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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch


    Might want to use a more informative topic in the future. If AD: Install DNS on the DC Have the DNS entry in the IP settings point to itself Have all of your clients use the DC, and ONLY the DC, for their name resolution Configure forwarders on the DC to hand off DNS resolution to your ISP's DNS boxes for domains that it is not authoritative for Also, read up on the AD documentation in the help file on proper configuration of AD and the networking environment.
  2. If you disable, you will not see a pagefile.sys file any longer on any of your harddrives. As this is the pagefile that Windows uses, that would indicate to me that you have completely disabled it. As for the old rule of 1.5xRAM for your file size, I used to follow that rule up to a pagefile of 256MB in size. Having a file any bigger than that was pointless, as it would take up way too much drive space. In addition, you wanted it *off* of the same physical drive (or at least off of the same partition) as the OS and any other drive that had a lot of I/O activity (for example, a drive used for video editing would not be a good choice). Now, with the current Windows OSs (especially Windows Server 2003) I have found the paging management and operation to be much improved over the old OSs to the point where I don't mess with it anymore. When I think to, I still cap the file to 256 (or 512 if the machine is doing image editing and the app doesn't support a separate scratch drive) just to get my drive space back.
  3. clutch

    Does SP2 make XP chugg?

    I have slipstreamed SP2 on one box, and have installed it on a few others. The slipstreamed one seems to run faster and more smoothly than the others did (and it's a slower systems than the others were). Still working on this. @cybergenx You wrote that it increased speed and load times. Did you load times actually increase, or did the load performance increase and therefore decrease your load times?
  4. It should run XP Pro fine, plus you get ClearType for your fonts on that LCD.
  5. clutch

    Doom III: How's it treating you?

    Also, the xbox runs at a lower resolution to suit the TV. Since it is using much less bandwidth to push the image, it can sustain the higher framerate. It's also much easier to make a game for a console since it isn't a "moving target", whereas the PC has different chipset, CPU, RAM, and GPU combinations that directly affect performance of a game. However, can you *really* play this game without a keyboard and mouse?
  6. clutch

    SP2 adds a line in the "boot.ini" file

    Found this: http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/info/bootini.shtml Over here: http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=194151
  7. clutch

    Doom III: How's it treating you?

    While an old article, this is what has been going around the 'net: http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2003Oct/bga20031024022368.htm
  8. Did you try a regular patch cable between them? It could be that the 3Com is automatically adjusting (doubtful). If that fails, get a different crossover cable and try again.
  9. clutch

    Weatherbug users: Version 5.0 is out...

    Please don't ask for serial numbers or cracks here.
  10. I have worked with Windows 2000 (and now 2003) since it was out, and I haven't had this issue that you describe. In addition, I have not heard of a known issue describing what you mention. One thing to consider, however, is to try another DNS server to forward to and see if that works. PM me for one if you don't have an option.
  11. clutch

    America's Army: Ops RECON

    Just wanted to say that this game is working flawlessy on my system so far, and that it's worth checking out (208MB freebie demo sponsored by US tax dollars, but what are you gonna do eh? ). http://www.americasarmy.com/
  12. clutch

    What's up with the Free MCSE class post ??

    Someone spammed regarding a class. If this person wants to post it again, he/she should post it to the "Buy, Sell or Trade" forum.
  13. I would like to see what your ir320.inf file looks like. I got mine to start installing, but it bombs out on a service portion of the file.
  14. clutch

    DNS server not working for external access?

    Just so others know, having a zone name of "." in your DNS setup makes the server believe it's authoritative for all zones. So, if you do not have a zone for a given address (such as www.microsoft.com) then it will not use forwarders or root hints, and simply return an error. This behavior, however, would be consistent. This zone would have to be added and removed to generate the seemingly time-related errors. If the server was working for about an error, and then stopped working until it was restarted, and had this as a cause that would mean that "." was added to the server after an hour. What would then happen is that all new DNS requests would be compromised (have errors returned) by the server thinking that it was authoritative. Meanwhile, it would keep fielding responses that were cached with the correct IPs until those entries' TTL expired. Once expired and a lookup has been requested, the server would return an error since it would now think it is authoritative for all domains. In order for the service to start working "properly" after a reboot or restart of DNS, the "." zone would have to be removed again.
  15. clutch

    DNS server not working for external access?

    One other thing you could try is using a different DNS box for your forwarder. Can you get any from another ISP (or any other public provider) in your area? Give this a shot before reinstalling.
  16. clutch

    DNS server not working for external access?

    OK, so when you first start the DNS service (such as when the machine first boots or you restart it) it works fine for both internal and external resolution. After a while, it stops forwarding to the outside world. Is this correct? If it does work for a while, how long is that time period? You might simply have to reinstall the DNS service, which isn't a big deal.
  17. clutch

    DNS server not working for external access?

    First, you will want to use forwarders so you were doing the right thing. Root hints are rather slow to respond, and many times bomb out. What is the configuration of your server? Do you have multiple network adapters (or multiple IPs) in it? Is the DNS server referencing itself it its NIC TCP/IP properties for DNS, and only itself (no other DNS IPs entered)? How many IPs do you have setup in the forwarders?
  18. clutch

    Still using Windows 9x? Which one?

    I have used many Linux distros, and I have lots of opinions about them. However, with the topic of support and longevity at hand I'll just comment on that. I work as a contractor for the military, and we have been working with lots of stuff from the *nix-based vendors. Right now, the most consistent thing is a short lifespan for the given product. SuSE, for instance, only supports a specific distro for two years. Apple is bragging about having a new release every year (btw, congrats to Apple for having one of the worst, most bug-ridden OSs to every grace an enterprise), while Sun is just now coming out with its own distro for Java Desktop (and not a rebadge of RedHat, but rather a rebadge-ish of SuSE with that two-year cap on it). Since it can take two years or more to upgrade all of the systems on the bases (more like 5+, as we are phasing out all of the 9x and NT client systems right now for AD) a two-year lifespan for an OS is not very helpful for us.
  19. The Domain Controller should reference itself in its primary DNS entry for its NIC. After doing this, the DC will take a while to boot because it times out on starting the NETLOGON service because DNS hasn't started yet, and it can't register its SRV records. This is normal, and not an issue as it will attempt to start NETLOGON again after DNS is started and will be fine. All of your clients should have their primary DNS IPs set to that of the DC. At no point on the clients or DC should *ANY* other DNS server IP be listed. You should only have the IPs of AD DNS servers listed to keep resolution working properly. To get outside resolution, add your ISP's DNS server IP to the forwarders tab on the DC for "All Other DNS Domains". This will permit the server to submit recursive queries on behalf of the client to find the addresses of hosts outsided of the hosted DNS zone.
  20. clutch

    File Sharing problem

    It's a security limitation on the ability to execute files within the explorer/iexplorer processes in the newer versions of Windows. The idea is to remind you that you are attempting to run an executable across a network connection, and that connection (or source) may not be trustworthy (standard response given to all attempts). I would file this as a "good idea" for the OS, although it might cause you some heartburn. This behavior will occur regardless of permissions. marktg, Check to see if you are running identical versions of IE, as there may have been a patch that initiated this behavior on one machine and not the other. Also, check to see if there are differences in security settings in your IE zones (not sure if this will address it, but it might be worth checking).
  21. clutch

    Pop Up Ads from NT Compatible

    Yeah, even with the new Google toolbar the pop-ups still keep coming. I have to use Firefox to keep from being attacked, and I don't like coming here myself anymore from work as I have to use IE. The newer pop-ups spin off some other process to let them run, and it's really f**cking annoying.
  22. clutch

    User stealing data

    Originally posted by prichardson: Quote: I work for the company that produces SofTrack and it has the ability to audit all file open and create attempts for the workstations. SofTrack is used for Metering/Auditing/Inventory software on the network. It also has some control features that you might like. Paul Richardson Integrity Software www.softwaremetering.com Normally I am not crazy about people selling their stuff in the forums (with the exception of the trade/selling area, of course) but in this case I believe it's OK. This is an application that is a possible solution for the issue at hand. If this becomes an issue in future (abused, complaints, etc) then further action will be taken at that time.
  23. clutch

    Name Resolution Issue - Any Advice

    OK, so what does work? Have you tried rebooting all of the systems after putting the new lmhosts file on the machines?
  24. clutch

    Name Resolution Issue - Any Advice

    Can you try using your LMHOSTS file? It will be located at: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam You modify it as shown in the sample. For example, you have PC1 and PC2, you would list it like: PC1 PC2 And so on for your machines. Make sure this file is on all of your machines (Windows NT and 2000 have it as c:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam while XP and later will be as above), and make sure that the files are renamed from lmhosts.sam to lmhosts (the .sam extension is for "sample", and if left behind will prevent resolution). Give this a shot, and remember to flush out the resolver cache on the respective systems after you setup the file.
  25. clutch

    make a wildcrd in hosts file? possible?

    If you setup your DNS server to be authoritative for a given zone, it will return results for any record in that zone. This behavior includes host names and subdomains for that zone. So, if you are looking for a record in somedomain.com, and your server is hosting that zone, it will state if that record is available or not. Therefore, you can setup that zone with no records in it and any system using that DNS server will never find valid hosts in it.