should not be exposed to microsoft products (esp windows) their whole time at school. they already have it at home, y not try something else at school? they will be learning how to use different OSes and to use different programs that can do the same job as if it was on windows. the experience is well worth it. Now you know what I find funny about this statement, is that in many states I have lived in the Apple systems have been incredibly dominant in the school systems. It was the first GUI I was exposed to, while we were still learning simple programming on Ataris ('89) and waiting for 8088s with these awesome Alps printers to show up . Apple knows it has a good thing with the school system, and has had it controlled for many years now. In fact, when MS offered to give away software and PCs to schools in a possible DOJ deal, Apple had a fit and kept crying and whining to make sure that wouldn't happen. I am all for people learning the different OSs, no doubt about it. I have been disappointed for quite a while now to see so many schools still using Apple systems (they do get great price breaks and sometimes even freebies) since most of the kids have regular PCs at home and will more than likely see PCs in "the real world".
  22. clutch

    Newb user/acct login problems

    Have you tried creating a new subdirectory for your existing web using the share on the other machine? Essentially, you will have to host the base of the web locally for simple stability issues, but then host a subdirectory of that site pointing to the remote share. I have done this myself, and it will work fine as long as you pay attention to what permissions you have tied up between the machines.
  23. clutch

    This is not good at all...

    LOL. Well, Outlook then "catches" it for me as well, since it asks me to close out any applications before shutdown.
  24. clutch

    This is not good at all...

    I'm surprised that any would, but hey more power to them. Do you think that this was just some sort of signature-type update, or a behavior watching function? And if it was looking for this type of behavior, I wonder how it would tell the difference between something annoying/hostile and an intended behavior, like something setup on an Intranet or some sort of maintenance site.