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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    LOL. At least they can admit they are disposable. Next, they'll be shipping them out on six-pack rings (Dolphin-safe ones, of course).
  2. clutch

    New Motherboard!

    I did a generic search of the NTComp archive, and got these. I know that they don't have the "+" on them, but they might have updated reviews on the board that you are looking for.
  3. clutch

    New Motherboard!

    Have you seen any reviews on it? Would they be of any good to your decision?
  4. clutch

    Website failing...

    Quote: BTW, I'm looking at your original reply right now and I definitely cannot see the last part. How could we be looking at different versions (apart from the fact that I am a 'Junior member' (when do I lose that tag?) and you are a moderator)? Regards, Alan What last part can you not see? Are you talking about the difference between NT4 and Win2K's IIS? With respect to the membership listing, I don't know what the steps are to get you "promoted". Anybody else know?
  5. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    Quote: Well clutch, you are the exception ;(, i would think that 95% of people buying a deskjet printer (or similar) would like a cable. Even if it costs them 50p, it doesnt mean its gonna be poor quality, just that they bought loads and got them cheap. (Authough obviously its not gonna be top quality, but hey, if it works it works ) I have made cables of many kinds, and have had custom cabling made as well. In general, I try to avoid using most cabling that's bundled with equipment because the manufacturer will keep the cost as lean as possible (that's where I work now, a component manufacturer ) and while it may meet some vague engineering spec, it just winds up being cheap anyway. I have had many cheesy CAT3/CAT5, USB (broken connectors), and even VGA cables bundled with equipment fail on me. I just hate it when the "cost" of these items inflates the price of an item that someone buys for no reason other than it was "included for convenience". But I guess I'm the exception that has had the cheesy cables break/fail on me though, eh?
  6. clutch

    What's better NAV or McAffee?

    OK, it sounds like you are comparing the commercial version of Norton to the *consumer* version of McAfee, as the corporate version of McAfee's virus scanner does not have any of those other options. Now, if you want to compare one consumer product to another, then compare the version of McAfee that you are complaining about to Norton SystemWorks and I am sure you will hear/read plenty complaints about both. My version of McAfee's virus scanner is 4.5.1, and it uses the most current engine (as of now, it's 4.1.60) and it is centrally managed just like it's big brother NetShield by ePolicy Orchestrator. We have the "Active Virus Defense Suite", and it includes VirusScan, NetShield, ePolicy Orchestrator, and some other applications and utilities. If you want to compare Norton's corporate solution to a McAfee product, at least put them on fair ground and use McAfee's corporate virus scanner.
  7. clutch

    iis security

    If you have questions regarding the specifics of those options, either check out that site, the online help, or check out this link regarding setup of the FTP service. It has a better description of the option, and it will not require an incredibly long reply from me.
  8. Thanks to Brett Hill at www.iisanswers.com and his zippy little IIS Newsletter for this; the NSA has updated their site on securing Win2K Servers and Workstations along with IIS. Just thought you might want to check it out: http://nsa2.www.conxion.com/win2k/download.htm
  9. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    Quote: No, they should include one. If you buy say a deskjet printer, its pretty obvious thats its going to be for personal and not network use, ie its gonna be attached to a computer that is reasonably close. They should have this included in the price already, and i dont see how you can say its for 'convenience and cost control for the user', its totally inconvenient and just makes it more expensive They could probably get these cables for like 50p / cents, or less if they bought them in bulk. chill As for me, I would just rather buy my own cable and not have some cheesy one thrown in there (especially if it's some 50 cent job ) and then have that cost rolled up even further.
  10. clutch

    iis security

    I'm not sure what you are looking to accomplish. Did you want to have custom directories for multiple users? If so, check this out: http://www.iisanswers.com/Top10FAQ/t10-FTPuersfolder.htm
  11. clutch

    Via chipsets & 2k hiding drives in Bios

    Just so you know, videobruce, NT OSs have long since had the ability to see harddrives even when they were disabled in the BIOS. I remember setting up a TX-based motherboard to dual boot with NT server for a test system, and NT kept seeing the other drive even when it was disabled. The easiest way for me to "hide" them was to use slide chassis for the drives. As for all of your "M$" comments, why are you using their products if you tell others that they shouldn't? "Stop supporting a monopoly!" is your cry, yet here you are using their programs. I just find it rather odd that you would come to a forum that is obviously biased toward NT-based OSs and then complain about them and ask others not to use them.
  12. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    I think the idea was more of convenience and cost control for the user. In my case, I might want a particular length of cable that isn't the normal 6ft (2M) that you see in stores. The same thing would go for serial cables with external modems, as some people might want different lengths or already have cables, and would rather not have to pay for another one since the cost of including one with the unit is rolled up into the purchase price.
  13. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    All the printers that I have setup have been that way, except for some HP LJ units that had a proprietary connector on the printer itself. Plus the boxes always had "DON'T FORGET THE CABLE!!!" bodly printed on them. Not that it mattered, because you were more interested in buying it than reading the box .
  14. clutch

    Epson the best support i'v seen.

    I had one printer a while ago that died within 3 weeks of getting it. I just returned it and got a HP722C. That was 4 years ago and I never had a problem with my HP. But it's nice to see that yours worked out.
  15. clutch

    Let's talk about VIRUSES, for once !?

    Ummm, I guess I am missing something, because while I see the downloads I don't see the point you are driving at. I see that they don't have the newer policy deployment applications on there. Also, what's up with the multi-file downloads and all those builds of the Exchange virus scanner? I mean I know that MS adjusted the API for Exchange 2K with SP1, but I don't recall the other vendors needing that many builds.
  16. clutch

    NSA Guide to Securing IIS Updated

    IIS has been around for a while, and it did come with NT4 Server (the later versions came in Option Packs). Most of the issues that have ever been brought with stability or security in IIS have been because of features that Apache admins have never even thought of seeing included with their systems (like Index Server, which I use a great deal on my Intranet at work). Personally, I don't care for Apache simply because it doesn't offer the functionality that I need. First of all, I use ASP, and that requires a 3rd party interpreter (like ChiliSoft) when you aren't using IIS. Next, I like using some of the included features of IIS (like Index Server) which are quite powerful yet easy to use and secure. I also like being able to use pass-through authentication for domain accounts to WWW/FTP resources rather than maintaining separate account structures in my domain and in the hosting application. If I was using *nix, then I would probably be all over Apache and MySQL (or PostgreSQL) for my applications.
  17. clutch


    Or you can get "Whoami.exe" from here, which is a link off of the main "Free Tools" page over here. As for me, I use %username% all the time as mentioned before.
  18. clutch

    recommendations for motherboard/cpu combo

    AMD processors are nice, and I am just waiting for the nForce and SiS chipsets to mature a bit before picking up one. I have been burned too many times both directly and indirectly by Via to fiddle around with their chipsets anymore.
  19. clutch

    Windows XP to 98

    Plus, I was under the impression that it effectively "destroys" Win9X installs when it gets installed over them.
  20. clutch

    Website failing...

    The link must have gotten chopped when you looked at it, because the one on my post worked fine for me just now. However, here is a copy of what is shown on that page (and, if I remember correctly, these instructions should be similar to what you will see in NT4 Server): Quote: Remove Unused Script Mappings IIS is preconfigured to support common file name extensions such as .asp and .shtm. When IIS receives a request for one of these file types, the call is handled by a DLL. If you do not use some of these extensions or functionality, remove the mappings. To remove unused script mappings In Windows 2000, point to the Start button, point to Programs, point to Program Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager. Right-click the Web server, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties. In the Master Properties box, click WWW Service, and then click Edit. In the WWW Service Master Properties dialog box, click the Home Directory tab, and then click Configuration. As appropriate, remove the following references: If you do not use Remove Web-based password reset .htr Internet Database Connector (all IIS Web sites should use ADO or similar technology) .idc Server-side includes .stm, .shtm, and .shtml Internet Printing .printer Index Server .ida and .idq Note: To function correctly, the Application Center user interface requires support for .asp and .js file extensions. Do not remove these mappings. You can also remove index server by going to "Add/Remove Programs" and then "Add/Remove Windows Components". Now, onto the IISLockdown tool. You can find the info and link to download that here. If you run the wizard, it will also ask you what you use your server for, and can remove those mappings for you. By running this utility, you can lock the server down and remove the filter at the same time. If you will be the admin for IIS anywhere, get to know it well. There are many resources available on technet for IIS, and some other elsewhere too. Try out this site some time, as it has some pretty good info: www.iisanswers.com Now, when you checked the logs, were you just checking the Event viewer (System, Application, etc), or the actual IIS logs. The IIS logs are normally located at C:\WINNT\system32\LogFiles and are subdivided by site. Good luck.
  21. clutch

    Uh-oh. Bill in consideration would ban home-built PC's.

    Sounds a lot like the post office trying to charge for emails. Plus, even if it was true, government representatives have tried to push through dumber things in the past and failed.
  22. clutch

    How to install Linux under Quantum Disk manager

    I just took a quick peek around, and found these listed. None of these BIOS revs will work for you? http://www.sonicblue.com/support/diamond...ntium_Pro_W6_Li
  23. clutch

    battle of the computers

    Well, what speed does your PCI bus run at a your target CPU FSB? My PCI bus runs asynchronously from my CPU FSB so it stays at 33MHz.
  24. clutch

    adding second CPU

    Not to mention that in NT4 you could always update the OS to accept the additional CPU(s), it was just a bit more complicated...
  25. clutch

    Automautic XP login how to?

    Renaming the account is a better idea than disabling it, but I always keep it in "reserve" and create another account for myself with all the admin privies I need.